O-62-20 Authorizing Execution of an Annexation Agreement for 3.78 acres at 15300 127th Street for Townhomes at Reily's Meadow_Final EXHIBIT 3: TITLE SEARCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW 13 P A R C E L A1.264 ACRES665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 127 TH STREET(100.00' R.O.W.) 165.12' (REC. & MEAS.) 82.56' (REC. & MEAS.) 165.47' (REC. & MEAS.) 82.74' (REC. & M EAS.) CLPRAIRIE LANE( 60.00' R.O.W.) P R A I R I E K N O L L A S H B U R Y W O O D S U N I T 3 ASHBURY PLACE( 60.00' R.O.W.) ASHBURY PLACE( 60.00' R.O.W.) L O T 3 1 L O T 3 0 L O T 3 4 (COMMON AREA) L O T 3 8 L O T 3 7 L O T 4 1L O T 4 1L O T 4 6 615.29' (MEAS.) L O T 4 1100.0050.0060.0060.0060.0050.00100.0060.0025' BUILDING SETBACK19' SETBACKCL615.19' (REC.) CLEDGE OF WETLANDSEDGE OF WETLANDSP A R C E L B2.527 ACRESA S H B U R Y W O O D S P A R K50.00' R.O.W. HEREBY DEDICATED TO VILLAGE OF LEMONTD.J.BYDATEREVISIONS:DESCRIPTIONPER REVIEWBYDATEDESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:DJ07-10-20WDJWDJDATE:DATE:DATE:CLIENT:TITLE:SHEETTHE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY'S MEADOWDATE:SCALE:JOB NO:41OF1" = 30'000008-24-20FOR BURIED AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES:E=ELECTRIC T=TELEPHONE C=COMMUNICATIONS G=GASGAS VALVEOVERHEAD UTILITY LINEBURIED UTILITY LINEFENCEGAS METERTREESIGNPOWER POLETRAFFIC LIGHTLIGHT STANDARDSTREET LIGHTELECTRIC TRANSFORMERSURVEY CONTROL POINTELECTRIC METERPARKING SPACE COUNTCONCRETE MONUMENTCULVERTDRAINAGE FLOWCONTOURSPOT ELEVATIONHANDICAPPED RAMPFLARED END SECTIONFIRE HYDRANTBUFFALO BOXVALVE & BOXVALVE & VAULTINLETCATCHBASINSANITARY MANHOLEL E G E N D EXISTINGPROPOSEDSTORM MANHOLESTORM SEWERSANITARY SEWERWATER MAINCURB & GUTTERSCALE: 1" = 30'30030609008-24-20NORTHNLEMONT, ILLINOIS LOCATION MAPN.T.S.L E M O N T SITELOCATIONPARCEL A : THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PIN NUMBERS : 22-32-201-006 22-32-201-007PARCEL B : THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PLAT OF SURVEY / EXISTING CONDITIONS REILLY'S MEADOW (P.U.D.)THE TOWNHOMES ATFORPLAT OF SURVEY / EXISTING CONDITIONS07-10-2007-10-20INDEX TO DRAWINGS1. PLAT OF SURVEY / EXISTING CONDITIONS2. SITE PLANSTATE OF ILLINOIS)COUNTY OF DuPAGE) S.S.I, WARREN D. JOHNSON, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVESURVEYED THE ABOVE PROPERTY AND THAT THE PLAT HEREONDRAWN IS A CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF SAID SURVEY.DATED AT SANDWICH, IL. THIS 24TH DAY OF AUGUST, A.D. 2020.__________________________________________ILLINOIS REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR NO. 2971EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30, 2020ph. 630 752 8600 fax. 630 752 9556e-mail: DJA@DJAonline.netCIVIL ENGINEER & SURVEYORDAVE JOHNSON DJA1568 Holiday Drive Sandwich, IL 605483. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUBDIVISION4. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PLANPHIL CULLEN647 4TH STREETLEMONT, ILLINOIS 60439EXISTING SITE DATA :SITE : 165,135.96 S.F. / 3.791 ACRES EXISTING IMPERVIOUSFRAMED BUILDINGS (2) : 1,762.00 S.F.TOTAL EXISTING IMPERVIOUS : 1,808.00 S.F.PUMP HOUSE : 46.00 S.F.UPDATED EXHIBIT H - PLAT OF SURVEY / EXISTING CONDITIONS MAP ANNEXATION AGREEMENT EXHIBIT B Plat of Annexation P A R C E L A1.264 ACRES665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 127 TH STREET(100.00' R.O.W.) 165.12' (REC. & MEAS.) 82.56' (REC. & MEAS.) 165.47' (REC. & MEAS.) 82.74' (REC. & MEAS.) CLPRAIRIE LANE( 60.00' R.O.W.) P R A I R I E K N O L L A S H B U R Y W O O D S U N I T 3 ASHBURY PLACE( 60.00' R.O.W.) ASHBURY PLACE( 60.00' R.O.W.) L O T 3 1 L O T 3 0 L O T 3 4 (COMMON AREA) L O T 3 8 L O T 3 7 L O T 4 1L O T 4 1L O T 4 6 615.29' (MEAS.) L O T 4 1100.0050.0060.0060.0060.0050.00100.0060.0025' BUILDING SETBACK19' SETBACKCL615.19' (REC.) CLP A R C E L B2.527 ACRESH E R E B Y A N N E X E D T O V I L L I A G E O F L E M O N T SUBJECT BOUNDARY LINEL E G E N D EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINESTREET CENTERLINEPROPERTY LINESUBMITTED BY: RETURN TO: THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT418 MAIN STREETLEMONT, ILLINOIS 60439THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT418 MAIN STREETLEMONT, ILLINOIS 60439S I T E D A T A :TOTAL SITE AREA (PARCEL A & B) : 3.791 ACRES PIN NUMBERS : 22-32-201-006 & 22-32-201-007EXISTING VILLAGE OF LEMONTCORPORATE LIMITSBASIS OF BEARING : THE BASIS OF BEARING IS THE ILLINOIS STATE PLANE SYSTEM - EAST ZONE VILLAGE CORPORATE LIMITS(TYP.)50.00' R.O.W. HEREBY DEDICATED TO VILLAGE OF LEMONTD.J.BYDATEREVISIONS:DESCRIPTIONPER REVIEWBYDATEDESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:e-mail: DJA@DJAonline.netDJ07-06-20WDJWDJDATE:DATE:DATE:ph. 630 752 8600 fax. 630 752 95561568 Holiday Drive Sandwich, IL 60548DAVE JOHNSON DJACIVIL ENGINEER & SURVEYORCLIENT:TITLE:SHEETTHE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY'S MEADOWDATE:SCALE:JOB NO:11OF1" = 30'000008-24-20SCALE: 1" = 30'300306090NORTHNLEMONT, ILLINOIS PARCEL A : THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL B : THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PLAT OF ANNEXATIONPHIL CULLENPLAT OF ANNEXATIONTHE VILLAGE OF LEMONT, ILLINOISTORESERVED FOR THE COOK COUNTY RECORDER07-06-2007-06-2008-24-20OWNER'S CERTIFICATESTATE OF ILLINOIS ) )COUNTY OF COOK )SSI, _________________________, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE CAPTION TO THE PLAT HEREONDRAWN AND AS SUCH OWNER CONSENT TO THE ANNEXATION GRANTED BY THIS DOCUMENTDATED THIS _____ DAY OF ______________________, A.D., 20____.OWNER: ____________________________________NAMEOWNER'S NOTARY CERTIFICATESTATE OF ILLINOIS ) )COUNTY OF COOK )SSI, _________________________, A NOTARY PUBLIC IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY, IN THE STATE AFORESAID, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ___________________________, THE _____________________, OWNER OF ____________________, PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME TO BE THE SAME PERSONS WHOSE NAMES ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE FOREGOING THIS _____ DAY OF ______________________, A.D., 20____.INSTRUMENT AS OWNERS, AS SUCH ________________________(TITLE), APPERAREDBEFORE ME THIS DAY IN PERSON AND ACKNOWLEDGED THAT THEY SIGNED THE SAIDINSTRUMENT AS THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT, AND AS THE FREE AND VOLUNTARYACT OF SAID_________________, FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN SET FORTH.GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND NOTORIAL SEAL:BY: ______________________________________NOTARY PUBLICPRESIDENT AND VILLAGE CERTIFICATESTATE OF ILLINOIS ) )COUNTY OF COOK )SSAPPROVED AND ACCEPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD IF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT, COOK, WILL AND DUPAGE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS AT A MEETING HELD:THIS _____ DAY OF ______________________, A.D., 20____.BY: ______________________________________PRESIDENTATTEST: ______________________________________VILLAGE CLERKSURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATESTATE OF ILLINOIS ) )COUNTY OF COOK )SSTHIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I, WARREN D. JOHNSON, AN ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR,DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE PLAT HEREON DRAWN IS A CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE FOREGOING CAPTION. FURTHERMORE, I DESIGNATE JEFFERY STEIN, A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT,TO ACT AS MY AGENT FOR PURPOSES OF RECORDING THIS DOCUMENT.DATED AT SANDWICH, ILLINOIS, THIS 24TH DAY OF AUGUST, A.D., 2020.ILLINOIS LAND SURVEYOR No. 2971MY CURRENT LICENSE EXPIRES 11/30/2020WARREN D. JOHNSON UPDATED EXHIBIT 4 - PLAT OF ANNEXATION ANNEXATION AGREEMENT EXHIBIT C Preliminary Plat of Subdivision 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 127 TH STREET(100.00' R.O.W.) 165.12' (REC. & MEAS.) 82.56' (REC. & MEAS.) 248.21' (REC. & MEAS.) CLPRAIRIE LANE( 60.00' R.O.W.) P R A I R I E K N O L L A S H B U R Y W O O D S U N I T 3 ASHBURY PLACE( 60.00' R.O.W.) ASHBURY PLACE( 60.00' R.O.W.) L O T 3 1 L O T 3 0 L O T 3 4 (COMMON AREA) L O T 3 8 L O T 3 7 L O T 4 1L O T 4 1L O T 4 6 L O T 4 1100.0060.0060.0060.0050.00100.0060.0025' BUILDING