R-15-02 02/25/02RESOLUTION R.s o--
WHEREAS, the Village of Lemont seeks to restore a historic structure located in the
Recreation Bowl, referred to as "The Castle"; and
WHEREAS, the Village has requested State funding to assist in the restoration of the
structure; and
WHEREAS, the Illinois Department of Commerce & Community Affairs (DCCA) has
provided grant funding in the amount of $80,000 for the Village to undertake this effort.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village President is authorized to
execute the grant agreement with the Illinois Department of Commerce & Community Affairs
attached hereto as Exhibit A.
on this 25th day of February , 2002.
John Benik
Debby Blatzer
Peter Coules
Connie Markiewicz
Steven Rosendahl
Jeanette Virgilio
Approved by me this 25th day of February , 2002.
IAZZA, Village
Mr. John Piazza
Village President
Village of Lemont
418 Main Street
Lemont, IL 60439 -3708
Re: Grant No. 00- 122261
Dear Mr. Piazza:
February 9, 2002
FEB I 1 2002
Enclosed is your fully executed copy of the grant agreement
between your agency and the Department of Commerce and Community
Affairs (DCCA). Please retain this copy in your files for reference
during the administration of the grant and for future audit and
monitoring purposes.
If you have any questions regarding your grant agreement,
please contact your DCCA Grant Manager.
cc: DCCA Grant Manager
Pam McDonough
Internet Address http:ffwww.commerctetate.il.us
620 East Adams Street
Springfield, Illinois 62701
James R. Thompson Center
100 West Randolph Street. Suite 3-400
Chicago. Illinois 60601
2171782 -7500 3121814-7179
FAX:2171785 -6454 T00:8001785 -6055 FAX:3121814 -6732 10060001419 -0667
607 East Adams Street 2309 Woet Main. Suite 118
Springfield,lllinoie 62701 Marion, Illinois 62959
2171785.2800 6181997-4394
FAX:2171785 -2618 700:2171785 -0211 FAX:6181997 -1829 100:8001526 -0844
Printed on Recycled and Recyclable Paper
Notice of Grant Award No. 00- 122261
This Grant Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement ")
is entered into between the Illinois Department of Commerce and
Community Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the "Department ") and
Village of Lemont
(hereinafter referred to as the "Grantee) ". Subject to terms and
conditions of this Agreement, the Department agrees to provide a
Grant in an amount not to exceed $80,000.00 to the Grantee.
Subject to the execution of this Agreement by both parties,
the Grantee is hereby authorized to incur costs against this
Agreement from the beginning date of 03/01/2002 through the ending
date of 02/28/2004. The Grantee hereby agrees to use the funds
provided under the Agreement for the purposes set forth herein and
agrees to comply with all terms of this Agreement.
This Agreement includes the following sections, all of which are
incorporated into and made part of this Agreement:
I. Budget
II. Special Grant Conditions
III. Scope of Work
IV. Program Terms and Conditions
V. General Provisions
VI. Required Certifications
Under penalties of perjury, the undersigned certifies that the name,
taxpayer information number and legal status listed below are correct.
If you are an individual, enter your name and SSN as it appears on your
Social Security Card. If completing this certification for a sole
proprietorship, enter the owner's name followed by the name of the
business and the owner's SSN. For all other entities, enter the name
of the entity (as used to apply for the entity's EIN) and the EIN.
Name: Village of Lemont
Taxpayer Identification Number:
SSN /EIN: 366005968
01/10/2002 13:39:54 - 1 -
Legal Status (check one):
Owner of sole proprietorship
Tax - exempt hospital or
extended care facility
Corporation providing or
billing medical and /or
health care services
Corporation NOT providing or
billing medical and /or
health care services
xGovernment entity
Nonresident alien individual
Estate or legal trust
Foreign corporation
partnership estate or trust
Other - not - for - profit
The Grantee acknowledges that the individual signing below is authorized
to execute this Agreement and that such signature constitutes the
acceptance of this Agreement.
