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O-11-12 Ord Amending the Budget for Fiscal Year 11-12
VILLAGE OF MONT ORDINANCE NO. — — AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 11 -12 FOR THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT THIS 21 DAY OF ruarJ, 2012 Published in pamphlet form by Authority of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lemont, Counties of Cook, Will and DuPage, Illinois, this a1 day of Fe,brwiry, 2012. ORDINANCE NO.0_ JZ---/a-- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 11 -12 FOR THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT WHEREAS, the Village of Lemont County of Cook, DuPage, Will County State of Illinois has heretofore adopted a budget for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2012 passed by the Board of Trustee„ a certified copy of said Budget and a Certificate of Estimate of Revenues having been filed in the Office of the County Clerks; and, WHEREAS, circumstances have arisen during the fiscal year by which said Village wishes to amend said budget filed with the County Clerk according to the general ledger numbers and amounts listed in attachment A; and WHEREAS, said Village has additional revenue and/or designated fund balances that will be and is hereby allocated for said budget amendments as listed in attachment A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT and BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT, COOK, DUPAGE AND WILL COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, THAT BUDGET FILED WITH COUNTY CLERK BE AMENDED ACCORDING TO CHANGES LISTED IN ATTACHMENT A. SECTION 1: That the Village Clerk of the Village of Lemont be and is directed hereby to publish this Ordinance in pamphlet form, pursuant to the Statutes of the State of Illinois, made and provided. SECTION 2: Should any Section or provision of this Ordinance be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part declared to be invalid_ SECTION 3: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as provided by law. (Remainder of this Page intentionally blank) PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT, COUNTIES OF COOK, WILL, AND DUPAGE, ILLINOIS, on this 2.1 day of Februarl , 2012. PRESIDENT AND VILLAGE BOARD MEMBERS: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN Debby Blatzer +v Paul Chialdikas V Clifford Miklos Ron Stapleton Rick Sniegowski Jeanette Virgilio ATTEST: CHARLENE M. SMOLLEN Village Clerk 2 K. REAVES President 10 -00 -40005 10 -00 -41050 10 -00 -41100 10 -00 -41150 10 -00 -41200 10 -00 -41250 10 -00 -41300 10 -00 -41350 10 -00 -41400 10 -00 -41450 10 -00 -41500 10 -00 -41900 10 -00 -42100 10 -00 -42200 10 -00 -43100 10 -00 -43200 10 -00 -43500 10 -00 -43600 10 -00 -44050 10 -00 -44055 10 -00 -44060 10 -00 -44100 10 -00 -44150 10 -00 -44250 10 -00 -44300 10 -00 -44350 10 -00 -44400 10 -00 -44450 10 -00 -44500 10 -00 -44550 10 -00 -45100 10 -00 -45105 10 -00 -45110 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2Q11 -201 FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendmen . FY 11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference Difference General Fund Revenues Reallocated PIY Funds $0 Real Estate Taxes Corporate $892,943 $892,943 ■Iiimi11 $1,131,772 Imo± i MJII Garbage 5,500 5,500 11111mjJ 2,750 11■E1'Iliil Street & Bridge 190,000 190,000 mnimili 157,500 MIIIIIKEILCIE Police Protection 180,000 180,000 MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMII 180,000 X11 Street Lighting 100,000 100,000 IIIMIIIIMIWII 82,500 UVA.II1'I Civil Defense 10,000 10,000 111 8,750 IMMiEil -M1 Audit 32,000 32,000 111112 28,500 IIIIIIMI Liability Insurance 155,000 155,000 1/111111111LLJI 108,125 MIN( 'd4 1-j) Workers Compensation 65,000 65,000 IMMIMMEi 89,375 Crossing Guards 25,000 25,000 ■imst1 16,250 1:51414 Police Pension 510,000 510 000 1=1111111.151j 500 000 I ] Total Real Estate Taxes ,.k .irk � .,. n I Franchise Revenues Telephone Franchise $0 $0 IIIIIIIMIIIIM11 50 X11 Cable TV Franchise 225,000 235,000 EMMILLMJ 240,000 MMELMJI Total Franchise Revenues ell .,I'. I 1 1 rj ro i't i . ■ t i State Shared Revenues Sales Tax $1,700,000 $1,700,000 mommij1 $1,690,000 8MMEE ' 1] Income Tax 1,168,000 1,250,000 1=1/11E2M1 1,253,000 Use Tax 211,200 230,000 MEMULM,1 238,000 IMIIIIIIIMIMJI Personal Prop Repl Tax 33,700 30,000 , ' ' 30,000 Total State Shared Revenues $3,112,900 $3,210,000 97,100 $3,211,000 $1,000 Licenses & Permits Building Permits $400,000 $325,000 INNINKE 111141 $295,000 1■1E i$nIQ] Engineering Permit Fees 30,000 30,000 MIIMIIIMMj] 30,000 IMMIIIMINEj] Site Development Fees 0 0 EINIELJI 10,000 IIIMMEILM1111 Contractor Licenses 60,000 60,000 IIMMILL 60,000 IIMEMIIIMA Vehicle Licenses 500,000 500,000 1■11MILL,111 475,000 11.1.11[E3'41t4QiI] Business Licenses 22,500 22,500 11111111Mj1 15,000 11111111111111111111101 Liquor Licenses 35,000 35,000 IILL 35,000 EIIIIE11 Amusement Licenses 0 0 X11 2,000 MMIIIIIIIiMI Scavenger Licenses 10,000 10,000 MillilliMEME11 7,000 11[E14TQQ9] Cigarette & Misc Licenses 1,500 1,500 MIIIIIIMMIL) 1,500 MIMMIIIIIILLA Animal Licenses 0 0 IMMIIIIMML,11 0 ■MIIIIELj.j Health Insp Fees 13,000 13,000 ' 13,000 Total Licenses & Permits $1,072,000 $097,000 $75000 $943,500 $53,500 Fines Fines $175,000 5 $195,000 IEMMUAILAI $215,000 1111111MiLMJ Towing Fees 85,000 65,000 11 ' ] 70,000 MilIMELMII Bonding Fees 30,000 10,000 1,1 i'i 10,000 Total Fines $290,000 $270,000 $20,0001 5295,000 $25,000 10 -00 -46050 10 -00 -46100 10 -00 -46150 10 -00 -46200 10 -00 -46220 10 -00 -46230 10 -00 -46250 10 -00 -46251 10 -00 -46253 10 -00 -46300 10 -00 -46301 10 -00 -46310 10 -00 -46315 10 -00 -47100 10 -00 -47300 10 -00 -47305 10 -00 -47500 10 -00 -47501 10 -00 -47506 10 -00 -47507 10 -00 -47511 10 -00 -47512 10 -00 -47513 10 -00 -47514 10 -00 -48100 10 -00 -48300 10 -00 -48350 10 -00 -48407 10 -00 -48416 10 -00 -48425 10 -00 -48450 10 -00 -48500 10 -00 -48550 10 -00 -48551 10 -00 -48560 10 -00 -49150 10 -00 -49220 10 -00 -49450 10 -00 -49750 10 -00 -49820 PVPORT FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendme FY 11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference Difference General Fund Revenues (cont) Charges for Service Public Hearing /Annexation $20,000 $10,000 umuji $10,000 I IJI State Highway Maintenance 30,000 40,000 1111111111M1 I IA 40,000 IIIIIIMIIIIC3 Employee Ins Contribution 90,000 90,000 11/E21 100,000 =INKILLEA I & M Canal Leases 8,000 8,000 X11 8,000 IM■11111131 Schools P/R Reimbursement 35,000 35,000 .31 35,000 131 Special Detail Reimb 110,000 110,000 111111111.111111131 100,000 INIMI(jGX'DDI] Chamber of Commerce Rent 1,200 1,200 1111111,11 1,200 11111112,11 Range Rental 7,500 7,500 1111111121 7,500 ■1111111111113 Old Police Station Rent 18,000 18,000 X31 18,000 X31 Developer / Agency Reimb 20,000 7,500 EILIVID1] 7,500 ff,31 Business Reimbursements 0 0 X31 0 X11 Property Maint Reimbursements 5,000 7,000 MIIIIIIMUJI 7,000 j31 Plan Review Fees 0 0 1 0 Total Charges for Service $344,700 5334,200 $10 500 5334,200 50 Intergovernmental Revenue Township Road & Bridge Tax $60,000 565,000 littlal $65,000 x.31 Township LEMA Contribution 15,000 17,000 11111111111111111/M031 - 37,000 ItaLtaill Fuel / Salt Reimbursements 38,000 45,000 1.1faida 50,000 Itilialil Image Grant 10,000 10,000 X11 10,000 1111111111111111111.11131 S E P Grant 0 0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIEj1 0 MM./131 Liq/Tobac Control Grant 0 0 X31 0 IMIIIIMIIIIIWI OJP Vest Grant 2,000 2,000 X331 2,000 1■11111111111WI Misc Grants 0 0 11111111/1j] 5,000 111Magl Misc Police Grants 110,000 110,000 Mi31 110,000 IlL3 I -Clear Grant 0 0 ■3] 0 X31 Forfeiture Proceeds 0 0 1 0 Total Intergovernmental Revenue $235,000 $249,000 $14,000 5279,000 $30,000 Other Income Interest $2,000 $2,000 1111111111111111111111 $2,000 X31 Sale of Village Property 7,500 7,500 M31 7,500 X31 Developers Contributions 0 0 ■31 0 i31 FEMA Reimbursements 0 0 X31 0 ■31 Insurance Reimbursements 5,000 5,000 X31 2,500 U4- I'I')] Odor Alert Network Contribution 17,000 19,000 19,000 IIIIIIIIIIMM31 Police Training Reimb 1,000 1,000 X31 1,000 1■111111131 Miscellaneous 35,000 35,000 1111111.1=n31 20,000 1(Q!D)] Festival Commission Revenue 15,000 15,000 1111111/1M111 15,000 11111111111111111111L3 Quarryman Contributions 21,000 21,000 111111211 21,000 X31 Police Program / LEMA Donations 10,000 15,000 , ' ' ' 15,000 Total Other Income $113,500 $120,500 $7,000 $103,000 517,500 Interfund Transfers In From Working Cash $10,000 $10,000 ■INIEj1 .510,000 11101/31 From W &S Operation & Maint. 