SETBACK19' SETBACKCL AREACUL-DE-SAC615.19' (REC.) 25' BUILDING SETBACKCL60' RADIUSPROPOSED STORMWATER DETENTION (OPEN SPACE)O U T L O T "A" 60.0010' UTILITY EASEMENTO U T L O T "A" EASEMENT3' x 8' SIGNSUBJECT BOUNDARY LINEL E G E N D PROPOSED LOT / R.O.W. LINEEASEMENT LINEEXISTING PROPERTY LINESETBACK LINELOT 7LOT 8LOT 9LOT 1030' BUILDING SETBACK10' UTILITY EASEMENTLOT 6LOT 5LOT 4LOT 3LOT 2LOT 110' UTILITY EASEMENT10' UTILITY EASEMENT10' BUILDING SETBACK10' UTILITY EASEMENT25' BUILDING SETBACK10' UTILITY EASEMENT10' BUILDING SETBACK10' BUILDING SETBACK10' UTILITY EASEMENT10' UTILITY EASEMENT30' BUILDING SETBACK25' BUILDING SETBACK15' BUILDING SETBACK15' BUILDING SETBACK25' BUILDING SETBACK15' BUILDING SETBACK15' BUILDING SETBACKR60.0084.00'119.05'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'129.00'119.12'185.09'185.09'41.55'128.69'10' UTILITY EASEMENT17.29'10.0'248.17''O U T L O T "A" 119.05'119.05'119.05'119.05'119.05'119.05'119.05'10,000.20 S.F.84.00'10.0'0.229 ACRES10,000.20 S.F.0.229 ACRES10,000.20 S.F.0.229 ACRES10,000.20 S.F.0.229 ACRES10,000.20 S.F.0.229 ACRES10,000.20 S.F.0.229 ACRES10,000.20 S.F.0.229 ACRES9.80'22,034.32 S.F.0.505 ACRES11,506.88 S.F.0.264 ACRES17,892.82 S.F.0.410 ACRES16,552.52 S.F.0.379 ACRES10.0'50.00'50.00'243.92'30' REAR BLDG. SETBACKLOT10' SIDEYARD BLDG. SETBACK84.00'84.00'119.05'119.05'TYP.TYPICAL BUILDING SETBACK & EASEMENT DETAIL - LOTS 1 THROUGH 725' FRONT BLDG. SETBACK10' SIDEYARD BLDG. SETBACK25.00L=200.03'60.14'L=83.06'129.50'60.00'181.87'RAD.=60.00'RAD.=60.00'A S H B U R Y W O O D S P A R KSCALE: 1"=30'LOT LINE (TYP.)10' UTILITY EASEMENT10' UTILITY EASEMENT5' UTILITY EASEMENT 10' UTILITY EASEMENT 25.0050.00' R.O.W. HEREBY DEDICATED TO VILLAGE OF LEMONTD.J.BYDATEREVISIONS:DESCRIPTIONPER REVIEWBYDATEDESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:e-mail: DJA@DJAonline.netDJ07-10-20WDJWDJDATE:DATE:DATE:ph. 630 752 8600 fax. 630 752 95561568 Holiday Drive Sandwich, IL 60548DAVE JOHNSON DJACIVIL ENGINEER & SURVEYORCLIENT:TITLE:SHEETTHE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY'S MEADOWDATE:SCALE:JOB NO:43OF1" = 30'000008-24-20SCALE: 1" = 30'300306090NORTHNLEMONT, ILLINOIS PARCEL A : THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL B : THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUBDIVISIONPRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUBDIVISIONRESERVED FOR THE COOK COUNTY RECORDER07-10-2007-10-2008-24-20 REILLY'S MEADOW (P.U.D.)THE TOWNHOMES ATSITE DATA :SITE : 165,135.96 S.F. / 3.791 ACRES LOTS 1 THRU 7 : 70,001.40 LOT 8 : 16,552.52 S.F.LOT 9 : 17,892.82 S.F.LOT 10 : 22,034.32 S.F.OUTLOT A : 11,506.88 S.F.PHIL CULLEN647 4TH STREETLEMONT, ILLINOIS 60439UPDATED EXHIBIT I - SITE PLAN AND PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUBDIVISION ANNEXATION AGREEMENT EXHIBIT D Site Plan 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 127 TH STREET(100.00' R.O.W.) 165.12' (REC. & MEAS.) 82.56' (REC. & MEAS.) 248.21' (REC. & MEAS.) CLPRAIRIE LANE( 60.00' R.O.W.) P R A I R I E K N O L L A S H B U R Y W O O D S U N I T 3 ASHBURY PLACE( 60.00' R.O.W.) ASHBURY PLACE( 60.00' R.O.W.) L O T 3 1 L O T 3 0 L O T 3 4 (COMMON AREA) L O T 3 8 L O T 3 7 L O T 4 1L O T 4 1L O T 4 6 L O T 4 1100.0060.0060.0060.0050.00100.0060.0025' BUILDING SETBACK19' SETBACKCL AREA615.19' (REC.) CLPROPOSED STORMWATER DETENTION (OPEN SPACE)O U T L O T "A" 60.00O U T L O T "A" EASEMENT3' x 8' SIGNLOT 1084.00'119.05'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'84.00'129.00'119.12'185.09'185.09'41.55'128.69'17.29'10.0'248.17''O U T L O T "A" 119.05'119.05'119.05'119.05'119.05'119.05'119.05'84.00'10.0'9.80'10.0'50.00'50.00'243.92'L=200.03'60.14'L=83.06'129.50'60.00'181.87'RAD.=60.00'RAD.=60.00'A S H B U R Y W O O D S P A R KTOWNHOME #72-UNITS3,916 S.F.TOWNHOME #62-UNITS3,916 S.F.TOWNHOME #52-UNITS3,916 S.F.TOWNHOME #42-UNITS3,916 S.F.TOWNHOME #32-UNITS3,916 S.F.TOWNHOME #22-UNITS3,916 S.F.TOWNHOME #12-UNITS3,916 S.F.TOWNHOME #83-UNITS64' x 96'5,874 S.F.TOWNHOME #93-UNITS64' x 96'5,874 S.F.5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALKGUARDRAIL(TYP.)GARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEDRIVEGARAGE5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALKL.P.CURB &GUTTERCUL-DE-SACBITUMINOUS PVMT.CONCRETEPATIO (TYP.)CONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.DRIVECONC.L O T 7 L O T 6 L O T 5 L O T 4 L O T 2 L O T 1L O T 3 L O T 9 L O T 8 CONCRETESIDEWALK (TYP.)11,506.88 S.F.30' REAR BLDG. SETBACKTOWNHOME10' SIDEYARD BLDG. SETBACK84.00'84.00'119.05'119.05'TYP.TYPICAL BUILDING SETBACK DETAIL - LOTS 1 THROUGH 725' FRONT BLDG. SETBACK10' SIDEYARD BLDG. SETBACKSCALE: 1"=30'LOT LINE (TYP.)64.00'9.00'9.00'46.00'54.05'54.05'10.00'10.00'50.00' R.O.W. HEREBY DEDICATED TO VILLAGE OF LEMONTD.J.BYDATEREVISIONS:DESCRIPTIONPER REVIEWBYDATEDESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:e-mail: DJA@DJAonline.netDJ07-10-20WDJWDJDATE:DATE:DATE:ph. 630 752 8600 fax. 630 752 95561568 Holiday Drive Sandwich, IL 60548DAVE JOHNSON DJACIVIL ENGINEER & SURVEYORCLIENT:TITLE:SHEETTHE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY'S MEADOWDATE:SCALE:JOB NO:42OF1" = 30'000008-24-20SCALE: 1" = 30'300306090NORTHNLEMONT, ILLINOIS PARCEL A : THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PARCEL B : THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUBDIVISIONSITE PLANRESERVED FOR THE COOK COUNTY RECORDER07-10-2007-10-2008-24-20 REILLY'S MEADOW (P.U.D.)THE TOWNHOMES ATPAVEMENT LEGEND:CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED SITE DATA :SITE : 165,135.96 S.F. / 3.791 ACRES PROPOSED IMPERVIOUSBITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TOWN HOMES : 39,160.00 S.F.CONC. DRIVES & SIDEWALK : 11,645.00 S.F.CONCRETE PATIO'S : 2,880.00 S.F.BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT : 7, 950.00 S.F.TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS : 61,635.00 S.F.PHIL CULLEN647 4TH STREETLEMONT, ILLINOIS 60439UPDATED EXHIBIT I - SITE PLAN AND PRELIMINARY PLAT OF SUBDIVISION ANNEXATION AGREEMENT EXHIBIT E Preliminary Engineering Plan 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 127 TH STREET(100.00' R.O.W.) CLPRAIRIE LANE( 60.00' R.O.W.) P R A I R I E K N O L L A S H B U R Y W O O D S U N I T 3 ASHBURY PLACE( 60.00' R.O.W.) ASHBURY PLACE( 60.00' R.O.W.) L O T 3 1 L O T 3 0 L O T 3 4 (COMMON AREA) L O T 3 8 L O T 3 7 L O T 4 1L O T 4 1L O T 4 6 L O T 4 1100.0050.0060.0060.0060.0050.00100.0060.0025' BUILDING SETBACK19' SETBACKCL AREAREQUIRED DETENTION PONDCUL-DE-SAC20.0020.0020.0020.0020.0020.0020.0025.0025.0027.2945.0045.00615.19' (REC.) 25' BUILDING SETBACKCL30.0030.00DRIVEDRIVE60' RADIUS35.00AREA = 20,740 S.F. +/-F.H.F.E.S.SAN. M.H.STORMINLETSTORMINLETOFF-SITEDRAINAGEOFF-SITE TO BYPASSSTORM SEWER FLOW8" SANITARY SEWER8" SANITARY SEWER8" SANITARY SEWER8" WATERMAIN V.V.RESTRICTORM.H. RIM=739.25PROPOSED STORMWATER DETENTION DETENTION AREASTORM SEWER OUTLETF.E.S.R60.0012" STORM SEWER (TYP.)PARKWAYTREES (TYP.)ALL EXIST. BUILDINGSTRUCTURES TO BE REMOVED(TYP.)TOWNHOME #72-UNITS3,916 S.F.T./F.= 742.50TOWNHOME #6T./F.= 741.752-UNITS3,916 S.F.TOWNHOME #52-UNITS3,916 S.F.T./F.= 741.00TOWNHOME #42-UNITS3,916 S.F.T./F.= 740.50TOWNHOME #32-UNITS3,916 S.F.T./F.= 739.75TOWNHOME #22-UNITS3,916 S.F.T./F.= 739.50TOWNHOME #12-UNITS3,916 S.F.T./F.= 739.50TOWNHOMEFOUNDATIONT./F.= 742.0064.00'54.05'TOWNHOME #83-UNITS64' x 96'5,874 S.F.T./F.= 742.009.00'TOWNHOME #93-UNITS64' x 96'5,874 S.F.T./F.= 741.50740.8084.00' (LOT LINE)84.00' (LOT LINE)119.05' (LOT LINE)119.05' (LOT LINE)54.05'10.00'9.00'10.00'739.25GARAGEGARAGE46.00'5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALKL.P.GUARDRAIL(TYP.)INLETSTORM740.08739.58739.00738.50741.90741.25740.25740.05738.60738.40737.75736.803.00%RELOCATED F.H. &STREET LIGHT2.50%F./F.=740.003.50%739.25GARAGE736.60736.20736.10GARAGEF./F.=742.00742.00GARAGE741.25738.75F./F.=741.25739.25738.75740.50740.50GARAGEF./F.=740.503.12%3.50%GARAGE740.00740.00GARAGEF./F.=739.25739.004.60%3.75%F./F.=739.00DRIVE738.75738.755.85%GARAGEF./F.=739.00738.50738.507.25%738738738739.50739.00739.25739.90739.40G./F.= 741.00741.00740.10739.25740.004.60%G./F.