Village of Lemont
John F. Piazza, Village President
Print or Type
By: �'Q✓ t .1) Dr)cv - 7 -
Pam McDonough, Director ,� Date
Grantee Address:
418 Main Street
Lemont, IL 60439 -3708
Auth Signator: John Piazza
Phone: (630) 257 - 1590
Please indicate any changes below
The following is designated as administrator for the Grantee:
Gary C. Holmes, Village Administrator
Auth Signator:
12/27/2001 13:54:16
- 2 -
Village of Lemont
Budget Item State Grant
Materials $6,800
Paving /Concrete /Masonry $68,270
Site Preparation /Demolition $4,930
i Total $80,000
The Grantee is required to have an audit conducted as provided in Part V,
Section 5.4C, Audit Requirements. The audit must include a Revenue
(Receipt) and Expenditure Statement comparing budgeted amounts with
actual for this grant. The audit must also include a compliance component
that covers, at a minimum, the following items:
• did the Grantee complete the activities described in the Scope of Work
(Part III) within the grant term
• did the Grantee obtain prior written approvals from the Department for
material changes from the performance of the activities described in the
Scope of Work (Part III)
• did the Grantee expend grant funds within the grant period specified in the
Notice of Grant Award
• did the Grantee adhere to the grant Budget (Part I); if not, variances
should be identified
• did the Grantee obtain prior written approvals from the Department for any
material variances in its expenditure of grant funds
• did the Grantee adequately account for receipts and expenditures of grant
• if applicable, did the Grantee return grant funds to the Department in
accordance with the provisions of the Grant Agreement
• are amounts reported in the Grantee's close -out package traceable to its
general ledger
XThe Grantee is not required to have an audit conducted as a condition of this
Grant Agreement; however, if the Grantee receives during the term of this
Grant Agreement (or has previously received), additional grants from the State
of Illinois for the project described in Part III hereof, the Department may
require the Grantee to have an audit conducted as provided in Part V, Section
5.4C(a)(iv) hereof.
(a) Pursuant to applicable statute(s), this grant requires sign-off by the following
State agency(ies). The status of the sign -off is indicated as of the date the grant is
sent to the Grantee for execution:
Al Illinois Historic Preservation Agency aC _
Illinois Dept. of Agriculture
X Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources _
While any external sign-off is outstanding, the provisions of Exhibit 1 apply with respect
to the disbursement of funds under this grant.
NOTE: The fact that a sign -off has been received in no way relieves the Grantee of its
obligation to comply with any conditions or requirements conveyed by the applicable
agency(ies) in conjunction with the issuance of the sign -off for the project funded
under this Agreement.
(b) For projects subject to review by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the
Grantee must, prior to construction, obtain a construction permit or "authorization to
construct" from the IEPA pursuant to the provisions of the Environmental Protection Act,
415 I LCS 5/1 et seq.
Bond Fund Projects: The Department shall authorize the State
Comptroller's Office to disburse up to 50 percent of the grant funds upon
execution of this Agreement. Disbursement of the balance of the grant
funds shall be authorized in reimbursement of costs incurred and certified
in the Quarterly Expense Reports submitted by the Grantee to the
Department as described in Section 2.5.
Non -Bond Fund Projects: /GO percent (kV %) of the grant award
will be authorized for disbursement upon the Department's execution of
this Agreement. If the amount set forth herein is less than 100% of the
grant award, the disbursement schedule for the balance of the grant award
is attached hereto as Exhibit 3.
NOTE: If external sign -offs are indicated in Section 2.2, above, disbursement of grant
funds (whether advance or scheduled) are subject to the restrictions set forth in Exhibit
1. Upon receipt of all required sign -offs, the Department's Accounting Division will be
notified to disburse grant funds in accordance with the disbursement method indicated
(b) Funding provided under this Agreement shall not be used to perform or to further
the performance of sectarian activities.