858,407 1,000,000 IMMILIJUJI 1,050,000 111111111111111Ma From Road Improv fund 695,000 695,000 ■11 695,000 IMIIIIIII=21 From Parking Lot 0 0 mmIIIIIIIIK3 0 INL3 From Police Station Bldg Fund 0 0 1 0 Total Interfund Transfers In 51,563,407 $1,705,000 $1,755,000 $50,000 Total General Fund Revenue $9,121,950 $9,286,143 5164,193 $9,466,222 5180,079 50 50 Tess 1 -Clear $9,121,950 59,286,143 5164,193 $9,466,222 $180,079 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 Mayor & Village Board Personal Services 10 -05 -51100 Regular Salaries 10 -05 -51200 Overtime Total Personal Services Outside Services 10 -05 -52100 Meetings /Conf/Training 10 -05 -52200 Membership Fees Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies 10 -05 -60100 Office Supplies 10 -05 -60300 Publications Total Materials & Supplies Total Mayor & Village Board FY11 -12 (Current) FY11 -12 1st Amendmen FY11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference Difference $63,891 $63,891 557,645 1 ($6,246) 0 0 ' 0 $ $63,891 $63,891 $0 557,645 ($6,246) $15,700 $15,700 $15,700 ffil 50 11,670 11,670 11,670 $0 $27,370 $27,370 $0 $27,370 $0 $250 5250 $250 ��] 50 0 0 0 50 $250 5250 $0 $250 $0 591,511 $91,511 $0 585,265 ($6,246) BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 Administration /Finance Personal Services 10 -10 -51100 Regular Salaries 10 -10 -51200 Overtime 10 -10 -51300 Deferred Compensation Total Personal Services Outside Services 10 -10 -52100 Meetings /Conf/Training 10 -10 -52200 Membership Fees 10 -10 -52250 Bank Charges 10 -10 -52300 Postage 10 -10 -52450 Rec/Adv /Printing 10 -10 -52550 Newsletter 10 -10 -53200 IRMA/Insurance Deductible 10 -10 -53500 Ordinance Codification 10 -10 -56200 Prof Svc - Data Processing 10 -10 -56600 Prof Svc - Consulting Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies 10 -10 -60100 Office Supplies 10 -10 -60200 Vehicle Expense 10 -10 -60300 Publications Total Materials & Supplies Total Administration /Finance FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 and Amendmen Difference Difference $415,000 $405,000 $409,000 ($10,000) 111111111 i 2,000 7,500 55,500 10,000 t 212 7,500 7,500 $0 7,500 $424,500 $420,000 ($4,500) $426,500 $6,500 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $0 3,550 3,550 $0 6,500 I 0 0 50 0 IIMj) 9,000 9,000 $0 11,000 16,000 16,000 $0 18,000 Lifaal 16,000 16,000 $0 16,000 11111/11111111.1Kj1 0 0 50 0 =■IMUJI 3,000 5,000 $2,000 5,000 IMMEIMAI 6,000 2,000 ($4,000) 4,000 M 83,500 83,500 50 83,500 $143,050 5141,050 ($2,000) $150,000 58,950 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 50 6,000 6,000 $0 6,000 200 200 $0 200 518,200 518,200 $0 518,200 50 $585,750 5579,250 ($6,500) $594,700 $15,450 BUW t_FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 Public Works / Engineering Personal Services 10 -15 -51100 Regular Salaries 10 -15 -51200 Overtime 10 -15 -51400 Temporary Salaries Total Personal Services Outside Services 10 -15 -52100 Meetings /Conf/Training 10 -15 -52200 Membership Fees 10 -15 -52300 Postage 10 -15 -52500 Advertising /Printing 10 -15 -52600 Communications 10 -15 -52900 Dumping Fees 10 -15 -53000 Electricity - Street Lighting 10 -15 -53200 iRMA/Insurance Deductible 10 -15 -56300 Pro Svc - General Engineering 10 -15 -56400 Pro Svc - Subdivision Plan Review 10 -15 -57000 Maint Svc - Equipment 10 -15 -57400 Maint Svc Streets & Alleys Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies 10 -15 -60100 Office Supplies 10 -15 -60900 Maint Supl - Street/Alleys 10 -15 -61200 Safety Equipment 10 -15 -61300 Tools & Hardware 10 -15 -61400 Uniforms Total Materials & Supplies Capital Outlay 10 -15 -70100 Office Equipment 10 -15 -70200 Other Equipment 10 -15 -70300 Vehicles Total Capital Outlay Total Public Works FY11 -12 (Current) FY11 -12 1st Amendmen FY11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference Difference $366,017 5376,017 $390,000 1 1 1 1 111111111111jUI 80,000 80,000 50,000 ] 15,000 12,000 , ' ' 1 10,500 IIIIMI $461,017 5468,017 7,000 $450,500 $1,800 $1,800 51,000 X11 ] 800 800 1/11111jj 800 1111111.1.1111,11 0 0 X11 0 ff,j] 600 600 11111111111111111111111111W1 800 300 300 Ell 300 MIMj) 10,000 10,000 1111■11La 10,000 INEME11 80,000 80,000 IMIjII 80,000 ■11 6,000 6,000 =MMINIIII 15,000 INIMILIAMI 30,000 30,000 X111 25,000 (}- iIIIII]] 7,500 7,500 ' 7,500 20,000 20,000 50 20,000 50 90,000 90,000 1 90,000 5247,000 5247,000 50 5250,400 53,400 53,000 53,000 53,000 X11 25,000 25,000 X11 25,000 Lj) 2,000 2,000 MINIIIIIIMIE211 2,000 al11111111.11112 2,500 2,500 ■11.2 2,500 Inj, 5,000 5,000 ' 5,000 537,500 537,500 50 $37,500 50 $0 $0 50 111111111111111111311 0 75,000 • 111 66,049 mF1ii1I] 75,000 0 -,i ' 0 mirmil 575,000 $75,000 50 566,049 $820,517 5827,517. $7,000 5804,449 (523,068) BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 Vehicle Maintenance Division Outside Services 10 -17 -52100 Meetings /Conf/Training 10 -17 -52200 Membership Fees 10 -17 -57000 Maint Sery - Equipment Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies 10 -17 -61100 Maint Supplies - Vehicles 10 -17 -61200 Safety Equipment 10 -17 -61300 Tools & Hardware 10 -17 -61400 Uniforms 10 -17 -61500 Fuel Total Material & Supplies Capital Outlay 10 -17 -70100 Office Equipment 10 -17 -70200 Other Equipment Total Capital Outlay Total Vehicle Maintenance FY 11 -12 Current FY 11 -12 1st Amendmen FY 11 -12 ' nd Amendmen Difference Difference IIMEMMINI $1,200 $1,200 $200 9] 350 350 11111111 200 MIN=Wjrj)] 35,000 - 25,000 tima 33,000 IlliMMILMAI $80,000 $80,000 $72,000 /11.1111111112,111 wigoi 1,000 1,000 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMi] 500 a i ] 6,600 6,500 111111111 6,500 iMMIL21 800 800 X11 500 NiMilitika 205,000 230,000 11111111111111111L3'a11j 230,000 =IMj) S so so so imillmia mommitil 0 0 ■31 o II■Ilui $329,850 $344,850 $15,000 $342,900 ($1,950) 10 -20 -51100 10 -20 -51200 10 -20 -51250 10 -20 -51300 10 -20 -51500 10 -20 -51600 10 -20 -51700 10 -20 -51800 10 -20 -52100 10 -20 -52200 10 -20 -52300 10 -20 -52500 10 -20 -52600 10 -20 -52700 10 -20 -53200 10 -20 -53400 10 -20 -53550 10 -20 -53800 10 -20 -56200 10 -20 -57000 10 -20 -57010 10 -20 -60100 10 -20 -60110 10 -20 -60400 10 -20 -60450 10 -20 -60550 10 -20 -60600 10 -20 -60601 10 -20 -60701 10 -20 -61200 10 -20 -61400 10 -20 -70100 10 -20 -70200 10 -20 -70201 10 -20 -70300 BUDGFT FISCAL YEAR 2011-2992 FY11 -12 (Current) FY11 -12 1stAmendme FY11 -12 •nd Amendmen Difference Difference Police Department Personal Services Regular Salaries $2,396,884 $2,400,000 IIIIIIIMIKj'NIEI $2,391,000 (EU:XQQI)] Overtime 259,350 259,350 M■1111111E11 259,350 111111111111111111/1Ka Special Detail 63,000 63,000 IIIIj] 50,000 EinibIlI] Deferred Compensation 8,820 12,000 IIIIIIIIIMIENSal 12,000 .11111112 Training Wages 0 0 ,21 0 ff:11 Auxiliary Wages 0 0 1111.1.111111111La 0 .1111111Mnj] Crossing Guards 33,496 10,000 =ME. 'CPI] 12,000 Part -time 0 0 0 1 Total Personal Services $2,761,550 $2,744,350 $17,200 $2,724,350 $20,000 Outside Services Meetings / Conf / Training $9,620 $8,000 111111111111Ej] $7,500 Ililan Membership Fees 3,700 5,000 Sik221 5,000 ■INIMEA Postage 2,000 2,000 111111/1111111111j] 2,000 X11 Advertising / Printing 9,750 7,000 ttAlikfll 7,000 11111111111111111111211 Communications 4,900 3,500 tim ] 3,500 X11 Animal Control 300 1,500 jatilA 1,500 MMIIII] IRMA/Insurance Deductible 10,000 10,000 X11 15,000 111111.31 K -9 Services 0 0 MEIRIA 0 �It] Accreditation 11,975 11,975 ■IIIMUI 11,975 .111111111 Southwest Central Dispatch 300,000 283,394 Ejfl;II1] 283,394 =M=Mj] Pro Svc - Data Processing 2,500 2,500 IMMINIIIIIIIIIIII 2,500 ElItj] Maint Svc - Equipment 16,500 16,500 MM./j] 12,000 AEI! I'1] Maint Svc - E.R.T. 1,000 1,000 1 1,000 Total Outside Services $372,245 $352,369 (519,876) $352,369 $0 Materials & Supplies Office Supplies $17,200 $17,200 itI • $14,000 alum Investigation Supplies 5,000 5,000 1/11111Milil 4,000 EjlIDIrI')] E.R.T. Equipment 0 0 X11 0 MIIIIIIIIIIIIIta Crime Prevention / CADET 500 500 1111 500 M=INEKj] Ammo / Range Supplies 15,000 15,000 X11 10,000 - Limo K -9 Equip & Supplies 2,500 2,500 .1111111■111111LA 2,500 ■1111111111j] Misc Police Grant Expense 110,000 110,000 85,000 IEj4;IIIIII)] Pubic Relations 9,150 14,000 11111111111111 Magi 14,000 1111111111111Mij) Safety Equipment 4,500 4,500 4,500 � Uniforms 34,300 34,300 1 34,300 Total Materials & Supplies $198,150 $203,000 $4,850 $168,800 ($34,200) Capital Outlay Office Equipment $0 $22,000 11111111LI $22,000 .12 Other Equipment 0 0 Lj] 0 X11 I -Clear Equipment 0 0 MIIIIIIIIIIItj1 0 MNIIIMIIIMAI Vehicles 75,000 75,000 ' 85,000 , Total Capital Outlay $75,000 $97,000 $22,000 5107,000 $10,000 Total Police Dept. Expenses $3,406,945 $3,396,719 ($10,226) $3,352,519 ($44,200) less I -Clear $3,406,945 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 Building Department Personal Services 10 -25 -51100 Regular Salaries 10 -25 -51200 Overtime 10 -25 -51800 Part-time Salaries Total Personal Services Outside Services 10 -25 -52100 Meetings / Conf / Training 10 -25 -52200 Membership Fees 10 -25 -52300 Postage 10 -25 -52450 Rec / Ad / Printing 10 -25 -52600 Communications 10 -25 -53200 IRMA/Insurance Deductible 10 -25 -56305 Pro Svc - Grad Residental 10 -25 -56307 Pro Svc - Grad Commercial 10 -25 -56310 Pro Svc - Grading Inppections 10 -25 -56400 Pro Svc - Bldg Plan Review 10 -25 -56550 Pro Svc - Bldg Inspections 10 -25 -56600 Pro Svc - Consulting 10 -25 -56710 Pro Svc - Health Inspections 10 -25 -57650 Maint Svc - Property Main1 Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies 10 -25 -60100 Office Supplies 10 -25 -60200 Vehicle Expense 10 -25 -60300 Publications 10 -25 -61200 Safety Equipment Total Materials & Supplies Capital Outlay 10 -25 -70100 Office Equipment 10 -25 -70200 Other Equipment 10 -25 -70300 Vehicles Total Capital Outlay Total Building Department FY 11.12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 and Amendmen Difference Difference $254,000 $260,000 $255,000 56,000 (jihhD)] 2,200 2,200 50 2,200 Mil 22,000 22,000 50 22,000 5278,200 5284,200 56,000 5279,200 (55,000) 52,000 52,000 $2,000 $6 11111111111111 600 600 50 600 MINIIIMMA 4,000 4,000 $0 2,000li ti.1QQQ] 2,600 2,600 50 2,000 (iq]1 0 0 50 0 1111111,1 0 0 50 0 111M11 15,500 15,500 50 17,500 MIIIIIIIIIIiaGLDI 1,000 1,000 50 1,000 IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIA 6,000 4,500 (51,500 3,000 ��] 60,500 45,000 35,000 _EjEIXIIII )] 45,500 35,000 (515,500 510,500 25,000 [LIMI1Z1 10,000 6,000 (54,00 4,500 imiEiiJ1' 1]] 10,000 10,000 5 10,000..i'1 5,000 5 000 50 5,000 1 5162,700 513 ,200 (531,500) 5107,600 523,600 $3,000 53,000 50 $3,000 -11 200 200 50 200 imil■nj1 1,000 1,000 50 1,000 MIIIIILAI 500 500 50 500 54,700 54,700 50 54,700 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 $0 0 50 0 0 $0 0 $0 50 $0 50 50 $445,600 $420,100 (525,500) 5391,500 ($28,600) BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 Community Development Personal Services 10 -30 -51100 Regular Salaries 10 -30 -51200 Overtime 10 -30 -51400 Temporary Salaries Total Personal Services Outside Services 10 -30 -52100 Meetings / Conf / Training 10 -30 -52200 Membership Fees 10 -30 -52300 Postage 10 -30 -52400 Recording / Publishing 10 -30 -52500 Advertising / Printing 10 -30 -53200 IRMA/Insurance Deductible 10 -30 -56200 Pro Svc - Data Processing 10 -30 -56250 Pro Svc - Mapping 10 -30 -56300 Pro Svc - Engineering 10 -30 -56450 Pro Svc - Economic Development 10 -30 -56600 Pro Svc - Plan Review 10 -30 -56900 Pro Svc - Marketing Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies 10 -30 -60100 Office Supplies 10 -30 -60300 Publications Total Materials & Supplies Capital Outlay 10 -30 -70100 Office Equipment Total Capital Outlay Total Community Devel. Dept. FY 11 -12 (Current) $150,309 0 3,500 FY 11 -12 1st Amendmen • 5151,000 0 3,500 FY 11 -12 nd Amendmen 5151,000 0 5,400 Difference Difference 111.11 Vii! X11 LIJ , 5153,809 5980 360 200 1,725 700 0 0 3,300 12,500 16,000 2,000 0 5154,500 $980 400 200 1,725 700 0 0 3,300 12,500 16,000 2,000 0 MIElall 5156,400 $980 400 200 1,725 700 011 0 3,300 17,000 5,000 4,000 0 $1,900 IMMINUME X11 111111111=111111j] 111111111111111/[I 1111111,211 1/11111111111111Ma 11111112 1,1all 11111111111111,1111 111111111111111M211 IIIIL11 111111911 INE=M21 ,Al IIIIIIIIK I 1/1111111111 11=1.111111111E12 IIIIIIIIMMUI �1,11 I(3ifi14'11)1 1111111111111111Ma E 1 537,765 $550 820 $37,805 5550 820 540 533,305 $550 820 $4,500 X211 51,370 50 51,370 $0 50 51,370 50 50 1 50 $0 $0 50 $0 $192,944 $193,675 5731 5191,075 (52,600) BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2Q12 10 -35 -54100 10 -35 -54200 10 -35 -54300 10 -35 -54350 10 -35 -57200 10 -35 -57500 10 -35 -57505 10 -35 -57510 10 -35 -57515 10 -35 -61000 10 -35 -61010 10 -35 -61015 10 -35 -70200 10 -35 -70220 Building & Grounds Outside Services Utility Expense - 127th St Utility Expense - V/H & Police Utility Expense - Safety Village Utility Expense - New Ave Maint Svc - 127th St Maint Svc - V/H & Police Maint Svc - Safety Village Maint Svc - New Ave Maint Svc - Police Dept. Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies Maint Supplies - V/H & Police Maint Supplies - Safety Village Maint supplies - Police Dept Total Materials & Supplies Capital Outlay Other Equipment V/H & P/D Other Equipment - Police Total Capital Outlay Total Building & Grounds FY11 -12 (Current) . $ 50,00 3,60 $36,00 FY11 -12 1st Amendmen $0 0 0 0 0 50,000 3,600 0 $36,000 FY11 -12 nd Amendmen $ 45,00 10,00 $47,00 Difference Difference =IMIIIIIIIIWI ■M11 11111113] 111111111111111111111111211 MMIIIIIIIM3'] 112 Vi] IIIIII/IIIj] ■MIIII3] M■ME3] ■11 f-IITIL)] IMMIIIIIIIK I 1111111111111111M0 MIIIILA X11 $89,60 $5,500 250 2,000 589,600 $5,500 250 2,000 50 5102,00 $5,500 250 2,000 512,400 X11 �3] $7,750 57,750 518,000 55,000 3,000 10,000 50 $7,750 $0 7 500 50 I imorI ] 1 , 1 1 t itifil 521,000 515,000 56 000 57;500 $118,350 $112,350 (56,000) $117,250 54,900 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2_Q12 10 -40 -51100 Plan Commission Personal Services P/C Salaries Total Personal Services Outside Services 10 -40 -52100 Meetings / Conf / Training 10-40 -52300 Postage 10 -40 -52400 Recording / Publishing Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies 10 -40 -60300 Publicatiions Total Materials & Supplies Total Plan Commission Zoning Board of Appeals Personal Services FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 2nd Amendmen Difference Difference $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 .50 50 0 0 $0 0 $0 1,000 1,000 $0 1,000 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 50 5200 $200 5200 $0 $0 5200 $200 $0 $200 $0 $2,200 $2,200 50 $2,200 $0 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 10 -45 -51100 Regular Salaries Total Personal Services Outside Services 10 -45 -52100 Meetings / Conf / Training 10 -45 -52300 Postage 10 -45 -52400 Recording / Public Notices Total Outside Services Total Zoning Board of Appeals FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 4nd Amendmen Difference Difference $0 $0 $o 0 0 $0 $0 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 Police Commission Outside Services 10 -50 -52100 Meetings / Conf / Training 10 -50 -52200 Membership Fees 10 -50 -52450 Rec / Ad / Printing 10 -50 -56400 Prof Svc - Legal 10 -50 -56700 Prof Svc - Testing Total Outside Services 10 -50 -60100 Materials & Supplies Office Supplies Total Materials & Supplies Total Police Commission FY 11.12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY "1112 2nd Amendmen Difference Difference $400 $400 $400 $0 $0 400 400 $0 400 $0 200 200 $0 200 $0 1,000 1,000 $0 1,000 $0 0 0 $0 0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $0 $o $o $o $o $o $o. $o $o $o $o $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $0 BUDGET FAQ/4, - 2111-2112 Downtown Commission Outside Services 10 -53 -52300 HC - Postage 10 -53 -52301 FSE - Postage 10 -53 -52650 HC - Services 10 -53- 58000 FSE - Services 10 -53 -58001 Quarryman - Svc 10 -53 -58500 EDC - Services Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies 10 -53 -60110 HC - Operating Supplies 10 -53 -68010 P.A.A.L. Expenses Total Materials & Supplies 10 -53 -70400 Capital Outlay HC - Canal Improvements Total Capital Outlay Total Downtown Commission FY11 -12 (Current) FY11 -12 1st Amendment FY11 -12 Amendmen Difference '2nd Difference $100 $100 $100 $0 50 400 500 5100 550 550 0 0 $0 0 50 20,500 20,500 $0 21,000 5500 21,000 21,000 $0 21,000 $0 6;500 6,500 50 5,000 (51,500) 548,500 $48,600 5100 $47,650 (5950) 55,330 55,330 56,200 50 5870 2,500 2,500 $0 2,500 50 57,830 57,830 $0 $8,700 5870 s0 $0 $0 $o so $o $o $o $0 50 556,330 556,430 5100 556,350 (580) BUQGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2018 Historic District Commission Outside Services 10 -58 -52100 Meetings / Conf / Training 10 -58 -52200 Membership Fees 10 -58 -52300 Postage 10 -58 -52450 Rec / Adv / Printing 10 -58 -56600 Prof Svc - Consulting Total Outside Services 10 -58 -60110 Materials & Supplies Operating Supplies - Signage Total Materials & Supplies Total Historic Dist. Commiss. FY11 -12 (Current) FY 11-12 1st Amendment FY11 -12 ind Amendmen Difference Difference $200 $200 5200 $0 $0. 50 50 $0 50 $0 50 50 $0 50 50 125 125 $0 125 50 0 0 $0 0 50 $425 $425 $0 $425 50 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $0 $0 $1,800 $1,800 50 $1,800 SO 52,225 52,225 $0 $2,225 50 ESUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 10 -60 -51100 L.E.M.A. Personnel Services Regular Salaries Total Personnel Services Outside Services 10 -60 -52100 Meetings / Conf / Training 10 -60 -52200 Memberships 10 -60 -52300 Postage 10- 60- 52500 Advertising / Printing 10 -60 -52600 Communications 10 -60 -57000 Maint Svc - Equipment Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies 10 -60 -60100 Office Supplies 10 -60 -61200 Safety Equipment 10 -60 -61300 Tools & Hardware 10 -60 -61400 Uniforms Total Materials & Supplies Capital Outlay 10 -60 -70200 Other Equipment 10 -60 -70300 Vehicles Total Capital Outlay Total L.E.M.A. FY 11 -12 (Current) 13,400 FY 11.12 1st Amendment 13,400 FY 11 -12 Difference 'Ind Amendmen Difference 0 15,000 $1,600 $13,400 $13,400 $15,000 $2,445 $2,445 $1,200 $1 245 275 275 100 60 60 15 (536 200 200 100 ($100 275 275 275 $ 4,500 4,500 3,000 $1,50u ($3,055) 57,745 57,745 54,690 5980 $980 0 5450 ($530 1,000 1,000 0 600 ($400 100 100 0- 50 (550 1,200 1,200 0 600 5600 53,280 53,280 0 51,700 ($1,580 $28,416 $28,416 0 $60,000 $31,584 0 0 0 0 $0 $28,416 $28,416 0 $60,000 $31,584 $52,841 $52,841 0 $81,390 $28,549 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2Q11 -2Q 10 -61 -51100 Oder Alert Network Personal Services Regular Salaries Total Personal Services Outside Services 10 -61 -52300 Postage 10 -61 -52500 Advertising / Printing 10 -61 -56600 Pro Svc - Consulting Total Outside Services 10 -61 -60100 Materials & Supplies Office Supplies Total Materials & Supplies Total Oder Alert Network FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference Difference $2,600 $2,600 $1,500 $0 ($1,100) $2,600 $2,600 $0 $1,500 ($1,100) $o $o $o $o $o 0 0 $0 0 $o 20,000 20,000 50 22,000 52,000 $20,000 520,000 50 522,000 52,000 520 520 520 50 50 $20 520 50 $20 50 $22,620 522,620 50 523,520 5900 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 20114012 10 -65 -51100 Environmental Commission Personal Services Regular Salaries Total Personal Services Outside Services 10 -65 -52300 Postage 10 -65 -52500 Advertising / Printing 10 -65 -53600 Public Relations Total Outside Services 10 -65 -60100 Materials & Supplies Office Supplies Total Materials & Supplies Total Environmental Comm FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendme FY 11 -12 • nd Amendmen Difference Difference 50 $0 50 1 50 50 $0 50 50 $0 NEMMENNIN a 5100 5100 .111111111111111111.1 $100 $0 200 200 Vii] 200 50 3,000 3,000 1 3,000 50 $3,300 53,300 50 53,300 $0 5200 5200 5200 1 $0 5200 5200 50 5200 50 53,500 53,500 $0 $3,500 $0 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 20 1 -2012 10 -70 -70200 Video Access League Capital Outlay Other Equipment Total Capital Outlay Total Video Access League FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 \tnd Amendmen Difference Difference $9,000 $9,000 $9,000 $0 $0 59,000 $9,000 $0 $9,000 50 $9,000 $9,000 $0 $9,000 $0 10 -90 -52250 10 -90 -53100 10 -90 -53200 10 -90 -53300 10 -90 -53600 10 -90 -53700 10 -90 -53900 10 -90 -54000 10 -90 -54250 10 -90 -56000 10 -90 -56100 10 -90 -56410 10 -90 -56420 10 -90 -56430 10 -90 -56440 10 -90 -56500 10 -90 -56600 10 -90 -57000 10 -90 -57010 10 -90 -57900 10 -90 -58100 10- 90- 60601 10 -90 -61600 10 -90 -70100 10 -90 -80140 10 -90 -80500 10 -90 -80800 10 -90 -80820 10- 90- 80900 10 -90 -90200 BUDGEL)SCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 General Accounts . Outside Services Bank Charges Health Insurance Insurance IRMA / Insurance Deductible IRMA / Insurance Premium Public Relations Recognition Dinner Telephone Expense Leases Uhemployment Insurance Leases Pro Svc - Appraisal Pro Svc - Audit Pro Svc - Legal Corporate Pro Svc - Legal Adjudication Pro Svc - Legal Prosecution Pro Svc - Legal Labor Pro Svc - Medical Pro Svc - Consulting Maint Svc - Equipment Suggestion Awards /Empl Relations Special Census Developer Incentives Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies Misc Grant Expenses Festival Expenses Total Materials & Supplies Capital Outlay Office Equipment Total Capital Outlay Interfund Transfers Out To Debt Service Fund To IMRF Fund To General Capital Improv Fund To Police Building Fund To Police Pension Fund Total Interfund Transfers Out Total General Accounts Total Gen. Fund Expenses FY 11 -12 (Current) $9,000 850,000 10,000 280,000 0 4,000 80,000 0 3,400 5,000 35,000 60,000 12,000 18,00 15,00 5,00 5,00 FY 11 -12 1st Amendmen 59,00 775,00 10,00 280,00 4,00 80,00 3,40 5,00 35,00 80,00 12,00 18,00 10,00 5,00 37,00 5,00 FY 11 -12 nd Amendmen $9,000 766,000 000 283,19 4,03 80,00 3,40 28,00 100,00 12,00 18,00 10,00 5,00 50,00 7,50 Difference Difference IIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIKA 1.111111 1 �j�] IIIIIIIIMMULUI //11111111111kIJ ■111111111U1 it3l IMIIIIIIIMMill 1 �� �j] � 11112111 'INI,)] �Ejiv1 �� .111111111MEMhb2 f>f>f>f>f>f>f>f>E31aA J j MIK11 IIIMMEMUI X 22 1■111111111M.