= 741.503.75%DRIVE741.00741.50STORMINLET740.75741.25741.25739.70740.50740.50740.50STEPSTEPSTEP738.50741.50741.50STEPSTEP741.75739.00741.50741.50741.50739.25H.P.739.25740.00738.75740.50740.50739.75741.25741.25739.25739.00739.00740.25739.00740.25739.00STORMINLET739.50740.10740.25738.75STORMINLET737.00738.75738.75738.75738.00738.00739.00738.25737.75741.25741.00740.00741.10739.00739.75H.P.739.00739.20739.50INLET739.75739.50740.00H.P.741.00741.00740.30740.00740.50H.P.H.P.STORMINLETSTORM739.25STORM739.10INLET738.90741.20740.55739740CURB739.67738.30739739737.35736.90739739739740741.00741.00741.00739.70739.40740740740741.50739.90739.80739.40740740740741741741740741740740REMOVE EXISTINGF.E.S. AND CONNECT15" STORM SEWER741.25H.P.741741.25742.10742741739.50740741740.00739.50CURBINLET738.50742.00 +/-INLET739.05CURBINLET739.05STORMINLET738.75 739.85REMOVE TURN-AROUNDAND CONTINUE ASHBURYEASTERLY 739739739738738737737737738738738739738.50738739737.55737.25738.10738738.25H.P.733733733733733.004:14:14:14:1733.00740.5012' x 12' CONC.(TYP.)16'DRIVE16'DRIVE4' CONC.SIDEWALK(TYP.)PARKWAYTREES (TYP.)DRIVEDRIVEDRIVEDRIVEDRIVEDRIVEDRIVEDRIVEDRIVEDRIVEDRIVEDRIVESAN. M.H.741.75SAN. M.H.738.80741.50741.50739.70739.25STORMM.H.REMOVE PORTION OFEXISTING CURB TO ALLOW FOR PROPOSED DRIVEWAY10' P.U.E.10' P.U.E.SAN. M.H.736.50741740738(OPEN SPACE)O U T L O T "A" F.E.S.733.0030.0060.00737.2573810' EASEMENTEDGE OF WETLANDS10' EASEMENT10' EASEMENT736.1110' EASEMENTPROPOSED11,506.88' S.F. 738.00B/C736.20736.854:1OVERFLOWROUTE @ 1.00%H.W.L.=737.50738.50737.65OVERFLOW @737.50DEPRESSED CURB ELEV.=736.20 F.E.S.733.00738738 8" WATERMAIN5' SIDEWALK5' SIDEWALK741L.P.PARK BENCHESW/ LIGHTR48.00R250.00R152.00O U T L O T "A" CONC. SIDEWALKEND OF PROPOSED GUTTER FOR HAMMERNEW CONC. CURB & HEADCURB & GUTTERREMOVE EXISTINGEASEMENT3' x 8' SIGNEDGE OF WETLANDSA S H B U R Y W O O D S P A R K165.12' 248.21' (REC. & MEAS.) (REC. & MEAS.) INLETSTORMINLETSTORM15" STORM SEWERFOR BYPASS FLOWCONNECT TO EXISTING INLET100 YR. OVERFLOWROUTE FROM ASHBURY(TYP.)(IF REQUIRED BY MWRD)18.00'18.00'741.20741.10740.50740.4050.00' R.O.W. HEREBY DEDICATED TO VILLAGE OF LEMONTAREA EASEMENT12' x 18' SITTING6' WIDETURF STONEPROPOSEDCONNECT PROPOSEDW.M. TO EXISTINGD.J.BYDATEREVISIONS:DESCRIPTIONPER REVIEWBYDATEDESCRIPTIONDRAWN BY:CHECKED BY:APPROVED BY:DJ07-10-20WDJWDJDATE:DATE:DATE:CLIENT:TITLE:SHEETTHE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY'S MEADOWDATE:SCALE:JOB NO:44OF1" = 30'000008-24-20FOR BURIED AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES:E=ELECTRIC T=TELEPHONE C=COMMUNICATIONS G=GASGAS VALVEOVERHEAD UTILITY LINEBURIED UTILITY LINEFENCEGAS METERTREESIGNPOWER POLETRAFFIC LIGHTLIGHT STANDARDSTREET LIGHTELECTRIC TRANSFORMERSURVEY CONTROL POINTELECTRIC METERPARKING SPACE COUNTCONCRETE MONUMENTCULVERTDRAINAGE FLOWCONTOURSPOT ELEVATIONHANDICAPPED RAMPFLARED END SECTIONFIRE HYDRANTBUFFALO BOXVALVE & BOXVALVE & VAULTINLETCATCHBASINSANITARY MANHOLEL E G E N D EXISTINGPROPOSEDSTORM MANHOLESTORM SEWERSANITARY SEWERWATER MAINCURB & GUTTERSCALE: 1" = 30'30030609008-24-20NORTHNLEMONT, ILLINOIS PARCEL A : THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PIN NUMBERS : 22-32-201-006 22-32-201-007PARCEL B : THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN,IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PLAN REILLY'S MEADOW (P.U.D.)THE TOWNHOMES ATFORPRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PLAN (P.U.D.)FOUNDATION FOOTPRINT DETAILSCALE: 1" = 30'L E G E N D OUTLOT "A" - OPEN SPACE11,506.88 S.F. N O T E :ALL DOWNSPOUTS TO BE CONNECTEDTO REILLY'S MEADOW STORM SEWER.07-10-2007-10-20ph. 630 752 8600 fax. 630 752 9556e-mail: DJA@DJAonline.netCIVIL ENGINEER & SURVEYORDAVE JOHNSON DJA1568 Holiday Drive Sandwich, IL 60548PHIL CULLEN647 4TH STREETLEMONT, ILLINOIS 60439UPDATED EXHIBIT J - PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING PLAN ANNEXATION AGREEMENT EXHIBIT F Landscape Plan CS-1COVERSHEETSHEETREVISIONSc Copyright 2020 all rights reserved. The design and any and all ideas contained herein are the sole property of Metz & Company. Any reproduction of the design or the concept embodied herein in any form, in whole or in part, without consent from Metz & Company is prohibited. PROJECT NO.:DATE:SCALE:20-125TITLESEAL: If this plan is not 24'' x 36" in size, then it is a reproduction that may not be to scale REILLY'S MEADOWLEMONT, ILLINOISMETZ & COMPANYMETZ & COMPANYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/SITE PLANNING826 East Maple StreetLombard, Illinois 60148PH: 630.561.3903Email: metz_landarch@comcast.net1 Client Review07-13-20202 Village Review Comments08-27-20205KVG.QECVKQP/CR.CPFUECRG#TEJKVGEV/GV\ %QORCP['/CRNG5VTGGV.QODCTF+..#0&5%#2'2.#0(14'PIKPGGT&,#%KXKN'PIKPGGT 5WTXG[QT5QWVJ*CNG5V9JGCVQP+.4'+..;ž5/'#&1957$&+8+5+10.GOQPV+.SHEETDESCRIPTIONCS-1COVER SHEETL-1LANDSCAPE PLAN & NOTESL-2LANDSCAPE PLAN & DETAILSL-3STORMWATER MANAGEMENT LANDSCAPE PLANL-4NATIVE AREA MAINTENANCE PROGRAMSHEET INDEXKnow what'sbelow.Callbefore you dig.SITELOCATIONUPDATED EXHIBIT L - LANDSCAPE PLAN 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 665.29' (REC. & MEAS.) 127 TH STREET(100.00' R.O.W.) 165.12' (REC. & MEAS.) 82.56' (REC. & MEAS.) 165.47' (REC. & MEAS.) 82.74' (REC. & M EAS.) CLPRAIRIE LANE( 60.00' R.O.W.) A S H B U R Y W O O D S U N I T 3 ASHBURY PLACEASHBURY PLACE( 60.00' R.O.W.) L O T 3 1 L O T 3 8 L O T 3 7 L O T 4 1L O T 4 1L O T 4 6 L O T 4 1100.0060.0025' BUILDING SETBACKCL AREA615.19' (REC.) CLF.H.8" SANITARY SEWER8" SANITARY SEWER8" SANITARY SEWER8" WATERMAIN V.V.PROPOSED STORMWATER DETENTION 12" STORM SEWER (TYP.)TOWNHOME #72-UNITSTOWNHOME #62-UNITSTOWNHOME #52-UNITSTOWNHOME #42-UNITSTOWNHOME #32-UNITSTOWNHOME #22-UNITSTOWNHOME #12-UNITSTOWNHOME #83-UNITSTOWNHOME #93-UNITSL.P.RELOCATED F.H. &STREET LIGHT10' EASEMENT10' EASEMENT10' EASEMENT10' EASEMENTH.W.L.=737.508" WATERMAINL.P.W O O D S P A R K5 -VLM5 -PP3 -PA3 -SMP2 -VBM1 -BN1 -QB1 -QB5 -CR3 -CC1 -TSB1 -QB1 -PGD3 -PGD13 -PVR(24"o.c.)22 -PVR(24"o.c.)7 -CCI(OverheadUtilities)1 -AFJ4" - 8" Wisconsin granitecobblestone dry set in sand(typ.)2 -CO2 -GTS1 -AMM1 -AFJ3 -CO3 -GSKSEEPROTOTYPICALFOUNDATIONPLAN (Sheet L-2)SEEPROTOTYPICALFOUNDATIONPLAN (Sheet L-2)SEEPROTOTYPICALFOUNDATIONPLAN (Sheet L-2)SEEPROTOTYPICALFOUNDATIONPLAN (Sheet L-2)SEEPROTOTYPICALFOUNDATIONPLAN (Sheet L-2)6' BENCHS&BS&BS&BS&BS&BS&BS&BS&BS&BS&BS&BS&BS&BS&BS&B4 -EENG(24"o.c.)2 -REK9 -NBW(12"o.c.)9 -NBW(12"o.c.)MONUMENT SIGN2 -TT2 -MRJ1 -MRJ7 -EPS(12"o.c.)7 -EPS(12"o.c.)2 -VP5 -CR1 -QB1 -QB9 -VLM3 -PFA5 -PFA3 -PA1 -TSB1 -PGD1 -TSB3 -PFA1 -AFJ3.0" - DECIDUOUS CANOPY TREE2.5" - DECIDUOUS CANOPY TREE2.0" or 6' - ORNAMENTAL TREE8' - EVERGREEN TREES24"/#5 - LARGE DECIDUOUS SHRUBS18"/#3 - SMALL DECIDUOUS SHRUBS18"/#5 - EVERGREEN SHRUBS#1 - ORNAMENTAL GRASSES#1 - PERENNIALSWET/MESIC PRAIRIESEED MIXMESIC SEED MIXLOW PROFILE PRAIRIESEED MIXTRANSITION SEED MIXBUFFALO GRASSTURF GRASS SODTURF GRASS SEED& STRAW BLANKETLEGENDS&BL-1LANDSCAPEPLANNORTH0'15'30'60'127th STREET = 248.21 L.F.248 divided by 100 = 2.5; 2.5 x 3 = 7.5 plant unitsPlant Units Provided = 7.5 Canopy Tree - 7.5 x 0.5 = 3.75 or 4 trees Evergreen Tree - 7.5 x 1.0 = 7.5 or 8 trees Understory Tree - 7.5 x 1.5 =11.25 or 12 trees Shrubs/Ornamental Grasses - 7.5 x 6 = 45 shrub/ornamental grassesINTERIOR RIGHT-OF-WAY = 958 L.F.958 divided by 40 = 23.9 or 24 parkway treesParkway Trees Provided = 24 Canopy Trees = 14 Evergreen Trees = 3COMMON OPEN SPACE - 20 Units20 x 0.25 = 5 plant unitsPlants Provided Canopy Tree - 4 trees Evergreen Tree - 14 trees Understory Tree - 4 trees Shrubs - 29 shrubsSHEETREVISIONSc Copyright 2020 all rights reserved. The design and any and all ideas contained herein are the sole property of Metz & Company. Any reproduction of the design or the concept embodied herein in any form, in whole or in part, without consent from Metz & Company is prohibited. PROJECT NO.:DATE:SCALE:20-125TITLESEAL: If this plan is not 24'' x 36" in size, then it is a reproduction that may not be to scale REILLY'S MEADOWLEMONT, ILLINOISMETZ & COMPANYMETZ & COMPANYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/SITE PLANNING826 East Maple StreetLombard, Illinois 60148PH: 630.561.3903Email: metz_landarch@comcast.net1 Client Review07-13-20202 Village Review Comments08-27-2020GENERAL NOTES:Plant material shall be nursery grown and be either balled and bur-lapped or container grown. Sizesand spreads on plant list represent minimum requirements.The requirements for measurement, branching and ball size shall conform to the latest