R-06-99 01/25/1999TO:
V . C . 6
Village of Lemont
418 Main Street
Lemont, IL IL
State of Illinois
Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
Local Tourism and Convention Bureau Grant Program
Sue Fierce, Tourism Grants Manager
FROM: Village of Lemont
President Richard Kwasneski
Be it resolved that:
The Village of Lemont hereby acknowledges the Chicago Southland Convention and Visitors
Bureau as o . Convention and Visitors Bureau of record for the marketing and promotion of
the touris intustry.
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Date: /-02S—
2304 173rd Street • Lansing. IL 60438 -6006
708 - 895 -8200 • Toll Free 888 -895 -8233 • Fax 708 - 895 -8288
website: http: / /www.Lincolnnet.net /Chicago- Southland -CVB
January 5 , 1999
President Richard Kwasneski
Village of Lemont
418 Main Street
Lemont, IL 60439 -3788
Dear President Kwasneski:
As you know, The Chicago Southland Convention and Visitors Bureau represents the Village of Lemont and
59 other south and southwest suburbs of Chicago. As the official marketing organization for our region, our
mission is to create a positive image as a viable destination site for conventions and meetings, group tours,
sporting events and leisure visitors. Though we are funded from a variety of sources, including memberships
and portions of the hotel/motel room tax, our largest funding comes through our Local Tourism Grant Program
from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs.
The state grant dollars we receive from DCCA are dedicated to sales and marketing activities which fulfill
our goal in securing future business to our many attractions, restaurants, hotels, recreational facilities, festivals
and events. These efforts are important in creating jobs for our area.
As part of our Fiscal Year 2000 state certification process, the state requires the Bureau to submit a
letter from each of the 60 municipalities designating the Chicago Southland CVB as their Convention
& Visitors Bureau agency of record.
For your convenience, we have enclosed an acknowledgment letter, ready for your signature. Please sign and
return the original to our office in the enclosed envelope by February 28 or sooner if possible. We will then.
include your letter with our certification request which will be mailed to DCCA. (Please do not send your
letter directly to DCCA.)
Should you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to call either myself or
Sally Abell, CPA, Executive Vice President, at 708 - 895 -8200.
Richard, on behalf of the Board of Directors , we sincerely appreciate your support and look forward to our
continued marketing partnership.
Enclosures: 1. Acknowledgment letter (for your signature)
2. Addressed stamped envelope (for return of letter)
3. Last years copy of acknowledgment letter
4. Value of Being a Marketing Partner
2304 173rd Street • Lansing. IL 60438 -6006
708 -895 -8200 • Toll Free 888 -895 -8233 • Fax 708 -895 -8288
website: http : / /www.Lincolnnet.net/Chicago- Southland -CVB
The Value of Being a
(designating the Bureau as your "Convention Bureau/Agency of Record ")
The Chicago Soutland Convention and Visitors Bureau is a regional sales and marketing
organization, representing the South and Southwest Suburbs of Chicago. The Bureau's mission is
to establish an image for this region and to market it as a destination or venue of choice for
conventions and small meetings, group tours, and leisure visitors. This marketing partnership is
composed of communities who have designated the Chicago Southland Convention and Visitors
Bureau as their "convention bureau/agency of record." Among the benefits communities
participating in this marketing partnership receive are the following:
Marketing Opportunities
* As a Bureau member, your festival and events are eligible for listing /inclusion in all
state and regional publications;
* Your municipality will also be listed in the Bureau's annual Visitors Guide, designed to
attract visitors to our region (150,000 copies distributed);
* Coverage of pertinent and timely municipal activities in the Bureau's newsletter
"Crossroads" (over 1,000 copies distribution four times annually);
* Inclusion of historical societies and nature centers (at no cost) in our publication
* Access to various Bureau cooperational promotional programs including cooperative
advertising programs (regional, consumer, trade promotions);
* Access to borrowing the Bureau's small table top display unit for promotional purposes;
* Eligible for telephone referrals over the Bureau's 888 toll -free line.
Additional Membership Benefits
* Eligible to participate in the Bureau's Local Grants program (semi - annually, grants are
awarded for promotional projects; includes a grant writing seminar);
* Invitation to participate in networking and social opportunities;
* Invitation to participate in educational programs, workshops and seminars;
* Eligible for technical advisory assistance for local/municipal attractions and other
travel - related resources (e.g., development of community brochures).
The Chicago Southland Convention and Visitors Bureau appreciates your community's
involvement in our marketing partnership. From time to time, there may be other programs
announced to which you will be invited to attend and/or participate in; we look forward to those
mutual opportunities. We value this marketing partnership and thank you.
rev 4/98