��I ■INIIIIIIIIIIIL1 �(.m1 0) 1111/11111111111111=j1 1WII ..126 2011 IIIIIIIMIMIA 1111111.12 X12 1.11111111/111/U1 IIIIIIka IllEti iii 1 $1,391,40 50 58,000 51,368,40 $5,000 511,000 $23,000 $1,385,12 55,000 $11,000 Mail - 11111111111111=Kj] Mtitja , $8,000 $15,000 $16,000 $15,000 $8,000 $16,000 $10,000 $0 i 1 515,000 $515,000 5,000 30,000 0 510,000 $15,000 $515,000 5,000 30,000 0 510,000 $0 510,000 5515,000 5,000 30,000 0 500,000 IIIIIIIIIIIj1 1 i 111111 milimaj1 ■IIIIIIIWII i11 IIIIIII1Mjj MIIIIIIIIMMI 1, $1,060,000 $0 $1,060,000 $0 $0 $1,050,000 50 $10,000 $2,474,400 52,459,400 ($15,000) $2,461,124 $1,724 58,616,583 58,576,188 ($40,395) 58,520,967 ($55,221) Total General Fund Revenue Total Gen. Fund Expenses Difference $9,121,950 $9,286,143 $164,193 $9,466,222 5180,079 $8,616,583 $8,576,188 ($40,395) $8,520,967 ($55,221) $505,367 $709,955 $204,588 5945,255 $235,300 LESS 1-CLEAR LESS I -CLEAR $9,121,950 $9,286,143 $164,193 59,466,222 $180,079 $8,616,583 $8,576,188 ($40,395) $8,520,967 (555,221) 5505,367 5709,955 5204,588 $945,255 $235,300 14 -00 -48100 14 -00 -49100 14 -00 -49450 14 -00 -49820 14 -00 -56950 14-00 -80250 14 -00 -80810 14 -00 -82100 14 -00 -82200 14 -00 -82510 14 -00 -82520 14 -00 -82530 14 -00 -82540 14 -00 -82550 14 -00 -82560 14 -00 -82570 14 -00 -82580 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 FY11 -12 (Current) FY11 -12 1st Amendment FY11 -12 Amendmen Difference 'and Difference Debt Service Fund Revenue Other Income Interest $500 $500 50 5500 50 Total Other Income $500 $500 $0 $500 50 Interfund Transfers In From General Fund 5515,000 $515,000 50 5515,000 50 From Road Improvement Fund 732,030 732,030 50 732,030 50 From Police Station Building Fund $0 50 Total Interfund Transfers In 51,247,030 $1,247,030 $0 51,247,030. 50 Total Revenue 51,247,530 51,247,530. $0 51,247,530 50 Expenses Outside Services Bond Fees $3,000 $3,000 $0 $3,000 $0 Total Outside Services 53,000 53,000 50 $3,000 $0 Interfund Transfers Out To W & S Capital Improvement Fund 50 $0 50 $0 $0 To Public Works Building Fund 0 0 50 0 50 Total Interfund Transfers Out 50 50 $0 $0 $0 Debt Service 2000A Road Imp Bond Principal $0 $0 $0 50 50 2000A Road Imp Bond Interest 0 0 $0 0 $0 2004 Sales Tax Rev LRM Bond Principal 345,000 345,000 50 345,000 50 2004 Sales Tax Rev LRM Bond Interest 63,500 63,500 $0 63,500 50 2005 ARS Project Bond Prinicpal 65,000' 65,000 $0 65,000 $0 2005 ARS Project Bond Interest 50,015 50,015 50 50,015 50 2007 ARS Police Bldg Bond Principal 200,000 200,000 50 200,000 50 2007 ARS Police Bldg Bond Interest 303,760 303,760 50 303,760 $0 2008 ARS Police Bldg Bond Principal 55,000 55,000 $0 55,000 $0 2008 ARS Police Bldg Bond Interest 73,270 73,270 $0 73,270 $0 Tollway Payment 100,000 100,000 50 100,000 50 Total Debt Service 51,255,545 51,255,545 50 51,255,545 50 Total Expenses 51,258,545 51,258,545 50 51,258,545 50 Total Revenue 51,247,530 $1,247,530 50 51,247,530 50 Total Expenses 51,258,545 51,258,545 50 51,258,545 $0 Difference (511,015) (511,015) 50 ($11,015) 50 15 -00 -41700 15 -00 -48100 15 -00 -80100 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2018 Working Cash Fund FY 11 -12 (Current) $5,000 I FY 11 -12 1st Amendment $2,500 FY 11 -12 nd Amendmen $2,500 Difference Difference Revenue Real Estate Taxes Working Cash Total Real Estate Taxes Other Income Interest Total Other Income Total Revenue Expenses Interfund Transfers Out To General Fund Total Interfund Transfers Out Total Expenses ($2;500 $0 $5,000 $10,000 $2,500 $3,000 ($2,500` 52,500 $3,000 $0 ($7,000) $0 $10,000 $500 ($9,500) $500 $0 $15,000 $5,500 ($9,500) $5,500 $0 510,000 $3,000 $3,000 ($7,000) $0 $10,000 ($10,000) 50 $10,000 $3,000 ($7,000) $3,000 $0 Total Revenue Total Expenses Difference $15,000 $5,500 ($9,500) $5,500 50 $10,000 $3,000 ($7,000) $3,000 $0 $5,000 $2,500 ($2,500) $2,500 $0 17 -00 -40005 17 -00 -41750 17 -00 -48100 17 -00 -47700 17 -00 -47710 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY11 -12 (Current) FY11 -12 1st Amendment FY11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference Difference T.I.F. Fund Revenues Reallocated P/Y Funds $0 Real Estate Taxes T.I.F. District $980,000 $990,000 $10,000 $990,000 $0 Total Real Estate Taxes $980,000 $990,000 $10,000 $990,000 $0 Other Income Interest $1,000 $500 ($500) $500 $0 Engr / Main Street Project 0 $0 $0 Engr / Const Reimb - Canal St 0 $0 $0 Total Other Income $1,000 $500 ($500) $500 $0 Total T.I.F. Revenues $981,000 $990,500 $9,500 $990,500 $0 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011-2012 T.I.F. Administrative Expenses Personal Services 17 -00 -51100 Regular Salaries 17 -00 -51850 FICA / IMRF Total Personal Services Outside Services 17 -00 -52200 Memberships 17 -00 -52300 Postage 17 -00 -52450 Rec / Ad / Printing 17 -00 -56100 Prof Svc - Audit 17 -00 -56900 Prof Svc - TIF Marketing 17 -00 -56950 Prof Svc - Bond Fees Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies 17 -00 -60100 Office Supplies Total Materials & Supplies Capital Outlay 17 -00 -70700 Construction Total Outlay Interfund Transfers Out 17 -00 -80300 To T.I.F. Canal Dist. Fund Total Interfund Transfers Out Total T.I.F. Admin, Expenses FY 11 -12 I FY 11 -12 (Current) list Amendment $45,000 $46,125 8,0501 8,050 FY 11 -12 4nd Amendmen $46,125 8,050 Difference Difference $1,125 $0 $0 $0 $53,050 $54,175 $1,125 $54,175 $0 $375 $375 $375 $0 $0 50 50 $0 50 $0 0 0 $0 0 $0 5,000 2,500 ($2,500) 2,500 $0 35,000 25,000 ($10,000) 25,000. $0 1,200 1,200 $0 1,200 $0 $41,625 $29,125 ($12,500) $29,125 $0 $o $o $o $o so $o $o $o $o $o $15,000 $19,000 $19,000 $4,000 $0 $15,000 $19,000 $4,000 $19,000 $0 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $0 $209,675 $202,300 ($7,375) $202,300 $0 17 -11- 550100 17 -11- 550200 17 -11- 561100 17- 11- 561200 17- 11- 567200 17 -11- 571100 17- 11- 571200 17 -11- 572100 17 -11- 572200 17- 11- 581100 17 -11 -82010 17 -11 -82020 17 -11 -82425 17 -11 -82430 17 -11 -82500 17 -11 -82600 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2018 T.I.F. Capital Expenses Talcott Street Improvements Engineering Construction Total Talcott Street Improvements Main Street Improvements Engineering Construction Total Main Street Improvements Signage / Design Grants Construction Total Signage / Design Grants Canal / Lemont Street & Stpehen Parking Engineering Construction Total Canal / Lemont Street Parking Stephen St Lot Engineering Construction Total Stephen St Lot Illinois Street Engineering Total Illinois Street Debt Service Talcott Loan Principal Talcott Loan Interest 2005 Ref Bond Principal 2005 Ref Bond Interest Senior Housing Senior Bond Senior Housing Junior Lein Total Debt Service Total Capital Expenses Tot T.I.F. Expenses 1 FY11 -12 I FY11 -12 (Current) 1st Amendment $0 $0 $0 $14,000 FY11 -12 Amendmen $0 $14,000 Difference \and Difference $0 $0 $14,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,000 $1,500 $0 $14,000 $14,000 $1,500 $0 $0 $1,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 _ $25,000 $1,500 $25,000 $1,500 $1,500 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $40,000 $25,000 $5,000 $40,000 $0 $25,000 $5,500 $68,000 $0 $5,000 $500 $0 $28,000 $40,000 $0 $20,000 $45,000 $5,000 $20,000 $5,000 $73,500 $4,700 $0 $28,500 $5,000 ($300) $0 ($20,000) $20,000 $25,000 $25,000 $55,000 $5,000 $4,700 $75,000 ($20,300) $30,000 $20,000 $25,000 $0 0 435,000 86,273 62,000 1,000 $55,000 $0 0 435,000 86,273 62,000 1,000 $30,000 $55,000 $0 0 435,000 86,273 33,000 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ($29,000) $0 ($1,000) $584,273 $584,273 $0 $554,273 (530,000) $694,273 $749,773 $55,500 $727,973 ($21,800) $903,948 $952,073 $48,125 $930,273 ($21,800) Total T.I.F. Revenues Total T.I.F. Expenses Difference $981,000 $990,500 $9,500 $990,500 50 $903,948 $952,073 $48,125 $930,273 ($21,800) $77,052 $38,427 (538,625) $60,227 $21,800 22 -00 -40005 22 -00 -45100 22 -00 -46210 22 -00 -46300 22 -00 -46400 22 -00 -46401 22 -00 -46500 22 -00 -46550 22 -00 -46551 22 -00 -46630 22 -00 -46650 22 -00 -48100 22 -00 -48300 22 -00 -48500 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendmen FY 11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference Difference Water & Sewer Fund Revenues Funds Reallocated Service Charges for Service $0 $0 $0 IN Fines Cell Tower Lease 64,000 64,000 11111111111111111M3] 64,000 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII/IK3] Developer Reimb / B -Box Reinsp 1,000 1,000 ■11111E1 1,000 M.1 Water Usage 2,950,000 3,100,000 jiLEMI 3,000,000 ! ! ) Water Penalty 25,000 35,000 IIIMMILIMagl 35,000 