addition of ANSIZ60.1, AMERICAN STANDARD OF NURSERY STOCK by the American Nursery & LandscapeAssociation.Any materials with damaged or crooked/disfigured leaders, bark abrasion, sunscald, insect damage, etc.are not acceptable and will be rejected. Trees with multiple leaders will be rejected unless called for inthe plant list as multi-stem or clump (cl.).If any mistakes, omissions, or discrepancies are found to exist with the work product, the LandscapeArchitect shall be promptly notified so that they have the opportunity to take any steps necessary toresolve the issue. Failure to promptly notify the Landscape Architect and the Owner of such conditionsshall absolve them from any responsibility for the consequences of such failure.Quantity lists are supplied as a convenience. However, Bidders and the Installing Contractor shouldverify all quantities. The drawings shall take precedence over the lists. Any discrepancies shall bereported to the Landscape Architect.Actions taken without the knowledge and consist of the Owner and the Landscape Architect or incontradiction to the Owner and the Landscape Architect's work product or recommendations, shallbecome the responsibility not of the Owner and the Landscape Architect, but for the parties responsiblefor the taking of such action.Civil Engineering or Architectural base information has been provided by others. The location of varioussite improvements on this set of drawings is only illustrative and should not be relied upon forconstruction purposes.Refer to Civil Engineering documents for detailed information regarding size, location, depth and type ofutilities, as well as locations of other site improvements, other than landscape improvements,Plant symbols illustrated on this plan are a graphic representation of proposed plant material types andare intended to provide for visual clarity. However, the symbols do not necessarily represent actualplant spread at the time of installation.All plant species specified are subject to availability. Material shortages in the landscape industry mayrequire substitutions. All substitutions must be approved by the Village, Landscape Architect and Owner.Contractor shall verify location of all underground utilities prior to digging. For location outside the City ofChicago call "J.U.L.I.E." (Joint Utility Location for Excavators) 1-800-892-0123.All perennial, ornamental grass, groundcover and annual beds shall be top dressed with a minimum ofthree inches (3") of mushroom compost. The top dressing shall be worked into the soil to a minimumdepth of nine inches (9") by the use of a cultivating mechanism. Upon completion perennials &ornamental grasses shall be mulched with an additional two inch (2") layer of shredded wood mulch;Annuals & groundcovers shall be covered with an additional two inch (2") layer of mushroom compost.All other planting beds and tree saucers shall be mulched with a minimum of three inches (3") ofshredded wood mulch.Planting beds adjacent to building shall be mulched in their entirety to the building foundation. Plantmaterials shall not be installed under building overhangs and other such areas which do not receivenatural rainfall.All bed lines and tree saucers shall require a hand spaded edge between lawn and mulched areas.Grading shall provide slopes which are smooth and continuous. Positive drainage shall be provided inall areas.Sod shall be mineral base only.Turf grass seed mixes shall be applied mechanically so that the seed is incorporated into the topone-half inch (1/2") of the seed bed. The seed shall then be covered with the specified blanket (installedper manufacturer's. specs) or Hydro-mulch.All plant material shall be guaranteed for one (1) year from the date of acceptance.All turf areas shall have a minimum of 4" of topsoil re-spread prior to sodding and/or seeding activities.In addition to the 4" of topsoil all parkways shall be sodded.Contractor shall provide an As-Built Landscape Plan to the Developer upon completion of alllandscaping. The Developer shall provide a copy to the Village of Lemont Planning Departmen t fortheir records.PARKWAY TREES SHALL NOT BE PLANTED WITHIN 15 ' OF ANY TRAFFIC SIGN; 12' FROM ASTREET LIGHT; 10' OF A FIRE HYDRANT; OR 8' OF A DRIVEWAY. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKEFIELD ADJUSTMENTS AS NEEDED DURING INSTALLATION.LANDSCAPE CALCULATIONSLANDSCAPING NOTE:All landscaping material and requirements shall adhere to theVillage of LemontΖs Unifield Development Code Αϭϳ.Ϯ0. Particularlythe “Installation section” referencing “only trees dug with the rootball from the nursery growing location will beacceptable, etc.” Αϭϳ.ϮϬ.040 Q. GARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGEGARAGE5' SIDEWALK1 -MSF1 -VBM3 -HB4 -JHH7 -NWL(18"o.c.)5 -EENG(24"o.c.)2 -SSC8 -ECS(12"o.c.)2 -SSC2 -SSC5 -EENG(24"o.c.)1 -SMP3 -HB4 -JHH7 -NWL(18"o.c.)8 -ECS(12"o.c.)4 -HGB & 4 -HSW(Mixed, 18"o.c.)1 -SMP1 -SMP1o -BG(24"o.c.)9 -PBP(18"o.c.)*1 -HVS**1 -VC*5 -SPL**5 -REK9 -CVM(12"o.c.)5 -NJW(24"o.c.)4 -HGB & 4 -HSW(Mixed, 18"o.c.)1 -EAC*5 -BG**5 -EENG*5 -BG**5 -EENG1 -VBM*3 -DKR**3 -HB*1 -MRJ**1 -MRS*4 -JDF**4 -JHH*2 -SSC**2 -SH*2 -SSC**2 -SH3 -NJW(24"o.c.)3 -PBP(18"o.c.)*BUILDINGS 1,3,5 & 7**BUILDINGS 2,4,& 6KEY:BUILDINGS 8 & 9KEY:4 -PLL(18"o.c.)8 -ESR(12"o.c.)1 -MRS4" - 8" Wisconsin granitecobblestone dry set in sand(typ.)5 -RGL(42"o.c.)L-2LANDSCAPEPLAN & NOTES0'10'20'40'SHEETREVISIONSc Copyright 2020 all rights reserved. The design and any and all ideas contained herein are the sole property of Metz & Company. Any reproduction of the design or the concept embodied herein in any form, in whole or in part, without consent from Metz & Company is prohibited. PROJECT NO.:DATE:SCALE:20-125TITLESEAL: If this plan is not 24'' x 36" in size, then it is a reproduction that may not be to scale REILLY'S MEADOWLEMONT, ILLINOISMETZ & COMPANYMETZ & COMPANYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/SITE PLANNING826 East Maple StreetLombard, Illinois 60148PH: 630.561.3903Email: metz_landarch@comcast.net1 Client Review07-13-20202 Village Review Comments08-27-2020PROTO-TYPICAL FOUNDATION LANDSCAPE PLAN1" = 20'-0"VINES, GROUNDCOVERS & ANNUALS)(PERENNIALS, ORNAMENTAL GRASSESCONTAINER PLANTS TO PROMOTEEXTERIOR ROOTS ON ROOT-BOUNDSLICE, CUT, OR SEPARATEROOT GROWTH.DISTRIBUTOR FOR PRECISE DEPTHS.OTHER PLANTING DEPTHS. CONSULT BULBCERTAIN BULBS/PERENNIALS MAY REQUIREBED PLANTING DETAILSEE SPECIFIC SPACINGDIMENSION ON DRAWINGSNTSGROUNDCOVER & PERENNIAL BEDS &APPLY 18-6-12 OSMOCOTE (270 DAY)TIMED RELEASED FERTILIZER TOTIME RELEASED FERTILIZER TORECOMMENDATIONS.ANNUAL BEDS PER MFRS.14-14-14 OSMOCOTE (120 DAY)DEPTH OF 9". DO NOT COMPACTUNNECESSARILY AFTER PLANTINGROTOTILLED INTO SOIL TO A MIN.MIN. OF 3" MUSHROOM COMPOSTSHALL BE TOPDRESSED WITH 2"OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCHPERENNIALS & ORN. GRASSES SHALL BE TOPDRESSED WITH 2"GROUNDCOVERS & ANNUALSOF MUSHROOM COMPOSTEXISTING SUBGRADESPACINGALL BED PLANTINGSSHALL BE INSTALLEDWITH TRIANGULAR9"-12"PLANTING SOIL:FINISHED GRADEFINISHED GRADEEXISTING SUBGRADESHRUBSNTS6"PREPARED BACKFILLPEAT OR COMPOST.OF 75% SOIL & 25%3" OF SHREDDEDHARDWOOD MULCHSHALL BE REMOVED. TREATEDUNTREATED BURLAP NEED NOTBE REMOVED, HOWEVER ALLAROUND THE ROOTBALLBE REMOVED OR ROLLED DOWNBURLAP & PLASTIC WRAP SHALLTWINE AROUND THE TRUNKBelson Outdoors (or equivalent)800-323-5664Model # RB6WB; Surface MountedDECIDUOUS TREE2 TIMES BALL WIDTHDRAINAGE MATERIAL WHENWETNESS OR DRAINAGE PROBLEMS ENCOUNTEREDDRAINAGE TUBING AND/0RNTS2-PLY 1/2"REINFORCED HOSEFROM TRUNKKEEP MULCH AWAYAROUND PLANTING PITFORM MULCH SAUCERHARDWOOD MULCH3" OF SHREDDEDOF 75% SOIL & 25%PEAT OR COMPOST.PREPARED BACKFILL45ƒ OR LESS3 METAL STAKES @ 8'#12 GAUGE STEEL WIREUNTREATED BURLAP NEED NOTBE REMOVED, HOWEVER ALLTWINE AROUND THE TRUNKSHALL BE REMOVED. TREATEDBURLAP & PLASTIC WRAP SHALLBE REMOVED OR ROLLED DOWNAROUND THE ROOTBALL. IF WIRENOTE: STAKING OF DECIDUOUSTREES NOT REQUIRED UNLESSPROTECTED W/ TREE WRAP.SECURE WRAP W/ TWINE @TOP & REMOVE THE NEXTDO NOT STAKE INTOTRUNK OF TREE SHALL BETREE WILL NOT REMAIN PLUMB.SPRINGROOTBALLBE REMOVED PRIOR TO PLANTINGFORM MULCH SAUCERAROUND PLANTING PIT3" OF SHREDDEDHARDWOOD MULCH3/16" STEEL AIRCRAFTCABLEKEEP MULCH AWAYFROM TRUNKPREPARED BACKFILLPEAT OR COMPOST.BE REMOVED OR ROLLED DOWNBURLAP & PLASTIC WRAP SHALLSHALL BE