R-88-11 Res Adopting a Budget PolicyRESOLUTION NO. R
WHEREAS, the Village of Lemont desires to adopt a Budget Policy; and,
WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees find that adopting the attached Village
of Lemont Budget Policy is in the interest of the public.
OF TRUSTEES as follows:
SECTION 1: That the Village of Lemont Budget Policy, attached as Exhibit A hereto is hereby
SECTION 2: This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage
as provided by law.
SECTION 3: The Village Clerk of the Village of Lemont shall certify to the adoption of
this Resolution and cause the same to be published.
ILLINOIS on this 28th day of November 2011.
Debby Blatzer j✓
Paul Chialdikas �✓
Clifford Miklos /
Ron Stapleton ✓
Rick Sniegowski ✓
Jeanette Virgilio ✓
Village Clerk
Village of Lemont
Budget Policy
Adopted: November 28, 2011
A. Village Mission Statement ................................................... ..............................1
B. Budget Principles .................................................................. ..............................1
E. Operating Expenditures Policies .......................................... ..............................5
F. Capital Investment Policies .................................................. ..............................5
G. Investment and Debt Policies ............................................... .................:............6
Village of Lemont
Budget Policy
Adopted: November 28, 2011
A. Village Mission Statement
The Village of Lemont is dedicated to promoting and preserving the character of the community
and ensuring a high quality of life through piotessional public service provided in a friendly,
consistent, and fiscally responsible manner, emphasizing the best interest of the community as a
B. Budget Principles
The Village of Lemont Budget Policy is based on a set of fundamental principles designed to
maintain an organization with a strong financial condition and a proactive approach to serving the
needs of its citizens. Adherence to these principles will enable the Village to provide services in a
cost - effective manner in both good times and in periods of sustained economic downturn and
uncertainty. These principles include:
1. The Village budget shall reflect a long -term perspective and incorporate policies and
management strategies to achieve the Village's long -term goals.
2. The Village budget process shall identify broad organizational goals and link the
departmental spending plans directly to the accomplishment of these goals.
3. The Village shall publish an annual budget which serves as a communication tool,
demonstrating the Village's accountability for the sources and uses of public funds and
providing an operations guide to assist personnel in the responsible management and
application of these resources.
4. The focus of budget decisions will be on results and outcomes. The Village will
continually monitor its financial condition, performance relative to the adopted budget,
and stakeholder satisfaction with programs and services and make adjustments as needed.
5. The budget shall be designed to promote involvement from citizens, staff, local businesses
and other interested stakeholders. The annual budget shall be provided in its entirety on
the Village's web -site, and the Village will annually exceed statutory requirements for
public discussion and deliberation on the budget.
6. The budget will be prepared on the current financial resources measurement focus for all
funds, using the modified accrual basis of accounting for governmental funds and the
accrual basis of accounting for enterprise and internal service funds.
C. Budget Process
The Village of Lemont has adopted the budget system for managing Village finances in
accordance with Illinois Compiled Statutes 65 ILCS 5/8- 2- 9.1 -10 as documented in Ordinance 0-
23-11 of the Village of Lemont municipal code. The budget process consists of activities that
encompass the development, implementation and evaluation of the budget process, including:
Village of Lemont
Budget Policy
Adopted: November 28, 2011
1. Strategic Plan — The Mayor, Village Board and Village Administrator will establish broad
goals that provide overall direction for the government. This will be completed at the
beginning of each budget cycle. These goals will serve as a framework for decision
making. The strategic plan shall include the identification of opportunities and challenges
for government services, capital assets, and management.
2. Budget Preparation — in accordance with Illinois Compiled Statutes, the Mayor shall
appoint a Budget Officer. The Budget Officer is responsible for coordinating the overall
preparation and administration of the Village budget. The Department Heads have
primary responsibility for formulating budget proposals that support the priorities and
direction provided by the Village Board. The Budget Officer will assist the Department
Heads in identifying budget problems, formulating solutions and alternatives, and
implementing any necessary corrective actions.
3. Balanced Budget — the Village shall adopt a balanced operating budget, which is defined
as a budget where projected revenues are equal to budgeted expenditures within the
current fiscal period. Capital projects funds and other projects funded from existing
resources (e.g., fund balances) are excluded from this policy.
4. Performance Budgeting — performance measures will be utilized and reported in
department budgets. The Village will prepare historical trends and comparisons to other
municipalities, and use other financial management tools to monitor and improve Village
5. Budget Calendar — the Village Board of Trustees shall adopt a Budget Ordinance,
including a budget for all funds utilized by the Village, within the first quarter of each
fiscal year, in accordance with the following timeframe:
a. Strategic Planning Session — the Mayor, Village Board of Trustees, Village
Administrator and Assistant Village Administrator will attend a strategic planning
session to outline long -term goals and provide overall direction for the Village.