11111/11/111.1W1 Meter Fees 20,000 20,000 MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIJ 20,000 11111■111111111W1 Sewer Charges 800,000 850,000 • a J j 875,000 li'i1GPPj Sewer Penalty 7,500 12,500 11111111111111Utka 12,500 111111111111111.111 Turn -on Fee 300 300 la1!I 300 Metered Water Use (hydrant) 5,000 5,000 5,000 Total Charges for Service $3,872,800 $4,087,800 $215 000 $4,012,800 $75,000 Other Income Interest $1,500 $1,500 11111111111111Mj) 5600 11111111111111(PD)) Sale of Village Property 0 0 M=.1111111111 0 Ej') Build America Bond Tax Rebate 113,360 113,360 =EIIJ 113,360 11111121 Miscellaneous Income 1,500 1,500 600 1 Total Other Income $116,360 $116,360 $0 $114,560 $ 800 Total Revenues $3,989,160 $4,204,160 $215,000 $4,127,360 ($76,800) BUDGET FISCAL 'MAR 2011 -2012 Water Expenses Personal Services 22 -05 -51100 Regular Salaries 22 -05 -51200 Overtime 22 -05 -51400 Temporary Salaries Total Personal Services Outside Services 22 -05 -52100 Meetings / Conf / Training 22 -05 -52200 Membership Fees 22 -05 -52250 Bank Charges 22 -05 -52300 Postage 22 -05 -52450 Rec / Ad / Print 22 -05 -52550 Newsletter 22 -05 -52600 Communications 22 -05 -54300 Dumping Fees 22 -05 -54400 Electricity / Gas / Phone 22 -05 -56200 Pro Svc - Data Processing 22 -05 -56300 Pro Svc - Engineering 22 -05 -56700 Pro Svc - Testing 22 -05 -57000 Maint Svc - Equipment 22 -05 -58000 Maint Svc - Softener 22 -05 -58100 Maint Svc - Water System 22 -05 -58200 Build Illinois Loan Payment Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies 22 -05 -60100 Office Supplies 22 -05 -60850 Maint Supplies - Water System 22 -05 -60950 Maint Supplies - Wells 22 -05 -61050 Maint Supplies - Softener 22 -05 -61200 Safety Equipment 22 -05 -61300 Tools & Hardware 22 -05 -61400 Uniforms Total Materials & Supplies Capital Outlay 22 -05 -70100 Office Equipment 22 -05 -70200 Other Equipment 22 -05 -70300 Vehicles Total Capital Outlay Total Water Expenses FY 11 -12 (Current) $o 0 o FY 11 -12 1st Amendment $o 0 o FY 11 -12 Amendmen so 0 0 Difference \tnd Difference $o $o $0 $0 $0 $0 $o $o $o $o $o $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $0 500 500 $0 500 $0 0 0 $0 0 SO 23,000 23,000 $0 23,000 $0 3,500 5,500 $2,000 5,500 $0 500 500 $0 500 $0 1,000 1,000 $0 1,000 $0 11,000 7,500 ($3,500) 7,500 $0 290,000 310,000 $20,000 300,000 ($10,000) 1,000 1,000 $0 1,000 $0 4,500 4,500 $0 4,500 $0 15,000 15,000 $0 15,000 $0 100,000 100,000 $0 25,000 ($75,000) 9,000 9,000 $0 9,000 $0 25,000 25,000 $0 15,000 ($10,000) 0 0 $0 0 $0 $486,000 $504,500 $18,500 $409,500 ($95,000) $6,000 $7,000 $7,000 $1,000 $0 15,000 12,500 ($2,600) 12,500 $0 4,000 4,000 $0 4,000 $0 118,000 75,000 ($43,000) 75,000 $0 1,000 1,000 $0 1,000 $0 2,000 2,000 $0 2,000 $0 5,000 5,000 $0 5,000 $0 $151,000 $106,500 ($44,500) $106,500 $0 $4,700 $4,700 $4,700 $0 $0 120,000 120,000 $0 63,000 ($57,000) 50,000 57,000 $7,000 87,000 $30,000 $174,700 $181,700 $7,000 $154,700 ($27,000) $811,700 $792,700 ($19,000) $670,700 ($122,000) BUDGET Fl CAL YE R 2011 -2112 Sewer Expenses Outside Services 22 -10 -54150 Utility Exp - Lift Station 22 -10 -56300 Pro Svc - Engineering 22 -10 -57050 Maint Svc - Sewer System 22 -10 -57150 Maint Svc - Lift Station 22 -10 -58300 MWRD User Fee Total Outside Services Materials & Supplies 22 -10 -60650 Maint Supplies - Sewer 22 -10 -61300 Tools & Hardware Total Materials & Supplies Total Sewer Expenses FY11 -12 (Current) FY11 -12 1st Amendment FY11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference Difference $28,000 $23,000 $23,000 ($5,000) $0 45,000 30,000 ($15,000) 18,000 ($12,000) 75,000 75,000 $0 75,000 $0 40,000 40,000 $0 30,000 ($10,000) 15,000 15,000 $0 15,000 $0 $203,000 $183,000 ($20,000) $161,000 ($22,000) $15,000 $15,000 $10,000 $0 ($5,000) 0 0 $0 0 $0 $15,000 $15,000 $0 $10,000 ($5,000) $218,000 $198,000 ($20,000) $171,000 ($27,000) 22 -15 -51100 22 -15 -51200 22 -15 -51400 22 -15 -52250 22 -15 -53100 22 -15 -54110 22 -15 -56000 22 -15 -56010 22 -15 -56110 22 -15 -58010 22 -15 -80100 22 -15 -80230 22 -15 -80250 22 -15 -80350 22 -15 -80450 22 -15 -80800 22 -15 -80810 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2911 -2012 FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 Amendmen Difference 'and Difference W &S Gen. Account Expenses Personal Services Regular Salaries $604,098 $647,000 $42,902 $647,000 $0 Overtime 40,000 33,000 ($7,000) 33,000 $0 Temporary Salaries 20,000 18,000 ($2,000) 18,000 $0 Total Personal Services $664,098 $698,000 $33,902 $698,000 $0 Outside Services Bank Charges $9,400 $9,400 $0 $9,400 $0 Health / Life Insurance 225,000 225,000 $0 236,000 $11,000 NDPES 10,000 10,000 $0 10,000 $0 Pro Svc - Appraisal 2,000 2,000 $0 2,000 $0 GASB 34 0 0 $0 0 $0 Geographic Info System 10,000 10,000' $0 10,000 $0 Pro Svc - Other Projects 10,000 10,000 $0 10,000 $0 Total Outside Services $266,400 $266,400 $0 $277,400 $11,000 Interfund Transfers Out To General Fund $858,407 $1,000,000 $141,593 $1,050,000 $50,000 To W &S Alt Rev Bond 803,555 803,955 $400 803,955 $0 To W &S Cap Improv Fund 282,000 282,000 $0 371,000 $89,000 To Gateway TIF Fund 35,000 35,000 $0 35,000 $0 To Road Improvement Fund 0 0 $0 0 $0 To Gen Cap Improv Fund 50,000 50,000 $0 50,000 $0 To Public Works Building Fund 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Interfund Transfers Out $2,028,962 $2,170,955 $141,993 $2,309,955 $139,000 Reserve for Reclassifications & increases $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total W &S Gen. Account Exp. $2,959,460 $3,135,355 $175,895 $3,285,355 $150,000 Total Water & Sewer Exp $3,989,160 $4,126,055 $136,895 $4,127,055 $1,000 Total Water & Sewer Revenue $3,989,160 $4,204,160 $215,000 $4,127,360 ($76,800) Total Water & Sewer Expenses $3,989,160 $4,126,055 $136,895 $4,127,055 $1,000 Difference $0 $78,105 $78,105 $305 ($77,800) 23 -00 -48100 23 -00 -49270 23 -00 -49220 23 -00 -56950 23 -00 -82101 23 -00 -82102 23 -00 -82205 23 -00 -82210 BUDGFT FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY11 -12 (Current) FY11 -12 1st Amendment FY11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference Difference W &S Alternate Rev.Bond Fund Revenue Other Income Interest $500 $100 ($400) $100 $0 Total Other Income $500 $100 ($400) $100 $0 Interfund Transfers In From Capitalized interest 225,203 225,203 $0 225,203 $0 From W &S Operation & Maint $803,555 $803,955 $400 $803,955 $0 Total Interfund Transfers In $1,028,758 $1,029,158 $400 $1,029,158 $0 Total Revenue $1,029,258 $1,029,258 $0 . $1,029;258 $0 Expenses Outside Services Bond Fees $1,600 $1,600 $0 $1,600 $0 Total Outside Services $1,600 $1,600 $0 $1,600 $0 Debt Service 2004 Well 6 Bond Principal $270,000 $270,000 $0 $270,000 $0 2004 Well 6 Bond Interest 188,705 188,705 $0 188,705 $0 2010 Build America Principal 0 0 $0 0 $0 2010 Build America Interest 338,563 338,563 $0 338,563 $0 2005 ARS W &S Refunding Bond Principal 195,000 195,000 $0 195,000 SO 2005 ARS W &S Refunding Bond Interest 35,390 35,390 $0 35,390 SO Total Debt Service $1,027,658 $1,027,658 $0 $1,027,658 $0 Total W &S A.R.S. Bond Exp $1,029,258 $1,029,258 $0 $1,029,258 SO Total W &S A.R.S. Bond Rev $1,029,258 $1,029,258 $0 $1,029,258 $0 Total W &S A.R.S. Bond Exp $1,029,258 $1,029,258 $0 $1,029,258 $0 Difference ($0) ($0) $0 ($0) $0 25 -00 -40005 25 -00 -46450 25 -00 -46600 25 -00 -48100 25 -00 -48350 25 -00 -48505 25 -00 -49140 25 -00 -49220 25 -00- 49450. BMW' FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY 11.12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 end Amendmen Difference Difference W &S Capital Improvement Fund Revenues Reallocated P/Y Funds $3,314,917 $4,150,739 $835,822 $4,150,739 50 $0 Revenues $0 Charges for Service $0 $0 Connection Fee - Water $125,000 $125,000 $0 $100,000 ($25,000) Connection Fee - Sewer 75,000 75,000 $0 65,000 ($10,000) Total Charges for Service $200,000 $200,000 $0 $165,000 ($35,000) Other Income Interest $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Developer Contributions 105,000 128,000 $23,000 140,622 $12,622 CBDG / Watermain 80,000 120,000 $40,000 120,000 $0 Misc. Income 0 8,000 $8,000 8,000 $0 Total Other Income $185,000 $256,000 $71,000 $268,622 $12,622 Interfund Transfers In From Debt Service Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 From W &S Operation & Maint 282,000 282,000 $0 371,000 $89,000 From Road Improvement Fund 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Interfund Transfers In $282,000 $282,000 $0 $371,000 $89,000 Total Revenues $3,981,917 $4,888,739 5906,822 54,955,361 $66,622 25- 00- 517100 25-00- 517201 25 -00- 565100 25 -00- 565200 25 -00- 566100 25 -00- 566200 25 -00- 567100 25 -00- 567200 25- 00- 568100 25- 00- 568200 25- 00- 569100 25 -00- 569200 25- 00- 570100 25 -00- 570200 25 -00- 571100 25 -00- 571200 25 -00- 572100 25 -00- 572200 25 -00- 573100 25 -00- 573200 25 -00- 574100 25- 00- 574200 25 -00- 575100 25-00-575200 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY11 -12 1 (Current) FY11 -12 1st Amendment FY11 -12 Amendmen Difference 'Ind Difference Expenses Logan Dam Control Engr - Flood Construction 100 000 60776 $12,000 45,000 l 52,000 $1,000 ( 3922g ( 16,77a Total Logan Dam 5115,000 513,775 Bell Road W &S Main(West Shore) Engineering $12,750 536,000 Construction 92,242 92,242 541,2 $57,000 -" 536,000 100,000 $16,77 $23,250 $0 50 57,758 Total Bell Road W &S Main Warner Eureka Storm Sewer -grant Engineering Construction $104,992 525,000 87,500 5128,242 59,000 395,007 523,250 $136,000 59,000' 395,007 57,758 $0 50 (516,000) 50 $307,507 50 Total Warner Eureka Storm Sewer State Street and Houston Softener Engineering Construction 5112,500 5200,000 1,800,000 $404,007 568,277 1,850,000 5291,507 5404,007! 