REMOVED. TREATEDTWINE AROUND THE TRUNKBE REMOVED, HOWEVER ALL45ƒ OR LESSOF 75% SOIL & 25%UNTREATED BURLAP NEED NOTNTSTO MAINTAIN WIRE TAUTNESSNEW 2-PLY 1/2" REINFORCEDRUBBER HOSE, 1/4" CABLECLAMP & 1/4" TURNBUCKLES30" STEEL SCREW EARTH ANCHORS2 TIMES BALL WIDTHEVERGREEN TREEAROUND THE ROOTBALL. IF WIREBASKETS ARE PRESENT THEY MUSTBE REMOVED PRIOR TO PLANTINGPROJECT MONUMENT1" = 1'-0"6' RECYCLED PLASTIC PARK BENCH H.W.L.25 yr. STORMMESIC PRAIRIESEED MIX4' WIDETRANSITION SEED MIXMESIC/WET PRAIRIESEED MIXVARIESBUFFALO GRASS(MIN. 3')NOTE:EROSION CONTROL BLANKET SHALL BEINSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEMANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDELINES.VERIFY STORM EVENT ELEVATIONS WITH THECIVIL ENGINEER TO DETERMINE SEED MIXTRANSITION ZONES PRIOR TO SEEDING.NATIVE GRASS SEED MIX ZONE6' WIDELOW PROFILE PRAIRIE SEED MIXL-3STORMWATERMANAGEMENTSHEETREVISIONSc Copyright 2020 all rights reserved. The design and any and all ideas contained herein are the sole property of Metz & Company. Any reproduction of the design or the concept embodied herein in any form, in whole or in part, without consent from Metz & Company is prohibited. PROJECT NO.:DATE:SCALE:20-125TITLESEAL: If this plan is not 24'' x 36" in size, then it is a reproduction that may not be to scale REILLY'S MEADOWLEMONT, ILLINOISMETZ & COMPANYMETZ & COMPANYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/SITE PLANNING826 East Maple StreetLombard, Illinois 60148PH: 630.561.3903Email: metz_landarch@comcast.net1 Client Review07-13-20202 Village Review Comments08-27-2020SECTION - DETENTION BASINN.T.S.LANDSCAPING L-4NATIVE AREAMAINTENANCESHEETREVISIONSc Copyright 2020 all rights reserved. The design and any and all ideas contained herein are the sole property of Metz & Company. Any reproduction of the design or the concept embodied herein in any form, in whole or in part, without consent from Metz & Company is prohibited. PROJECT NO.:DATE:SCALE:20-125TITLESEAL: If this plan is not 24'' x 36" in size, then it is a reproduction that may not be to scale REILLY'S MEADOWLEMONT, ILLINOISMETZ & COMPANYMETZ & COMPANYLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE/SITE PLANNING826 East Maple StreetLombard, Illinois 60148PH: 630.561.3903Email: metz_landarch@comcast.net1 Client Review07-13-20202 Village Review Comments08-27-2020PROGRAMPERFORMANCE CRITERIAA.At no time throughout management activities shall aggressive native species, non-native, nor invasive/exoticspecies be allowed to become established, grow, thrive and reproduce on the site.B.Within three (3) months of seed installation, the total vegetation cover in all areas seeded with cover crop shallbe greater or equal than seventy-five percent (75%) as measured by general visual assessment. If seed installation iscompleted in the fall, this standard shall be met by June 1st of the following year.C.Goals for the end of the first growing season:1.Twenty-five percent (25%) of the native species installed via seed shall be alive and apparent.2.None of the dominant species within the seeded areas shall be invasive/exotic species.3.No less than eighty percent (80%} of any live native herbaceous plant material installed shall be alive and invigorous condition. If less than eighty percent (80%} of any live native herbaceous plant material installedsurvive the first full growing season, the plants shall be replaced so that the eighty percent (80%} criteria isachieved.D.Goal for the end of the second growing season, in addition to fulfilling the above:1.Fifty percent (50%} of the native species installed via seed shall be alive and apparent.2.Native cover within the seeded area(s) shall be at least fifty percent (50%}, but shall not be dominated withaggressive native species including, but not limited to Ragweed (Artemesia spp.), Horsetail(Erigeron canadensis), Foxtail (Alopecurus spp. & Setaria spp.), Cottonwood (Populus deltoids }, BoxElder (Acer negundo), Sandbar Willow (Salix interior), Cattails (Typha spp.), Barnyard Grass(Echinochloa crusgalli), etc.E.By the end of the third growing season, in addition to fulfilling the above:1.For each planting zone seventy-five (75%) of the native species installed via seed shall be alive an apparent.None of the dominate species within the planting zone(s) shall be a non-native or invasive/exotic species.Native cover within the planting area(s) shall be at least eighty percent (80%), but not be dominated withaggressive native species including, but not limited to Ragweed (Artemesia spp.), Horsetail (Erigeroncanadensis), Foxtail (Alopecurus spp. & Setaria spp.), Cottonwood (Populus deltoids }, Box Elder(Acer negundo), Sandbar Willow (Salix interior), Cattails (Typha spp.), Barnyard Grass (Echinochloacrusgalli), etc.2.For the emergent plant community a minimum sixty percent (60%) aerial coverage by installed plant species.3.There shall be no area(s) greater than 0.25 m2 that are devoid of vegetation.4.There shall be no rills or gullies throughout the project area.5.The following Floristic Quality Index (FQI) standards shall be achieved:a.Based on the results of the meander survey, the goal is to have the Native Mean C-value increase eachsuccessive year after planting.b.Based on the meander survey, the goal is to have the Native FQI increase each successive year.c.By the end of the third growing season, each planting zone shall achieve or exceed the following values.LONG-TERM MANAGEMENT FOR NATURALIZED LANDSCAPESGENERALThe Contractor shall provide a copy of the Long-Term Operation, Task Schedule and Maintenance Plan to the Owner, FacilitiesManager or Home Owners Association for continued maintenance of the native planting areas.Prohibited ActivitiesThis section outlines various activities restricted or prohibited within areas of naturalized landscaping except as needed to achieveand maintain a naturalized landscape consistent with the approved plan as directed by a natural landscape maintenancespecialist:•dumping of yard waste or debris•replacement of approved vegetation with non-approved materials•construction or placement of structures•application of pesticides, fertilizer, or herbicides•mowing other than for meeting specific management goals•commercial, industrial, agricultural, residential developments, buildings, or structures, including but not limited to signs,billboards, other advertising material, or other structures•removal or destruction of trees or plants, mowing, draining, plowing, mining, removal of topsoil, sand, rock, gravel,minerals or other material•operation of snowmobiles, dune buggies, motorcycles, all_terrain vehicles or any other types of motorized vehicles.Homeowners Association/Business Owners AssociationThe homeoZners association or business oZners association (³Association´) shall be the part\ responsible for compliance Ziththis Plan, the Association shall include language in its governing documents authorizing the collection of fees for the naturalizedlandscape maintenance and outline the process for corrective action(s) to be taken, if necessary.Amendments to Covenants and RestrictionsAny amendment to covenants or restrictions pertaining to the Subject Property must be submitted to the Village for approval if theamendment(s) alters the site beyond the original condition.Amendments to Management ActionsPotential issues and management requirements are likely to change over time. Owner may have additional responsibilities whichmay include, but are not limited to, access restriction enforcement (e.g. fly dumping, fishing, recreational vehicles) and wildlifemanagement (e.g., including control of carp, muskrats, and geese). Owner and Village will evaluate the need for othermanagement actions when performing other maintenance visits and inspections.Long-Term Management TasksLong-term maintenance of naturalized landscapes involves significantly less effort and cost than for landscapes vegetated withtraditional turf grass. Routine maintenance activities for naturalized landscapes include debris management, structuralinspections, vegetation maintenance, and pest species management. Non-routine maintenance and management actions areperformed as site-specific conditions warrant and include sediment/pollutant removal, structure replacement, and replanting.Debris and Litter ManagementOwner shall remove debris