(c) Without the express written consent of the Department, no grant funds nor property
purchased with grant funds may be disbursed or conveyed respectively, to, on behalf of,
or for the benefit of, any registered lobbyist or family member of such lobbyist. as the
term is defined in the Lobbyist Registration Act (25 ILCS 170/1 etseq.).
shall use good faith efforts to recruit, develop and extend employment and contracting
opportunities to women, minorities, and disabled persons from funds received under
this grant. Nothing herein shall be deemed to modify or negate any requirement of the
Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females and Persons with Disabilities Act (30 ILCS
575/1) or any other provision of this Grant Agreement.
2.8 MULTIPLE GRANT AWARDS. If the Grantee was previously awarded a grant by
the Department to fund the project described in Part III hereof, the Department may,
pursuant to Section 5.7(c), unilaterally revise Parts I and III of the previously executed
Grant Agreement to accurately reflect all project activities and the multiple funding
sources therefor. If the Grantee receives additional grants to fund the project described
in Part III hereof subsequent to the execution of this Agreement, Parts I and III for said
grant(s) will be developed to reflect all project activities and the multiple funding
sources therefor.
2.9 FUNDING ACKNOWLEDGMENT. If requested by the Department, the Grantee
shall post signs at the project site or affix signs /decals to equipment purchased with
grant funds, which acknowledge the State as providing funds for the project. Signs not
provided by the Department must be approved by the Department prior to posting.
2.10 TERMINATION FOR CAUSE. Grantee's failure to comply with any of the terms
set forth in this Grant Agreement, shall be a sufficient basis to suspend or terminate this
Agreement and seek recovery of all grant funds disbursed to the Grantee. A failure to
comply with the terms of this Grant Agreement shall also be a sufficient basis to
suspend or terminate any other grant(s) issued to the Grantee by the Department and
to reject future grant requests for the Grantee.
DELINQUENCIES. The Grantee is required to comply with all federal, state and local
laws, including but not limited to the filing of any and all applicable tax returns. In the
event that a Grantee is delinquent in filing and /or paying any federal, state and /or local
taxes, the Department shall disburse grant funds only if the Grantee enters into an
installment payment agreement with said tax authority and remains in good standing
therewith. Grantee is required to tender a copy of any such installment payment
agreement to the Department. In no event may Grantee utilize grant funds to discharge
outstanding tax liabilities or other debts owed to any governmental unit. The execution
of this Grant Agreement by the Grantee is its certification that (i) it is current as to the
filing and payment of any federal, state and /or local taxes applicable to Grantee; and
(ii) it is not delinquent in its payment of moneys owed to any federal, state, or local
unit of government.
F. Piazz
age Presi
The Project described in Part III and funded under this Grant Agreement, is subject to
review by the external agency(ies) indicated in Section 2.2 hereof. Grantee must comply
with requirements established by said agency(ies) relative to their respective reviews.
Any requirements communicated to the Department shall be incorporated into this
Agreement as follows: (i) as an attachment to this Exhibit 1 at the time of grant
execution; or (ii) if received from the applicable agency(ies) subsequent to execution,
as an addendum to this Agreement. The Grantee is contractually obligated to comply
with such requirements.
Grantee is responsible for coordinating directly with the applicable external agency(ies)
relative to said reviews. Except as specifically provided below, the Department's
obligation to disburse funds under this Grant Agreement is contingent upon notification
by the applicable agency(ies) that all requirements applicable to the Project have been
satisfied. Upon receipt of said notification, disbursement of the g rant fun
authorized in accordance with the provisions of Section 2.3 hereof. ds shall be
Prior to notification of compliance by the applicable external agency(ies , the r
may request disbursement of funds only for the following G antee
contractual, legal, engineering, or architectural costs incurred which arenecessaary to
allow for compliance by the Grantee of requirement established by the external
(Governmental Entities)
(i) Completion of Performance. All activities described in Part III hereof, which are
chargeable to grant funds provided by this Agreement, must be completed by the grant
period end date set forth in the Notice of Grant Award.