570,000 1,850,000 50 ($131,723) $1,723 550,000 $0 Total New Avenue $2,000,000 51,918,277 Houston St Rehab - Painting Engineering 59,000 53,026 Construction 144,680 165,580 (581,723) $1,920,000 $1,600 173,000 $1,723 ($5,974) (51,426) 520,900 57,420 Total Houston St Rehab $153,680 $168,606 Houston St Water Main • Engineering 510,994 $19,598 Construction 91,613 383,451 514,926 $174,600 $19,598 383,451 55,994 $8,605 50 $291,838 50 Total Houston St Water Main 5102,606 5403,049 Kim /Kip /Keepataw Water Main Engineering 514,590 $26,281 Construction 145,909 385,758 $300,443 5403,049 531,000 420,000 $0 $11,691 54,719 $239,849 $34,242 Total Kim / Kip Water Main 5160,499 5412,039 New Avenue / Timberline - Lockport Engineering 580,000 590,000 Construction 810,440 791,736 5251,540 $451,000 5110,000 791,736 $38,961 510,000 $20,000 $0 ($18,704) Total New Avenue 5890,440 $881,736 Illinois Street - Lockport to State Engineering $6,000 50 Construction 540,000 $0 (58,704) 5901,736 $0 $0 520,000 (56,000) 50 (540,000) $0 Total Illinois Street - Lockport to State 546,000 $0 State Street Water - Wend to Peiffer/Warner Engineering $12,000 $31,000 Construction 575,000 5245,800 (546,000) 50 531,000 5245,800 50 519,000 50 $0 $170,800 Total State Street Water - Wend to Peiffer 587,000 $276,800 Keepataw / Freehauf Spillway Engineering $7,200 $8,000 Construction 560,000 $43,100 5189,800 5276,800 $8,000 543,100 50 50 $800 $0 (516,900) Total Keepataw / Freehauf Spillway 567,200 551,100 Water Main - McCarthy Rd - CBDG Engineering $42,000 542,000 Construction 5100,000 $122,000 (516,100) 551,100 $42,000 5122,000 50 $0 $0 $22,000 50 Total Water Main - McCarthy Rd - CDBG $142,000 $164,000 522,000 $164,000 50 Total W &S Cap Imp Exp 53,981,917 $4,881,631 $899,714 54,939,292 . $57,661 Total W &S Cap Imp Rev $3,981,917 54,888,739 $906,822 $4,955,361 566,622 Total W &S Cap Imp Exp $3,981,917 $4,881,631 $899,714 $4,939,292 $57,661 Difference ($0) $7,108 $7,108 $16,069 $8,961 30 -00 -40005 30 -00 -41755 30 -00 -48100 30 -00 -48600 30 -00 -49170 30 -00 -52450 30 -00 -56100 30 -00 -56950 30 -11- 516100 30 -11- 516200 30 -11- 517100 30 -11- 517200 30 -11 -82301 30 -11 -82302 30 -11 -82304 30 -11 -70200 30 -11 -70700 BUDGET FISCAL YEA; 11- t 2 FY 11.12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference Difference Downtown Canal Dist. T.I.F. Revenues Reallocated P/Y Funds $60,000 $92,000 $92,000 $32,000 $0 Real Estate Taxes T.I.F. Canal District $215,000 $182,000 ($33,000) $182,000 $0 Total Real Estate Taxes $215,000 $182,000 ($33,000) $182,000 $0 Other Income Interest $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 Developer Contribution $65,000 $65,000 $0 $65,000 $0 Bond Proceeds 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Other Income $66,000 $66,000 $0 $66,000 $0 Interfund Transfers In From T.I.F. Downtown Fund $100,000 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $0 Total Interfund Transfers In $100,000 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $0 Total D/T Canal Dist. Revenues $441,000 $440,000 ($1,000) $440,000 $0 Expenses Outside Services Rec / Adv / Printing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Pro Svc - Audit $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 Bond Fees 1,000 1,000 $0 1,000 $0 Total Outside Services $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $0 River / Front Street Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Outside Services $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Parking Garage Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction 35,000 35,000 $0 35,000 $0 Total Parking Garage $35,000 $35,000 $0. $35,000 SO Debt Service 2007 Canal Bond Principal $100,000 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $0 2007 Canal Bond Interest 109,575 109,575 $0 109,575 $0 2010 Canal TIF P &I 68,830 68,830 $0 68,830 $0 Total Debt Servcie $278,405 $278,405 $0 $278,405 $0 Capital Outlay Other Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction 125,000 125,000 $0 125,000 $0 Total Capital Outlay $125,000 $125,000 $0 $125,000 $0 Total Expenses $440,405 $440,405 $0 $440,405 $0 Total Revenues $441,000 $440,000 ($1,000) $440,000 $0 Total Expenses $440,405 $440,405 $0 $440,405 $0 Difference $595 ($405) ($1,000) ($405) $0 34 -00 -40005 34 -00 -41756 34 -00 -56600 34 -00 -56950 34 -00 -70700 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2Q11-2012 FY11 -12 (Current) FY11 -12 1st Amendment FY11 -12 end Amendmen Difference Difference Gateway T.I.F. Revenues Reallocated PTY Funds $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Real Estate Taxes Gateway TIF District $100,000 $100,000 $0 $100,000 50 Total Real Estate Taxes $100,000 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $0 Total Revenues $100,000 5100,000 $0 $100,000 $0 Expenses Outside Service Consulting $30,000 $30,000 530,000 50 Bond Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Outside Services $0 530,000 530,000 50 Construction 50000 50000 $50,000 $0 Total Capital Outlay 50000 $50,000 50000 $0 Interfund Transfers Out SSA #1 - Fund 35 $50,000 $0 ($50,000) $0 $0 0 0 50 0 $0 Total Transfers Out $50,000 $0 (550,000) $0 $0 Total Expenses 550,000 $80,000 $30,000 580,000 $0 I Total Revenues $100,000 5100,000 50 $100,000 $0 Total Expenses $50,000 $80,000 $30,000 560,000 $0 Difference $50,000 $20,000 ($30,000) $20,000 50 35 -00 -40005 35 -00 -41757 35 -00 -49220 35 -00 -56950 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2912 FY 11 -12 I (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 4nd Amendmen Difference Difference SSA #1 Revenues Reallocated P/Y Funds $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Real Estate Taxes SSA #1 $56,000 $106,000 $50,000 $106,000 $0 Total Real Estate Taxes lnterfund Transfers In $56,000 $106,000 $50,000 $106,000 $0 From Water & Sewer Fund $35,000 $35,000 $0 $35,000 $0 From. Gateway TIF $50,000 $0 ($50,000) $0 $0 Total Interfund Transfers In $85,000 $35,000 ($50,000) $35,000 $0 Total Revenues $141,000 $141,000 $0 $141,000 $0 Expenses Outside Service Bond Fees $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 Total Outside Services $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 Debt Service Payments Principal $65,000 $65,000 $0 $65,000 $0 Interest 74,713 74,713 $0 74,713 $0 Total Debt Service Payments $139,713 $139,713 $0 $139,713 $0 Total Expenses $140,713 $140,713 $0 $140,713 $0 Total Revenues $141,000 $141,000 $0 $141,000 $0 Total Expenses $140,713 $140,713 $0 $140,713 $0 Difference $287 $287 $0 $287 $0 40 -00 -40005 40 -00 -43700 40 -00 -48100 40 -00 -53000 40 -00 -56300 40 -00 -58150 40 -00 -60900 BUDQ TFISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY 11-12 (Current) FY11 -12 1st Amendment FY11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference Difference Motor Fuel Tax Fund Revenues Reallocated P/Y Funds $0 $0 50 50 50 State Shared Revenue Allotments $380,000 $473,000 593,000 5473,000 50 Total State Shared Revenue $380,000 5473,000 593,000 5473,000 50 Other Income Interest $1,000 $4,000 53,000 54,000 50 Total Other Income 51,000 54,000 $3,000 $4,000 50 Total Revenues $381,000 5477,000 596,000 5477,000 50 Expenses Outside Services Electricity - Street Lighting 525,000 $25,000 $0 525,000 50 Pro Svc - Engineering 10,000 10,000 $0 10,000 50 Maint Svc - Streets 176,000 176,000 $0 176,000 50 Total Outside Services 211,000 211,000 $0 211,000 50 Materials & Supplies Maint Supl - Street/Alleys $170,000 $170,000 $0 $170,000 50 Total Materials & Supplies $170,000 5170,000 50 5170,000 50 Total Expenses 5381,000 5381,000 50 5381,000 50 Total Revenues $381,000 $477,000 $96,000 5477,000 $0 Total Expenses $381,000 5381,000 50 $381,000 50 Difference $0 $96,000 $96,000 596,000 50 45 -00 -40005 45 -00 -47700 45 -00 -47701 45 -00 -47702 45 -00 -47703 45 -00 -48100 45 -00 -48200 45 -00 -48201 45 -00 -48202 45 -00 -48350 45 -00 -49220 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR,g011-2012 FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 Amendmen Difference \and Difference Road Improvement Fund Revenues Reallocated PTY Revenues $0 $105,000 $105,000 $105,000 $0 Intergovernmental Revenue Engr Reimb - 127th Street GRANT Land Acq Reimb - 127th St 0 0 $0 0 $0 McCarthy Road Grant 110,250 110,250 $0 110,250 $0 Land Acq Reimb - McCarthy Road STP 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Intergovernmental Revenue $110,250 $110,250 $0 $110,250 $0 Other Income Interest $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $0 Utility Tax - Communications 700,000 710,000 $10,000 710,000 $0 Utility Tax - Electric 600,000 640,000 $40,000 610,000 ($30,000) Utility Tax - Gas 300,000 300,000 $0 300,000 $0 Developer Contributions 290,000 290,000 $0 290,000 $0 Total Other Income $1,892,000 $1,942,000 $50,000 $1,912,000 ($30,000) Interfund Transfers In From Water & Sewer Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Interfund Transfers In $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Revenue $2,002,250 $2,157,250 $155,000 $2,127,250 $2,127,250 BUDGET FISCAJ,, YEAR 2011 -2012 Expenses 45 -00 -56600 Pro Svc - Consulting Interfund Transfers Out 45 -00 -80100 To General Fund 45 -00 -80140 To Debt Service Fund 45- 00- 80250 To W & S Capital Improvements Total Interfund Transfers Out Total Expenses Road Reconstruction Program McCarthy Road Improvements 45 -20- 506100 Engineering 45 -20- 506200 Construction Total McCarthy Road Improvements 127th Street Improvements 45 -20- 507100 Engineering 45 -20- 507200 Construction 45 -20- 507300 Land Acquisition Total 127th Street Improvements Czacki /Division /East 45- 20- 511100 Engineering 45 -20- 511200 Construction Total Czacki East / Logan / Moczygemba 45- 20- 514100 Engineering 45 -20- 514200 Construction Total East / Logan / Moczygemba River / Front Streets 45 -20- 516100 Engineering 45 -20- 516200 Construction Total River / Front Streets McCarthy Rd (STP -Ph 1) 45- 20- 517100 Engineering 45- 20- 517200 Construction 45 -20- 517300 Land Acquisition Total McCarthy Rd (STP - Ph 