and litter (e.g., paper, plastic, metal, concrete, grass clippings, brush, etc.) every other month between1 March to 31 October and dispose of it at an appropriate off-site trash receptacle.Structural ManagementOwner will inspect water control structures quarterly and within 24 hours of each major rainstorm (>1 inch rainfall). Inspections willinclude an evaluation on the stability of the outlet, embankments, and inlets. Observations will be made on the presence andextent of erosion, lack of vegetation, or other problems such as soil cracking, the outlet/inlet structure degradation, sink holes, orwet areas on the slopes. An engineer will perform or participate in these inspections.Capture of sediment and pollutants eventually results in a decrease in pool volume and/or water quality in a stormwater facility andsediments need to be removed. Because each facility is different, there are no set time frame's for sediment/pollutant removal.The need for sediment removal is expected when the pool volume is reduced by 15 to 20 percent of the design volume.Vegetation ManagementLong-term management actions emphasize regular prescribed burning, accompanied by periodic herbicide treatment, mowing, ora combination of these practices. Accurate plant identification is essential. The type of vegetation management will be based onrecommendations from a native landscape restoration specialist.1.Prescribed Burning: If possible, established naturalized landscapes should be burned every two to three years or asdirected by a landscape restoration specialist/ecologist. Large areas can be divided into management sections and burnedon a rotational basis, with only a portion burned each year and the entire area burned over a three-year period. The timingof the burn should be determined based on weather conditions and management goals as recommended by the landscaperestoration specialist/ecologist.A permit must be obtained from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency prior to conducting a prescribed burn.The burn should occur between mid-October and April as weather and site conditions permit. Burning should only beconducted by a qualified burn contractor experienced in grassland fire control and only upon receipt of a permit fromthe Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. Prior to conducting a prescribed burn, Owner must provide notice to theVillage and local authorities. If prescribed burning is not practical, Owner will mow in late fall or very early spring tosubstitute for burning. The burn-replacement mow will be done at a height of two inches, with cut material bagged foroff-site disposal.2.Weed Management: Aggressive plants can overtake naturalized landscapes in the absence of managementinterYention. The ³Zorst offenders´ t\picall\ include purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), cattails (Typha spp.), bushhoneysuckles (Lonicera spp.), buckthorn (Rhamnus spp.), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), black locust (Robiniapseudoacacia), teasel (Dipsacus spp.), garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata), wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa), thistles (Cirsiumand Carduus spp.), common reed (Phragmites australis), and reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea).Owner will perform mechanical, chemical, or biological control of these and other aggressive weeds as directed by thenative landscape restoration specialist.Mechanical Control -- Mechanical control of nuisance plant species typically includes mowing and/or the diggingup individual plants by hand.The timing and height of the mow depends on the species being controlled but typically is between 12 to 18inches high. Owner will use a rotary or flail mower to chop the cut material into fine pieces that will not smothernative plantsHand pulling or digging of these species and woody undesirables can provide control if there are fewer than 100plants.Chemical Control -- Owner will limit use of preventative herbicides to selected problem areas with a dominanceof plant species that do not respond well to prescribed burning and/or mechanical control measures.Herbicide application must be performed by a licensed professional applicator in strict compliance with allwarning labels and applicable codes, standards and best management practices.Herbicides will be applied selectively (e.g., wick application rather than spraying).Biological Control -- Special attention will also be given to purple loosestrife control, should it occur on the site.Where the plant is abundant, biological control can prove a cost-effective means of management. Through thismethod, host-specific insects are released to feed on the roots or leaves of purple loosestrife.3.Supplemental Planting/Revegetation: Remedial actions may be needed as site conditions warrant. Such actions mayinclude spot reseeding. Installation of supplemental plugs and/or seed using species in the approved mix (or if approved bythe Village, with modifications) must be performed if any of the following circumstances exist: 1) more than half of the areaof emergent plantings does not establish or persist; 2) the slope has any area greater than 0.25 square-meter in size devoidof vegetation; 3) the shoreline has any area more than five feet in length devoid of vegetation; or 4) any area (regardless ofsize) is actively eroding.Except for the cover crop, Owner will use the same native seed mixes as originally installed. With Village approval, thenative landscape management specialist may modify the type and quantity of seeds based on site-specific conditions.Owner will use a cover crop when seeding bare areas, with seed oats comprising the primary cover crop species.Pesticide and Fungicide UsePesticides will not be used broadly or routinely. Instead, Owner will use pesticides at specific and localized problem areas.Owner will exercise particular care in the areas near or directly tributary to surface waters. Owner will follow standardapplication procedures and precautions. Insecticides and fungicides are generally unnecessary. If public perception or theidentification of a specific mosquito problem warrants the use of insect controls, Owner will consider biological measures.This could include stocking a wet basin with fish that feed on mosquito larvae and/or the use of BTI (Bacillus thuringiensisisraelensis) to selectively kill mosquito larvae. Habitat structures also could be installed to encourage the nesting andfeeding of purple martins, bats, or other insectivorous wildlife.Fertilizer UseFor ecological reasons, turf management chemicals will not be used on naturalized plantings except as directed by a nativelandscape restoration specialist.Other Management ActionsWhen properly installed and established, naturalized landscapes typically require less management and maintenance thanconventional landscapes. However, naturalized landscapes are not maintenance free. Therefore, a budget for long-termmanagement activities should be established to protect the investment that has been made in the naturalized areas.THREE-YEAR MANAGEMENT PERIOD ACTIVITIESGeneral InformationA.Stewardship shall begin immediately after planting and continue for three {3) growing seasons or until FinalAcceptance by the Village Ecologist.B.The Applicant shall keep a log of all restoration activities performed during contract period, installation throughstewardship, and shall submit it to the Village Ecologist on a monthly basis.C.Chemicals used will have the lowest environmental impact for the task at hand. Organic or cultural practices willbe used whenever practical.Native Plantings MowingA.All mowing shall be conducted in accordance with all applicable codes and by personnel with appropriate trainingin safety and in the use of the machinery being utilized.B.Mowing is a key aspect in achieving positive results. Mowing must be conducted by the Contractor on aconsistent basis and must respond to seasonal weather. Vegetation shall be high-mown as follows:1.First Growing Season: Native plantings shall be kept under twelve (12) inches. The Contractor shall budgetfor a minimum of five (5) mowings.2.Second Growing Season: Native planting areas shall be spot mown targeting non-native/weedy species. Ifnon-native/weedy species are dominant, native planting