(ii) Expenditure of Grant Funds. All grant funds provided under this Agreement must
be expended or legally obligated by the grant end date set forth in the Notice of Grant
Award. Grant funds not expended by the grant end date must be returned to the
Department in accordance with directions provided by the Department.
4.2 INTEREST ON GRANT FUNDS. The Grantee may be allowed to retain interest
earned on grant funds awarded under this Agreement, provided that:
(i) All interest earned must be accounted for and reported to the Department in the
Grantee Close -Out Package described in Section 5.4(B) herein; and
(ii) Interest may only be expended for activities which are identified in Parts I and III
4.3 REFUNDS TO THE DEPARTMENT. Any refunds (unliquidated grant balance.
interest earned on grant funds, or ineligible /improper grant expenditures) due the
Department shall be remitted by the Grantee upon demand and pursuant to instructions
issued by the Department.
(i) Grant Budget (Part I). The Grantee must obtain prior written approval from the
Department for any expenditures which materially vary from the expenditures set forth in
Part I hereof. For purposes of this Agreement, "materially vary" means any variance
within the line items set forth in Part I which exceeds 10% of the amount established
for that line item or any line item added or substituted for a line item in Part 1 hereof.
(ii) Scope of Work (Part III). The Grantee must obtain prior written approval from
the Department before changing any of the activities specified in Part III which are
chargeable to this grant. Any revision to Part III which results in the performance of
activities by the Grantee which are inconsistent with the purpose set forth in the
Appropriation authorizing the grant awarded under this Agreement are not permissible.
for all funds disbursed under this grant. The Grantee's financial management system
shall be structured to provide for accurate. current. and complete disclosure of the
expenditure of all funds provided under this Agreement. The Grantee shall maintain
effective control and accountability over all funds disbursed and equipment, property, --er
other assets acquired with grant funds. The Grantee shall keep records sufficient to
permit the tracing of funds to a level of expenditure adequate to insure that funds have
been expended in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
4.6 GRANT DELIVERABLES. The Grantee will submit the following Grant deliverables
in accordance with the Grant Agreement provisions referenced herein:
(i) Project Status and Expense Reports, if applicable (Section 2.5)
(ii) Financial Close -out Package (Section 5.4B); and
(iii) Audit (if applicable) (Section 2.1 and Section 5.4C).
ACQUISITION OF EQUIPMENT OR LAND. The Grantee shall procure all construction
and professional services, and acquire land, equipment and materials financed in whole
or in part with grant funds provided hereunder, through written, contractual
agreement(s), which specify the rights and obligations of both parties relevant to the
specified transaction.
4.8 DUE DILIGENCE IN EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS. Grantee shall ensure that grant
funds are expended in accordance with the following principles:
(i) Grant expenditures should be made in accordance with generally accepted sound
business practices, arms length bargaining, applicable Federal and State laws and
regulations, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
(ii) Grant expenditures should not exceed the amount which would be incurred by a
prudent person under the circumstances prevailing at the time the decision is made to
incur the costs: and
(iii) Grant expenditures should be consistent with generally accepted accounting
4.9 LEGAL COMPLIANCE. In addition to complying with the statutes and regulations
specifically referenced in this Agreement, the Grantee is responsible for determining the
applicability of and complying with any other laws, regulations, ordinances, etc., which
govern the Grantee's performance of the activities described in Part III hereof, including,
but not limited to purchasing /procurement rules. the Prevailing Wage Act (820 ILLS
130/0.01 et seq.) and the Interagency Wetlands Policy Act (20 ILLS 830/1 et. seq.).
A. Grantee Authority. The Grantee warrants that it is the real party in interest to this
Agreement, that it is not acting for or on behalf of an undisclosed party, and that it possesses
legal authority to apply for this grant and to execute the proposed program or project
described in Part III hereof. Grantee's execution of this Agreement shall serve as its
attestation that Grantee has read. understands and agrees to all provisions of this Agreement
and to be bound thereby. Grantee further acknowledges that the individual executing this
agreement is authorized to do so on Grantee's behalf.