1) State Street LAPP 45- 20- 518100 Engineering 45 -20- 518200 Construction Total State Street LAPP FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 Amendmen Difference \and Difference $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 5695,000 $695,000 $695,000 $0 50 732,030 732,030 $0 732,030 $0 0 0 $0 0 $0 $1,427,030 $1,427,030 $0 $1,427,030 $0 51,427,030 $1,427,030 $0 $1,427,030 $0 $o $0 $0 $0 50 0 0 50 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $0 0 0 $0 0 50 0 0 $0 0 $0 $0 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 0 0 $0 0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 50 0 0 $0 0 50 $0 $0 50 50 50 $189,000 $189,000 $15,000 $0 0174,000) 361,350 361,350 50 0 (5361,350) 20,000 50,000 $30,000 50,000 50 $570,350 $600,350 530,000 $65,000 ($535,350) 50 $0 $0 $0 $0 0 154,123 $154,123 154,123 50 $0 $154,123 $154,123 5154,123 50 45 -20- 520100 45- 20- 520200 45 -20- 521100 45 -20- 521200 45- 20- 522100 45 -20- 522200 45 -20- 523100 45 -20- 523200 45 -20- 777777 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY11 -12 (Current) FY 11-12 1st Amendment FY11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference Difference Road Reconstruction Program Walker / McCarthy Traffic Signal Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Walker / McCarthy Traffic Signas $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Derby Road LAPP Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Derby LAPP $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Norton Dr / Norton Ave Reconstruction Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Norton Dr / Norton Ave Reconstruction $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Timberline / 127th Signal Engineering $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 Construction 0 - 0 $0 0 $0 Total Timberline / 127th Signal $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 Reconstruction Projects Reconstruction Projects 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Reconstruction Projects $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Reconstruction Program $570,350 $759,473 $189,123 $224,123 ($535,350) Total Road Improv Expenses $1,997,380 $2,186,503 $189,123 $1,651,153 ($535,350) Total Road Improv Revenue $2,002,250 $2,157,250 $155,000 $2,127,250 ($30,000) Total Road Improv Expenses $1,997,380 $2,186,503 $189,123 $1,651,153 ($535,350) Difference $4,870 ($29,253) ($34,123) $476,097 $505,350 50 -00 -41800 50 -00 -46230 50 -00 -48100 50 -00 -49100 50 -00 -52150 JBUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2112 FY 11-12 (Current) FY11 -12 1st Amendment FY11 -12 Amendmen Difference \tnd Difference I.M.R.F. Fund $245,000 $245,000 $203,000 Revenues Real Estate Tax I.M.R.F. Total Real Estate Tax Charges for Service Special Detal Reimbursement Total Charges for Service Other Income Interest Total Other Income Interfund Transfers In From General Fund (PPRT) Total Interfund Transfers In Total Revenues Expenses Outside Services Village I.M.R.F. Contribution Total Outside Services Total I.M.R.F. Expenses $0 ($42,000) $245,000 $245,000 $0 $0 $0 $203,000 $0 ($42,000) - $0 $0 $0 $0 $200 $200 $0 $0 $200 $0 $0 $0 $200 $200 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $200 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $5,000 $0 $250,200 $250,200 $0 $208,200 ($42,000) $245,000 $241,000 $257,000 ($4,000) $16,000 $245,000 $241,000 ($4,000) $257,000 $16,000 $245,000 $241,000 ($4,000) $257,000 $16,000 Total I.M.R.F. Revenues Total I.M.R.F. Expenses Difference $250,200 $250,200 $0 $208,200 ($42,000) $245,000 $241,000 ($4,000) $257,000 $16,000 $5,200 $9,200 $4,000 ($48,800) ($58,000) 55 -00 -41850 55 -00 -46230 55 -00 -48100 55 -00 -52150 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 Amendmen Difference 'tnd Difference Social Security Fund $240,000 $240,000 $150,000 Revenues Real Estate Tax Social Security Total Real Estate Tax Charges for Service Special Detal Reimbursement Total Charges for Service Other Income Interest Total Other Income Total Revenues Expenses Outside Services Village Social Security Contribution Total Outside Services Total Expenses $0 ($90,000) ($90,000) $240,000 $0 $240,000 $0 $0 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500 $0 $500 $0 $0 $500 $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 $0 $500 $0 $240,500 $240,500 $0 $150,500 ($90,000) $220,000 $213,000 $215,000 ($7,000) $2,000 $220,000 $213,000 ($7,000) $215,000 $2,000 $220,000 $213,000 ($7,000) $215,000 $2,000 60 Total Revenues Total Expenses Difference $240,500 $240,500 $0 $150,500 ($90,000) $220,000 $213,000 ($7,000) $215,000 $2,000 $20,500 $27,500 $7,000 ($64,500) ($92,000) 72 -00 -44200 72 -00 -44220 72 -00 -46260 72 -00 -48100 72 -00 -57450 72 -00 -57000 72 -00 -57550 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY11 -12 (Current) FY11 -12 1st Amendment FY11 -12 Amendmen Difference 'and Difference Parking Garage Fund Revenues Licenses & Permits Parking Permits $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Parking Meters $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Licenses & Permits $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Charges for Service Condo Assessments $24,600 $24,600 $0 $24,600 $0 Total Charges for Service $24,600 $24,600 $0 $24,600 $0 Other Income Interest $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Other Income $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Interfund Transfers In From ? ?? Total Interfund Transfers In $0 $0 $0 Total Revenues $24,600 $24,600 $0 $24,600 $0 Expenses Outside Services Utility Expense - Garage $16,800 $16,800 $0 $16,800 $0 Maint Svc - Garage 16,490 16,490 $0 16,490 $0 Maint Svc - Snow Removal 0 0 $0 0 - $0 Total Outside Services $33,290 $33,290 $0 $33,290 $0 Materials & Supplies Maint Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Materials & Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay Other Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Expenses $30,904 $33,290 $2,386 $0 $0 I I Total Parking Garage Revenue $24,600 $24,600 $0 $24,600 $0 Total Parking Garage Expenses $30,904 $33,290 $2,386 $0 ($33,290) Difference ($6,304) ($8,690) ($2,386) $24,600 $33,290 75 -00 -40005 75 -00 -44200 75 -00 -44220 75 -00 -45100 75 -00 -48100 75 -00 -51100 75 -00 -51850 75 -00 -52300 75 -00 -52500 75 -00 -54150 75 -00 -54250 75 -00 -57000 75 -00 -57350 75 -00 -57550 75 -00 -60820 75 -00 -70200 75 -00 -70600 75 -00 -70700 75 -00 -80100 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY 11 -12 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 Amendmen Difference \tnd Difference Parking Lot Account Revenues Reallocated P/Y Funds $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Licenses & Permits Parking Permits $31,000 $31,000 $0 $31,000 $0 Parking Meters 43,000 43,000 $0 43,000 $0 Total Licenses & Permits $74,000 $74,000 $0 $74,000 $0 Fines Fines $5,000 $5,000 $0 $5,000 $0 Total Fines $5,000 $5,000 $0 $5,000 $0 Other Income Interest $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 Total Other Income $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 Total Revenues $80,000 $80,000 $0 $80,000 $0 Expenses Personal Services Regular Salaries $33,432 $33,432 $0 $36,000 $2,568 Payroll Taxes 6,100 6,100 $0 6,100 $0 Total Personal Services $39,532 $39,532 $0 $42,100 $2,568 Outside Services Postage $175 $175 $0 $175 $0 Advertising / Printing 1,500 1,500 $0 1,500 $0 Electricity 6,000 6,000 $0 6,000 $0 Village Leases 3,600 3,600 $0 3,600 $0 Maint Svc - Equipment 10,000 .10,000 $0 10,000 $0 Maint Svc - Parking Lots 3,000 3,000 $0 3,000 $0 Maint Svc - Snow Removal 10,000 10,000 $0 10,000 $0 Total Outside Services $34,275 $34,275 $0 $34,275 $0 Materials & Supplies Maint Supplies - Landscaping $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 Total Materials & Supplies $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 Capital Outlay Other Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Engineering 0 0 $0 0 $0 Construction 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Interfund Transfers Out $0 To General Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Interfund Transfers Out $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Expenses $74,807 $74,807 $0 $77,375 $2,568 Total Revenues $80,000 $80,000 $0 $80,000 $0 Total Expenses $74,807 $74,807 $0 $77,375 $2,568 Difference $5,193 $5,193 $0 $2,625 ($2,568) 80 -00 -40005 80 -00 -47509 80 -00 -47511 80 -00 -47905 80 -00 -48100 80 -00 -48250 80 -00 -48260 80 -00 -48350 80 -00 -48500 80 -00 -49100 80 -00 -49220 80 -00 -49450 BUDGET !