areas shall be kept mown at under eighteen (18)inches. The Contractor shall budget for a minimum of three (3) mowings.3.Third Growing Season: Native planting areas shall be spot mown targeting non-native/weedy species. Ifnon-native/weedy species are dominant, native planting areas shall be kept mown at under eighteeninches (18´). If permitted, the Contractor shall conduct a prescribed burn in the natiYe planting areas duringthe third growing season. The Contractor shall obtain all the required burn permits from the IllinoisEnvironmental Agency, City or Village, and local fire protection district and prepare all necessary documentsrequired for the permit including a Burn Plan. The Contractor shall have highly trained, certified andexperienced burn crews working on a prescribed fire. The National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG)standards shall be followed for a prescribed fire.C.Mowing shall commence during late May/early June and subsequently four weeks apart or any time a largenumber of weed species begin to flower. Mowing shall be timed in a manner that prevents viable seed frombeing produced on site. Some species are able to develop viable seed when they are cut late in the floweringperiod.D.Mowing shall be conducted with a conventional rotary mower, sickle type mower, or a flail type mower. To reducethatch, at no time shall more than si[ inches (6´) of Yegetation be cut in a pass. Contractor shall ensure that cutmaterials are not allowed to drop seed or smother desired vegetation.E.On slopes that are too steep to mow, around structures (trees, fencing, buildings, etc.), and in areas that are toowet to mow, mowing shall be conducted with the use of a hand-held brush cutter or weed-whacker only. Damagecaused to landscape material or other structures shall be repaired/replaced by the Contractor.Herbicide ApplicationsA.Spot Herbicide Applications1.Small scattered populations or individual specimens of undesirable species shall be controlled with spotherbicide applications. Large-scale colonization shall not be allowed.a.Backpack Spray Treatments- Applicant shall utilize a 3-5 gallon backpack style sprayer, such as Solo,SP3, Field King, or acceptable substitution.b.Hand-wicking - In areas of high quality native vegetation where desirable species are directly adjacentto targeted plants or where the growth habit of the target plant makes it impossible to avoid off-targetdamage, the appropriate herbicide shall be selectively hand wiped onto the target plant utilizing asponge-wicking applicator or a saturated cloth gloveB.Broadcast Herbicide Applications1.On larger sites where a broad-scale application is needed because large colonies of the target specieshave become established, broadcast applications by large tank-equipped spray-gun, all-terrain vehicle (ATV)or tractor may be utilized to treat undesirable species. The following methods are appropriate:a.Broad-Spectrum Herbicide Broadcast Application - This method uses a large tank-equipped spray-gunand/or an ATV or tractor equipped with a boom- spra\er to appl\ large amounts of glyphosate, whichwill result in complete kill of all vegetation.b.Selective Herbicide Broadcast Application -This method utilizes a large tank-equipped spray-gun and/oran ATV or tractor equipped with a boom sprayer to apply large amounts of a selective herbicide, suchas Ornamec, resulting in a complete kill of only those targeted species (in this case, grasses)c.A "large colony of target species" shall be defined as a target plant population whose aerial coverage issuch that a broad-spectrum chemical can be broadcast while inflicting little damage to adjacent nativevegetation.C.Herbicide Application Timing1.Herbicide applications must be conducted by the Applicant on a consistent basis and must respond toseasonal weather and to the life cycle of each target species. Based upon the known life cycle of the mostcommon non-native species that appear during restoration and the appropriate timeframe to conduct initialherbicide applications and follow-up applications, it is recommended that the Applicant budget for a minimumof seven (7) herbicide applications each growing seasonHand WeedingA.In the event that herbicide applications cannot, or should not, be performed due to by hand.1.Species targeted for complete hand weeding shall include removal of all plant parts from the soil,including the above ground growth and all roots or rhizomes present in the ground.2.Species targeted for partial hand weeding shall include removal of plant reproductive parts (i.e. seedheads). Partial hand weeding shall be conducted in conjunction with, or shall be followed up with herbicideapplications.3.Removed vegetative materials shall be discarded off- or left on-site in a manner that will not allowregeneration or seed set of the removed species. Some species such as garlic mustard may set seed evenafter being removed from the ground while flowering. These species must be removed from the site.Transportation of removed vegetative materials shall meet Department of Agriculture standards/requirements.4.Hand weeding shall never result in excessive soil disturbance.5.If hand weeding is necessary, it shall at a minimum be conducted in the same intervals as is required forherbicide application timing.Treatment of Woody SpeciesA.The Contractor shall conduct woody species herbicide treatments to all re-sprouts, re-growth, or other remaininglive plants of all non-native or aggressive native woody species throughout stewardship operations untilperformance criteria have been achieved.B.Woody species treatment methods during the growing season may be a foliar application using an appropriateherbicide, such as Garlon 3a. Damage to surrounding vegetation due to re-sprout treatments shall be repairedby the Applicant.C.Woody species herbicide treatments during the dormant season may be applied with cut-stem and/or basal barkapplication using an appropriate herbicide, such as Garlon 4e. Damage to surrounding vegetation due tore-sprout treatments shall be repaired by the Contractor.1.Hand Cutting/Cut-Stump Treatment: Chain saws, brush clearing saws, handsaws, and loppers may be used.Upon written approval by the Village Ecologist, small walk behind mower-type brush cutters may be usedprovided that their use does not result in rutting or pitting of the soil while in operation.a.Cut woody target species shall be treated with an herbicide mixture. After cutting down the targetspecies apply herbicide, such as Garlon 4e in a 20-30% (or as stated on the product label) solution inbasal oil, to the stump. Lonicera spp. shall be treated with Roundup in a 25-50% solution, to the stump.Treat the cut area around the edge with herbicide so the cambium layer will take up the activeingredient. Herbicide shall be applied immediately after cutting.2.Basal Bark: Involves herbicide application directly to the trunk of the woody target species that are one inch orless at the base. Herbicide shall be applied directly to the tree trunk, around the entire circumference, at sixinches (6") above the soil until thoroughly wet near the ground plane, but not to the point of runoff. Applicationshall occur during dormancy, except when snow or water prevents spraying to the ground plane. Optimalresults are achieved when applications are made to young stems which have not developed thick bark.D.Wherever possible herbicide applications shall be accomplished by utilizing wick or sponge-typeE.All cuttings longer than two feet (2') in length or larger than one inch (1") in diameter shall be removed from theproject site or burned on site in accordance with this document. Smaller cuttings and debris from shredding orchipping may be left on site to decompose or to be consumed by prescribed fire (if applicable). Cuttings anddebris shall not be allowed to accumulate to a depth that will smother existing desirable native species,prevent existing desirable native species from emerging, or prevent appropriate seed-to-soil contact in newlyseeded areas (approximately one-half inch maximum depth).FORMAL ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA.A.At least five (5) days prior to the desired date if inspection, the Contractor shall submit a written request forinspection to the Village Ecologist.B.Final acceptance: The work shall be