B. Independence of Grantee Personnel. All technical, clerical, and other personnel
necessary for the performance required by this Agreement shall be employed, or contracted
with, by Grantee, and shall in all respects be subject to the rules and regulations of Grantee
governing its employees. Neither Grantee nor its personnel shall be considered to be the
agents or employees of the Department.
C. Grantor Authority. The Department and its payroll employees, when acting pursuant to
this Agreement, are acting as State officials in their official capacity and not personally or as
the agents of others.
D. Governing Law. This Grant is awarded in the State of Illinois for execution within the
State of Illinois. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed according to Illinois law
as that law would be interpreted by an Illinois Court. Where there is no Illinois law on a
particular subject or issue, then the applicable law will be applied as it would be if interpreted
and applied by an Illinois court.
5.2 SCOPE OF WORK. In consideration for the grant funds to be provided by the
Department, the Grantee agrees to perform the project described in Part Hi hereof and to
prepare and submit to the Department the reports and other deliverables described in this
A. Non Appropriation Clause. Payments pursuant to this Agreement are subject to the
availability of applicable Federal and State funding from the Department and their
appropriation and authorized expenditure under state law. Obligations of the State will cease
immediately without penalty or liability of further payment being required if in any fiscal year
that this Agreement is in effect the Illinois General Assembly or Federal funding source fails to
appropriate or otherwise make available sufficient funds for this grant.
The Grantee hereby is given actual knowledge of the fact that pursuant to the State Finance
Act, 30 ILLS 105/30, payments under this grant are contingent upon there existing a valid
appropriation therefor and that no officer shall contract any indebtedness on behalf of the
State, or assume to bind the State in an amount in excess of the money appropriated, u -Riess
by such Grant Closeout Package, including such action as the Department. based on its review
of the Grant Closeout Package, may direct.
In accordance with the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act, 30 ILLS 705/1 et seq., the Grantee
must, within 45 days of the expiration or termination of this Agreement, refund to the
Department, any balance of funds which is unobligated at the end of the Grant term specified
in the Notice of Grant Award. For purposes of preparation of grant closeout forms. the
determination of allowable expenditures and excess grant funds shall be based on the premise
that the total Grantee compensation under this Agreement shall not exceed the amount
specified in the Notice of Grant Award.
C. Audit Requirements. If required by Part II of this Grant Agreement, the Grantee shall be
required to have an audit conducted in accordance with the following terms:
a. State Audit Requirements:
(1) The audit shall be conducted by a certified public accountant who is licensed by
the State of Illinois to conduct an audit in accordance with Generally Accepted
Auditing Standards.
(ii) Grant funds shall be included in the Grantee's annual audit, unless the
Department authorizes the Grantee to have a grant- specific audit conducted.
(iii) Upon completion of an audit, an audit report shall be issued and the Grantee
shall provide the Department with a copy of such audit report.
(iv) The Grantee shall provide the Department with a copy of an audit report within 30
days of the Grantee's receipt of such audit report, but in no event later than nine
months following the end of the period for which the audit was performed. The
Grantee shall send the audit report to the Department at the following address:
Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs
Division of Audits
620 East Adams
Springfield, IL 62701
D. Worker's Compensation Insurance. Social Security. Retirement and Health Insurance
Benefits, and Taxes. The Grantee shall provide Worker's Compensation insurance where the
same is required and shall accept full responsibility for the payment of unemployment
insurance, premiums for Workers' Compensation, Social Security and retirement and health
insurance benefits, as well as all income tax deduction and any other taxes or payroll
deductions required by law for its employees who are performing services specified by this
A. This Agreement may be terminated as follows:
expressly authorized by law. If this is a multi -year grant, it is void by operation of law if the
Department fails to obtain the requisite appropriation to pay the grant in any year in which
this Agreement is in effect.