$CAL, YEAR 20114012 FY 11 -12 (Current) 1 FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 Amendmen Difference \tnd Difference General Capital Improvement Fund - Revenues Reallocated P/Y Funds $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Intergovernmental Revenue Brownfield Grant $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Miscellaneous Grants 0 0 $0 0 $0 Engr Rmb - Canal Path 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Intergovernmental Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Other Income Interest $50 $50 $0 $50 $0 50/50 Sidewalk Reimb 0 0 $0 0 $0 50/50 Parkway Tree Contrib 0 0 $0 0 $0 Developer Contributions 0 0 $0 0 $0 Miscellaneous Income 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Other Income $50 $50 $0 $50 $0 Interfund Transfers In From General Fund $30,000 $30,000 $0 $30,000 $0 From W & S Oper & Maint 50,000 50,000 $0 50,000 $0 From Road Improvement fund 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Interfund Transfers In $80,000 $80,000 $0 $80,000 $0 Total Revenues $80,050 $80,050 $0 $80,050 $0 80 -00- 546100 80 -00- 546200 80 -00- 570100 80- 00- 570200 80- 00- 573100 80 -00- 573200 80 -00- 575100 80 -00- 575200 80 -00- 576100 80- 00- 576200 80 -00- 580300 80 -00 -70100 80 -00 -70700 BUDGET E CAL YEAR 2 11-2„112 FY 11 -12 (Current) 11-12 FY 11 -12 I FY Amendment FY 11 -12 and Amendmen Difference Difference General Capital Improv. Fund (cont.) Expenses Quarry Area Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Quarry Area $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Sidewalks / Miscellaneous Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Sidewalks / Miscellaneous $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Main Street Culvert Removal / Fire Station Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Main-Street Culvert Removal / Fire Station $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 I & M Canal West Pathway Improvements Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total I & M Canal West Pathway Improvements $0 $0 $0- $0 $0 Tri- Central Engineering $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Construction 0 0 $0 _ 0 $0 Total Tri- Central $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Parkway Tree Program Parkway Trees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Parkway Tree Program $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $80,000 $80,000 $0 $80,000 $0 Construction 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Capital Outlay $80,000 $80,000 $0 $80,000 $0 Total Gen Cap Imp Exp $80,000 $80,000 $0 $80,000 $0 Total Gen Cap Imp Rev $80,050 $80,050 $0 $80,050 $0 Total Gen Cap Imp Exp $80,000 $80,000 $0 $80,000 $0 Difference $50 $50 $0 $50 $0 81 -00 -40005 81 -00 -48100 81 -00 -49100 81 -00 -49140 81 -00 -49220 81 -00 -49230 81 -00 -56300 81 -00 -56600 81 -00 -70600 81 -00 -70700 81 -00 -80100 81 -00 -80820 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY 11 -12 1 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 Amendmen Difference 'ind Difference Public Works Building Fund Revenue P/Y Fund Balance $0 $0 $0 Other Income Interest $0 $0 $0 Total Other Income $0 $0 $0 Interfund Transfers In From General Fund $0 $0 $0 From Debt Service fund 0 0 0 From Water & Sewer Fund 0 0 0 From Water & Sewer Bond Fund 0 0 0 Total Interfund Transfers In $0 $0 $0 Total Revenue $0 I $0 $0 Expenses Outside Services Pro Svc - Engineering $0 $0 $0 Pro Svc - Consulting 0 0 0 Total Outside Serives $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay Land Acquisition $0 $0 $0 Construction 0 0 0 Total Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 Interfund Transfers Out To General Fund $0 $0 $0 To Police Building Fund Total Interfuind Transfers Out $0 $0 $0 Total Expenses $0 $0 $0 Total Pub Works Bldg Fund Rev $0 $0 $0 Total Pub Works Bldg Fund Exp $0 $0 $0 Difference $0 $0 $0 82 -00 -40005 82 -00 -48100 82 -00 -49100 82 -00 -56300 82 -00 -56600 82 -00 -70600 82 -00 -70700 82 -00 -80140 82 -00 -80140 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2O1g FY 11 -12 1 (Current) FY 11 -12 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 end Amendmen Difference Difference Police Building Fund Revenue P/Y Fund Balance $0 $0 $0 Other Income Interest $0 $0 $0 Total Other Income $0 $0 $0 Interfund Transfers In From General Fund $0 $0 $0 Total Interfund Transfers In $0 $0 $0 Total Revenue $0 I $0 $0 Expenses Outside Services Pro Svc - Engineering $0 $0 $0 Pro Svc - Consulting 0 0 0 Total Outside Serives $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay Land Acquisition $0 $0 $0 Construction 0 0 0 Total Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 Interfund Transfers Out To Debt Service Fund $0 $0 $0 To Debt Service Fund 0 0 0 Total Interfund Transfers Out $0 $0 $0 Total Expenses $0 $0 $0 Total Police Building Fund Rev $0 $0 $0 Total Police Building Fund Exp $0 $0 $0 Difference $0 $0 $0 90 -00 -48001 90 -00 -48100 90 -00 -48450 90 -00 -48500 90 -00 -49100 90 -00 -52100 90 -00 -52200 90 -00 -52251 90 -00 -56150 90 -00 -56450 90 -00 -58500 90 -00 -58600 90 -00 -60100 90 -00 -60300 90 -00 -70100 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY 11 -12 FY 11 -12 (Current) 11-12 1 FY Amendment FY 11 -12 Amendmen Difference \tnd Difference Police Pension Fund Revenues Other Income Gain (Loss) on Inv Interest 250,000 250,000 $0 250,000 $0 Employee Contributions 210,000 210,000 $0 210,000 $0 Misc Income 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Other Income $460,000 $460,000 $0 $460,000 $0 Interfund Transfers In From General Fund $510,000 $510,000 $0 $500,000 ($10,000) Total Interfund Transfers In $510,000 $510,000 $0 $500,000 ($10,000) Total Revenues $970,000 $970,000 $0 $960,000 ($10,000) Expenses Outside Services Meetings / Conf / Training $2,200 $2,200 $0 $2,200 $0 Memberships 2,500 2,500 $0 2,500 $0 Investment Charges 100 100 $0 100 $0 Pro Svc - Accounting 2,000 2,000 $0 2,000 $0 Pro Svc - Actuarial 0 0 $0 0 $0 Pension Payments 376,000 376,000 $0 376,000 $0 Termination Refunds 0 0 $0 0 $0 Total Outside Services $382,800 $382,800 $0 $382,800 $0 Materials & Supplies Office Supplies $200 $200 $0 $200 $0 Publications 100. 100 $0 100 $0 Total Materials & Supplies $300 $300 $0 $300 $0 Capital Outlay Office Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Expenses $383,100 $383,100 $0 $383,100 $0 Total Revenues $970,000 $970,000 $0 $960,000 ($10,000) Total Expenses $383,100 $383,100 $0 $383,100 $0 Difference $586,900 $586,900 $0 $576,900 ($10,000) ,EAJDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY 11 -12 FY 11 -12 (Current) 1st Amendment Difference FY 11 -12 nd Amendmen Difference SUMMARY GENERAL FUND revenue 9,121,950 9,286,143 expense 8,616,583 8,576,188 difference 505,367 709,955 $164,193 9,466,222 $180,079 ($40,395) 8,520,967 ($55,221) $204,588 945,255 $235,300 DEBT SERVICE FUND revenue 1,247,530 1,247,530 expense 1,258,545 1,258,545 difference (11,015) (11,015) $0 1,247,530 $0 $0 1,258,545 $0 $0 (11,015) $0 GENERAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS revenue 80,050 80,050 expense 80,000 80,000 difference 50 50 PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING FUND revenue expense difference POLICE BUILDING FUND revenue expense difference ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND revenue expense difference MOTOR FUEL TAX FUND revenue expense difference $0 80,050 $0 $0 80,000 $0 $0 50 $0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,002,250 2,157,250 1,997,380 2,186,503 4,870 (29,253) 2,127,250 1,651,153 476,097 381,000 477,000 381,000 381,000 0 96,000 477,000 381,000 96,000 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 FY 11 -12 FY 11 -12 (Current) 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 Difference and Amendmen Difference SUMMARY cont. WATER & SEWER FUND revenue 3,989,160 4,204,160 expense 3,989,160 4,126,055 difference 0 78,105 W &S ALT. REVENUE BOND revenue expense difference W &S CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND revenue expense difference PARKING LOT FUND revenue expense difference PARKING GARAGE FUND revenue expense difference 4,127,360 4,127,055 305 1,029,258 1,029,258 1,029,258 1,029,258 (0) (0) 1,029,258 1,029,258 (0) 3,981,917 4,888,739 3,981,917 4,881,631 (0) 7,108 4,955,361 4,939,292 16,069 80,000 80,000 74,807 74,807 5,193 5,193 80,000 77,375 2,625 24,600 24,600 30,904 33,290 (6,304) (8,690) 24,600 0 24,600 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -012 FY 11 -12 1 FY 11 -12 (Current) 1st Amendment FY 11 -12 Amendmen Difference 'Ind Difference SUMMARY cont. I.M.R.F. FUND revenue expense difference SOCIAL SECURITY FUND revenue expense difference WORKING CASH FUND revenue expense difference T.I.F. Fund - Downtown revenue expense difference T.I.F. Fund - Canal District revenue expense difference T.I.F. Fund - Gateway revenue expense difference Special Service District #1 revenue expense difference POLICE PENSION FUND revenue expense difference 250,200 250,200 208,200 245,000 241,000 257,000 5,200 9,200 (48,800) 240,500 240,500 150,500 220,000 213,000 215,000 20,500 27,500 (64,500) 15,000 5,500 5,500 10,000 3,000 3,000 5,000 2,500 2,500 981,000 990,500 990,500 903,948 952,073 930,273 77,052 38,427 60,227 441,000 440,000 440,000 440,405 440,405 440,405 595 (405) (405) 100,000 100,000 100,000 50,000 80,000 80,000 50,000 20,000 20,000 141,000 141,000 141,000 140,713 140,713 140,713 287 287 287 970,000. 970,000 960,000 383,100 383,100 383,100 586,900 586,900 576,900 TOTAL ALL FUNDS revenue expense difference 25,076,415 26,612,430 26,610,331 23,832,721 25,080,568 24,514,136 1,243,694 1,531,862 2,096,195 BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 10 -00 -49150 From Working Cash 10 -00 -49220 From Water & Sewer Fund 10 -00 -49450 From Road Improv fund 10 -00 -49750 From Commuter Lot 14 -00 -49100 From General Fund 14 -00 -49450 From Road Improvement Fund 14 -00 -49820 From Police Building Fund 23 -00 -49220 From Water & Sewer Fund 23 -00 -27220 From LIT Debt Capitalized Int 25 -00 -49220 From Water & Sewer Fund 25 -00 -49450 From Road Improvement Fund 30 -00 -49170 From T.I.F. Downtown 35 -00 -49220 From Water & Sewer Fund 45 -00 -49220 From Water & Sewer Fund 50 -00 -49100 From General Fund (PPRT) 80 -00 -49100 80 -00 -49220 90 -00 -49100 From General Fund From Water & Sewer Fund From General Fund 10 -90 -80140 To Debt Service Fund 10 -90 -80500 To IMRF Fund 10 -90 -80800 To General Capital Improv Fund 10 -90 -80900 To Police Pension Fund 15 -00 -80100 To General Fund 17 -00 -80300 To T.I.F. Canal Dist Fund 22 -15 -80100 To General Fund 22 -15 -80230 To W &S Alt Rev Bond 22 -15 -80250 To W & S Capital Improvement Fund 22 -15 -80350 To Special Service District #1 22 -15 -80450 To Road Improvement Fund 22 -15 -80800 To Gen Cap Improv Fund 27 -00 -27220 To W &S Alt Rev Bond 45 -00 -80100 To General Fund 45 -00 -80140 To Debt Service Fund 45 -00 -80250 To W & S Capital Improvement fund 72 75 -00 -80100 To General Fund 82 -00 -80140 To Debt Service Fund FY 11 -12 FY 11 -12 FY 11 -12 (Current) 1st Amendment Difference tnd Amendmen Difference REALLOCATIONS