This will be held in December.
b. Department Head Budget Memo — the Budget Officer prepares a Department Head
Budget Memo, outlining the Village's strategic goals and informing the
departments of the upcoming budget requirements. This will be distributed to the
Department Heads by December 31.
c. Budget Forms — the Finance Department prepares a Budget Form for each
department. This report includes historical data and is used by the Department
Heads as a worksheet to complete the proposed budget. The Budget Officer
distributes these forms to each Department Head by December 31. Completed
forms are due to the Budget Officer by January 31.
Village of Lemont
Budget Policy
Adopted: November 28, 2011
d. Capital Planning Meeting — the Budget Officer meets with the Village Engineer
and the Building and Public Works departments to review the proposed capital
projects for the next fiscal year and update the 5 year capital project plan. This
meeting will be held by January 31.
e. Committee of the Whole Meeting (Budget Guidance) — the Budget Officer will
present the initial budget estimates, revenue projections, and capital project plans
for discussion by the committee at the February meeting.
f. Department Head Budget Session — in February the Budget Officer will meet with
the Department Heads to review initial budget projections and seek input from
Department Heads.
Finance Committee Meeting — the Budget Officer presents the tentative budget to
the Finance Committee for review in early March.
h. Committee of Whole Meeting (Tentative Budget) - the Budget Officer presents the
tentative budget for discussion at the Committee of the Whole meeting in March.
i. Public Inspection - the Village will announce that the tentative budget is available
for public inspection, available on the Village website in late March. The Village
is required to make this available for public review for a minimum of 10 days.
Public Hearing — the Village will conduct a public hearing on the budget in early
April. Notice of this hearing will be published at least 10 days prior to the hearing.
k. Board Approval — the Budget Officer will present the final budget to the Board of
Trustees by April30 for approval.
1. County Clerk Filing — the Village shall file a certified copy of the budget with the
County Clerk's office for the counties of Cook, DuPage and Will within 30 days of
the adoption of the budget ordinance.
6. Budget Monitoring — the Finance Department will maintain a system for monitoring the
Village's budget performance. Interim financial reports comparing actual experience
against budgeted revenues and expenditures in the current fiscal period shall be distributed
and reviewed with the Village Board on a quarterly basis. The Finance Department will
also provide monthly reports comparing actual experience against budgeted revenues and
expenditures in the current fiscal period to Department Heads. The Department Heads
have primary responsibility for ensuring their departments stay within their annual
adopted budget.
Village of Lemont
Budget Policy
Adopted: November 28, 2011
7. Budget Adjustments and Amendments — during the course of the year, the Village may
determine that a significant individual purchase or other unplanned event may cause a
budgeted account to exceed the budgeted amount. The Village may adjust the original
budget using one of the following methods:
a. Budget adjustment — this involves a reallocation of existing appropriations and
does not change the Fund's overall budget. In accordance with the budget officer
ordinance adopted by the Village, the Department Heads are authorized to delete,
add to, change or create su'6.,1a cs wit ,,:' object classes budgeted previously to the
department, subject to the prior approval of the i;t'dget Officer and the Village
Administrator, or the Mayor, in the event the Village Admiiiistrawr is d Budget
b. Budget amendment — this provides an addition to or reduction of existing budget
authority which results in a change to the Fund's bottom line. This type of change
requires a resolution that amends the original budget and states the sources of
funding for the incremental for the change. At least quarterly, the Budget Officer
will prepare a formal resolution for filing with the County Clerk which will include
all of the quarter's amendments passed by motions and presented to the Village
Board for approval.
8. Distinguished Budget Presentation — the Village will seek to prepare its budget based on
the requirements of the Government Finance Officers Association's (GFOA) Budget
Presentation Award program.
D. Revenue Policies 1
The Village must be sensitive to the balance between the need for services and the Village's
ability to raise fees, charges, and taxes to support those services. The Village revenue estimates
are to be conservatively forecasted and include the following principles:
1. Mix of revenues - the Village should strive to maintain a stable and diverse mix of
revenues in order to balance the sources of revenue and protect against short-term
fluctuations in any one revenue source.
2. Charges for services - the Village shall have fees for services that benefit specific users
established in such a manner which fully support all direct and indirect costs associated
with providing the service. Departments that impose fees or service charges should
prepare and periodically (i.e., annually) update cost -of- service studies for such services.
3. One -time revenues - the Village shall avoid the use of one -time or otherwise intermittent
revenues to support on -going operational costs.