B. Total Amount of Grant Limited. The Grantee expressly understands and agrees that the
total financial obligation of the Department under this Agreement shall not exceed the total
grant amount set forth on the Notice of Grant Award and the Grantee agrees expressly to fully
complete the Scope of Work specified in this Agreement and all other obligations under this
Agreement within the stated total consideration.
C. Delivery of Grantee Payments. Payment to the Grantee under this Agreement shall be
made payable in the name of the Grantee and sent to the person and place specified in the
Notice of Grant Award. The Grantee may change the person to whom payments are sent, or
the place to which payments are sent by written notice to the Department signed by the
Grantee. No such change or payment notice shall be binding upon the Department until ten
(10) business days after actual receipt.
A. Records Retention. The Grantee is accountable for all funds received under this
Agreement and shall maintain, for a minimum of three (3) years following the later of the
expiration or termination of this Agreement, adequate books, records, and supporting
documents to verify the amount, recipients and uses of all disbursements of funds passing in
conjunction with this Agreement. This Agreement and all books, records and supporting
documents related hereto shall be available for inspection and audit by the Department, the
Auditor General of the State of Illinois. or any of their duly authorized representatives, and the
Grantee agrees to cooperate fully with any audit conducted by the Auditor General or the
Department. Grantee agrees to provide full access to all relevant materials and to provide
copies of same upon request. Failure to maintain books, records and supporting documents
required by this Section 5.4 shall establish a presumption in favor of the Department for the
recovery of any funds paid by the Department under this Agreement for which adequate
books, records and supporting documentation are not available to support their purported
If any of the services to be performed under this Agreement are subcontracted, the Grantee
shall include in all subcontracts covering such services, a provision that the Department and
the Auditor General of the State of Illinois, or any of their duly authorized representatives, will
have full access to and the right to examine any pertinent books, documents, papers and
records of any such subcontractor involving transactions related to this Agreement for a
period of three (3) years from the later of the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
B. Grant Closeout. In addition to any other reporting requirements specified in this
Agreement, the Grantee shall complete and submit a final Grant Closeout Package on forms
provided by the Department, within time limits established by the Department, after the
expiration or termination of this Agreement. The Grantee must report on the expenditure of
grant funds provided by the State, and if applicable, the Grantee's required matching funds.
The Grantee is responsible for taking the necessary steps to correct any deficiencies disclosed
1. Due to Loss of Funding. Obligations of the State will cease immediately without
penalty of further payment being required' if in any fiscal year the Illinois General Assembly or
Federal funding source fails to appropriate or otherwise make available sufficient funds for this
Agreement. In the event the Department suffers such a loss of funding in full or in part. the
Department shall give the Grantee written notice which shall set forth the effective date of full
or partial termination, or if a change in funding is required. setting forth the change in funding
and the changes in the approved budget.
2. For Cause. If the Department determines that the Grantee has failed to comply with
any of the terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement. or any other Agreement executed
by the Department and the Grantee, including any applicable rules or regulations. the
Department may terminate this Agreement in whole or in part at any time before the
expiration date of this Agreement. The Department shall notify the Grantee in writing of the
reasons for the termination and the effective date of the termination. Grantee shall not incur
any costs after the effective date of the termination. Payments made to the Grantee or
recovery by the Department shall be in accord with the legal rights and liabilities of the
In the event of termination for cause, Grantee shall also be subject to any other applicable
provisions specified elsewhere in this Agreement.
Termination for cause may render the Grantee ineligible for consideration for future grants
from the Department.
3. For Convenience. The Department or the Grantee may terminate this Agreement in
whole or in part when the Department and the Grantee agree that continuation of the program
objectives would not produce beneficial results commensurate with the further expenditure of
funds. The Department and the Grantee shall agree upon termination conditions including the
effective date and, in the case of partial termination, the portion to be terminated. The
Grantee shall not incur new obligations for the terminated portion after the effective date, and
shall cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible. The Department shall allow full
credit to the Grantee for the Department's share of the non - cancelled obligations. if properly
incurred by the Grantee prior to termination.