considered 100% complete after the year three performance criteria havebeen satisfied and approval has been given in writing by the Director of Planning and Economic Development.MONITORING AND REPORTINGA.All native planting areas shall be monitored for a three-year period to ensure successful establishment of theplantings. The primary objective of the monitoring program is to track the success of the planted species overthe 3-year period of regularly scheduled monitoring sessions. The monitoring documents changes in plantcommunity composition and reveals the need for management changes to improve floristic quality. Specificgoals of the monitoring are to determine the vegetative species present, the percent covered by vegetation, andto identify hydrological and erosion problems.B.Perform at least one (1) qualitative monitoring visit within the native planting areas. Monitoring may occuranytime during the months of May - September. Meander survey method will be utilized to gather data requiredfor reporting to the project stakeholders. Data gathered during monitoring activities shall include:1.Total native and non-native/weedy vegetation coverage throughout each planting zone. Coverage estimatesshall be made by ocular assessment.2.Plant inventories for the entire site and each planting zone, if required. This data will be used to completemean coefficients of the conservatism values, FQI, and mean wetness values.3.If planted, Plug survival rates (by ocular assessment)4.Tree, Shrub and Vine survival rates.5.Representative site photographs.C.Perform at least one (1) quantitative monitoring visit within the native planting areas. Monitoring may occuranytime during the months of May - September. Permanent straight line transect and quadrant survey methodswill be utilized to gather data required for determining final success criteria. Data gathered during monitoringactivities shall include:1. Vegetative data from a series of quadrants located along permanent straight line transects resulting in 30 ormore quadrants per each planting zone or a maximum of 20% of the area planting zone. Data collected shallbe used to validate or dispute visual assessments of vegetative coverage and assessments of vegetativedominance, coverage and distribution. This level of sampling and replication should be enough to overcomeany uncontrollable environmental variation.2. Qualitative monitoring shall be utilized to assess plug survival rates. Due to the variation in planting scheme,the specification of standard assessment methodology is difficult. Therefore, the Applicant shall outlay theirproposed methodology for assessing plug survivorship in the plan submittal for review and approval by theVillage Ecologist.D. One (1) annual monitoring report shall be submitted in duplicate to the Village Ecologist by February 15thfollowing each monitoring year. The annual monitoring report shall contain the following information:1. Introductiona. Site history leading up to the current project, including construction and management to date.b. Site description, including a street address (if applicable) County, Section, Township and Range.c. A site location map.d. Permit numbers and department/county of issue (if applicable).2. Vegetation Monitoringa. Methodsi. Summarize the methods used for vegetation monitoring, including the survey dates.b. Resultsi. Summarize the results of the vegetation monitoring.c.Provide Data Summaries, including:i.Floristic Quality Assessment Data for the Baseline Meander Survey (if available.)ii Baseline Meander Survey (if available)iii. Floristic Quality Assessment Data for the Meander & Transect Survey: o Native Mean Coefficient of Conservatism Value (Native Mean C Value) o Native Floristic Quality Index (Native FQI)o Relative Importance Value of all plant species (RIVn)o A comparison table that lists previous years' data (if available) with current year's data as bothcompare with performance criteria.3. Discussiona. Discuss the work performed as part of ongoing stewardship during the previous calendar year (ifapplicable).b. Compare the current year's data with data from the previous years (if available).c.Compare current year's results against the performance criteria.d.Describe any deficiencies in the stewardship activities to date that are hindering the site's ability to meetthe performance criteria and propose detailed corrective actions.e. Discuss in detail the stewardship activities that are recommended in the upcoming year.f. Conclusion4.Exhibitsa. Copies of any applicable permits.b. Original site plan, including topography, planting zones, tree locations, etc.c. Adapted site plan showing areas of deficiency, areas of erosion, etc.d. Original species lists installede. Floristic Quality Assessment data tablesIf native planting areas fail to meet the terms of the performance criteria, the Applicant should develop and submit aremedial action plan that takes into consideration the site goals and specific deficiencies. The contractor willimplement the approved remedial action plan and submit a report that describes the remedial action taken. Finalacceptance is not granted until all planting areas meet performance criteria or meet the stated intent of the projectto the satisfaction of the Planning and Economic Development Director. Even after formal acceptance, naturalareas need to be maintained in perpetuity.GENERAL NOTES: NATIVE PLANTINGSAll proposed naturalized detention ponds will "comply with the Village ofLemont UDO Appendix F the Native Planting Guidelines and be finalized atthe time of Final PUD"All native seed and plugs shall comply with Section 2.00 of the Native PlantingGuidelines.Installing Contractor shall meet the minimum qualifications as stated withinSection 2.00 of the Native Planting Guidelines.Soil preparation, native seed and plug installation shall comply with Section3.00 of the Native Planting Guidelines.Following installation the installing Contractor conduct routine ecologicalmanagement activities during the three-year management and monitoringperiod in the naturalized planting areas as shown on the landscape plan toassist the Contractor in meeting required performance standards.All management and monitoring activities shall comply with Section 4.00 of theNative Planting Guidelines.Native area performance criteria and monitoring shall adhere to Section 5.00of the Native Planting Guidelines.Prior to planting the emergent aquatic plugs the Planting Contractor shallreceive written confirmation from the General Contractor that all stormwaterrisers, restrictors, etc. have been removed from the basins so that waterelevations do not become artificially elevated after planting. EXHIBIT P-5: MAILBOX DETAIL ON EXISTING PRAIRIE LANE (TOWNHOMES #1 - #7) Brand: Florence Vital Series or Equivalent Color: Black ON FUTURE ASHBURY PL. CUL-DEC-SAC (#8 & #9) Brand: Florence Vital Series or Equivalent Color: Black ANNEXATION AGREEMENT EXHIBIT G Building Elevations EXHIBIT N: BUILDING ELEVATIONS – DUPLEX FRONT THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW Prepared on 7/6/2020 THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW97 EXHIBIT N: BUILDING ELEVATIONS – DUPLEX SIDE THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW Prepared on 7/6/2020 THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW98 EXHIBIT N: BUILDING ELEVATIONS – DUPLEX REAR THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW Prepared on 7/6/2020 THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW99 EXHIBIT N: BUILDING ELEVATIONS – TRIPEX FRONT THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW Prepared on 7/6/2020 THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW100 EXHIBIT N: BUILDING ELEVATIONS – TRIPEX SIDE THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW Prepared on 7/6/2020 THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW101 EXHIBIT N: BUILDING ELEVATIONS – TRIPEX REAR THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW Prepared on 7/6/2020 THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW102 EXHIBIT N: BUILDING ELEVATIONS – EXTERIOR MATERIAL EXAMPLES SIDING MATERIAL Brand: LPâ SmartSideâ Siding or Equivalent Primary Color: Sand Secondary Color: River Rock BRICK MATERIAL Brand: Meridian™ or Equivalent Color: Swan Creek THE TOWNHOMES AT REILLY’S MEADOW103