O-64-09 09/14/2009VII.I.AGE ®P I,ElVI®1~T ® INr~NCE ~° ° T ~C~ AN ® INANCE ATvIEgqIy'~1ppDIN77G~rCIII~P'I'E127@170.12p~®p~Fq'yI'7I3EE'I.~E+7I~Iy~y,~N'I' 1VIt7NICIP.4I. C®DE: TlAi!®l.1 CB, ST®P A1VD ®1\L' V7~1 ~i Rf~,L' TS 10.12.056 ALIT-dVA~' ST®P II~TEI2SECTI®1VS AD®PTED B~' TiIE PI~SIDEIVT AI+~D B®r~IID ®F T1~IJSTEES ®F' TI4E VIL.I.AGE ~F I~ElYI®NT This 14th day of September , 2009 Published in pamphlet form by authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lemont, Counties of Cook, Will, and DuPage, Illinois this 14th day of September , 2009 C)RDINANCE N®a~- ° r~ ~' ~ INANCE AMENDING CI-IAP'I'EI210.12 ®F 'TIDE LEIVI®~T' IVILTNICI~AL C~IIE TIIR®LTGII ST®P AND ®NE-~VA~' STREET'S RE IT ~I2DAINED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lemont that the Lemont Municipal Code Chapter 10.12 be amended as follows: SECTI®N 10 10.120056 Al1a~Vay Stop Intersections-I)esi~nated> It is unlawful to operate any vehicle in violation of the following posted stop signs: Division Street ~ Divisi®n Curt ~riarcliffe Drive and `Vinds®r C®urt SECTI®N 2: Effective Date; This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in the manner provided bylaw. SECTI®N 3: I2epealer< All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith shall be and the same are hereby repealed. The Village Clerk of the Village of Lemont shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published in pamphlet form. PASSED AND APPROVED RY TIIE PRESIDENT AND R®AI2D ®E TRUSTEES ®F TITE VILLAGE ®I~' LEli'I®NT, CGUNTIES GE C®®I~, WILL, AND DIT PAGE, ILLIN®IS, on this 14th day of September , 2009. AYES .NAYS PASSED ABSENT Debby Blatzer Paul Chialdikas Clifford Miklos Rick Sniegowski Ronald Stapleton Jeanette Virgilio BRIAN I~. REAVES, Villag~ Presiden~~'`- A CHARLEh1E SM LLEN, Village Clerk