Village of Lemont
Budget Policy
Adopted: November 28, 2011
4. Grant Agreements - the Village shall explore the award of various local, State and /or
Federal grants to support one -time capital or non - recurring expenditures. Prior to
application and again prior to acceptance, the Village will review the grant agreement to
ensure matching requirements are reasonable and attainable, and ensure compliance with
regulatory requirements is possible.
5. Monitoring changes - the Village will monitor changes in key revenues on, at a minimum,
a quarterly basis, and report on significant changes in collections or emerging trends.
E. Operating Expenditure Policies'
It is important that the Village maintain an adequate and effective cost analysis and containment
1. Public Stewardship — the Village shall maintain a level of expenditures which will provide
for the public well being and the safety of the residents of the community.
2. Current resources — the Village shall strive to pay for current operating expenses from
available operating revenues.
3. Full cost allocation — the Village budget shall reflect the full cost of providing services
and avoid practices which balance current costs at the expense or detriment of future
years, such as deferring or postponing necessary expenses.
4. New programs and services — the Village should avoid the implementation of new
programs or services without the identification of a dedicated revenue stream to pay for
5. Employee Staffing — the Village shall allocate staff and resources necessary to safely,
effectively and efficiently meet the needs of its citizens. Any changes to staffing and
resource levels shall be consistent with the overall goals and priorities of the Village
6. Employee pension plans — the Village shall provide for the responsible and timely funding
of required employee pension plans in accordance with accepted actuarial standards and
F. Capital Investment Policies'
The capital assets of the Village and their condition are critical to the quality of services provided
and are therefore an important part of determining whether the needs and priorities of
stakeholders can be met. The Village maintains a 5 year capital improvement plan which serves
as an integral part of budget preparation.
Village of Lemont
Budget Policy
Adopted: November 28, 2011
1. Capital replacement - the budget shall provide a systematic approach for the replacement
of Village equipment and infrastructure which include funding replacement of these assets
over their anticipated useful life. The Village should assess the issues, challenges and
opportunities affecting the provision of capital assets in the future, including community
needs and priorities, the impact of deferred maintenance, funding issues, changes in
technology, and any legal or regulatory changes.
2. Capital project proposals — the Village should include project cost estimates for the
Capital Budget that are based upon a thorough analysis of the project and are expected to
be as reliable as the level of detail known about the project.
3. Operating cost impact - Proposals shall include all reasonable attainable cost estimates for
operating and maintenance costs necessary for the life cycle of the asset.
4. Comprehensive resource plan — the plan should include the amount and type of resources
required, a timeline, and financing strategies to be employed. The resources should be
differentiated by phase of the project, where applicable.
5. Budget cost — capital projects will be budgeted at the full estimated cost of completing the
project, or unique phase for larger projects, in the year the project is expected to be started.
6. Contingencies — the Village shall include a reasonable amount for contingencies for each
project award in the budgeted amount. The amount set aside shall correspond with
industry standards and shall not exceed 10 %.
7. Multi year projects — capital projects that are not expensed during the budget period may
be re- budgeted or carried over to the next fiscal period. Multi -year projects with
unexpended funds will be carried over to the next fiscal period.
8. Capital project funding - A capital project will not be budgeted unless there is a
reasonable expectation that funding is available.
G. Investment and Debt Policies'
The Village investment and debt issuance policies are designed to maintain a strong financial
condition and incorporates the following principles:
1. Asset Preservation — Preservation and safety of assets is a higher priority than return on
investments. Therefore, the Village will seek a reasonable return on its investments while
also preserving the original capital investment. The Village maintains an Investment
Policy, approved by the Village Board of Trustees and updated annually.
Village of Lemont
Budget Policy
Adopted: November 28, 2011
2. Debt Issuance — the Village will strive to keep a strong bond rating by monitoring and
improving its financial stability. Before debt is issued, consideration will be given to:
a. Whether the revenue stream is available to repay debt.
b. Alternate methods of financing.
c. Whether it would not be cost effective to delay issuing debt.
H. Reserve Policies'
The Village will maintain adequate reserves in order to reduce the potential need to borrow to
fund operations or abruptly reduce services during periods of economic downturn or other
emergencies. It will also place resources into reserve for long -term capital needs and pension
obligations. To accomplish these goals, the Village has specified specific reserve requirements in
several funds. These detail requirements are incorporated in the Village Fund Balance Policy.
1. See the following Village Policies at www.Iemont.il.us:
a. Village Revenue and Cash Management Policy
b. Village Purchasing Authority Policy
c. Village Capital Asset Policy
d. Village Investment Policy
e. Village Debt Policy
f. Village Fund Balance Policy