B. Suspension. If the Grantee fails to comply with the specific conditions and /or general
terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Department may. after written notice to the
Grantee, suspend this Agreement, withhold further payments and prohibit the Grantee from
incurring additional obligations of grant funds, pending corrective action by the Grantee or a
decision to terminate this Agreement. Department may determine to allow such necessary
and proper costs which the Grantee could not reasonably avoid during the period of
suspension provided that the Department agrees that such costs were necessary and
reasonable and incurred in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
A. Non - governmental entities. The Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold the Department
and /or the State of Illinois, and its officers, agents, or employees harmless from and against
any and all claims, and actions, including but not limited to, attorneys' fees, costs—and-
interest, based upon and arising out of any services performed under this Agreement by the
Grantee and its officers, employees, agents, independent contractors, subcontractors.
subrecipients, volunteers, or other associates. The Grantee shall further indemnify and hold
the Department and /or the State of Illinois and /or its officers. agents and employees
harmless from and against any and all liabilities, demands, claims, damages, suits costs. fees
and expenses incident thereto, for injuries or death to persons and for loss or damage to or
destruction of property because of negligence, intentional acts or omissions on the part of
Grantee, its officers, employees, agents, independent contractors, subcontractors.
subrecipients, volunteers or other associates, arising out of any services performed under this
The Grantee further agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless the Department, its officers,
agents and employees against any liability, including costs and expenses associated with the
violation of general, proprietary rights, copyrights or rights of privacy of third parties arising
out of the publication, translation, reproduction, delivery, performance, use or disposition of
any data developed or furnished under this Agreement or any libelous or any unlawful matter
contained therein.
B. Governmental Entities. In the event that the Grantee is a Governmental Entity, it will
indemnify and hold harmless the Department as set out herein to the extent authorized by
Federal and /or State constitutions(s) and /or laws.
C. Notice. In the event that any demand or claim relating to the transactions or activities
pursuant to this Agreement is made known to either party, the Department and /or the
Grantee will notify the other party to this Agreement in writing in an expedient manner.
A. Modifications by Operation of Law. This Agreement is subject to such modifications as
the Department determines may be required by changes in Federal or State law or regulations
applicable to this Agreement. Any such required modification shall be incorporated into and
be part of this Agreement as if fully set forth herein. The Department shall timely notify the
Grantee of any pending implementation of or proposed amendment to such regulations of
which it has notice.
B. Budget Modifications. Budget modifications shall be made in accordance with any
applicable provisions as specified elsewhere in this Agreement.
C. Discretionary Modifications. If either the Department or the Grantee wishes to modify
the terms of this Agreement other than as set forth in Sections A and B above, written notice
of the proposed modification must be given to the other party. No modification will take effect
until it is agreed to in writing by both the Department and the Grantee, except that if the
Department notifies the Grantee in writing of a proposed modification without the prior written
approval of the Grantee, failure of the Grantee to object in writing, specifying the reasons for
the objections, within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the Department's notice to the
Grantee of such proposed modification, the modification will be deemed to be approved by the
Grantee. The Department's notice to the Grantee shall contain the Grantee name, G -rant-
express written approval of the Department acting through its Director. Any assignment by
the Grantee in violation of this provision renders this Agreement voidable by the Department.
C. Severability Clause. If any provision under this Agreement or its application to any
person or circumstances is held invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, this invalidity
does not affect any other provision or its application of this Agreement which can be given
effect without the invalid provision or application.
D. Integration Clause. This Agreement, with attachments, as written, is the full and
complete agreement between the parties and there are no oral agreements or understandings
between the parties other than what has been reduced to writing herein.
E. Comptroller Filing Notice. The Grantee expressly understands that whenever applicable,
a copy of this Agreement and any modification, cancellation or renewal is required to be filed
by the Department with the State Comptroller.
F. Subcontract and Grants. The Grantee's services, duties and responsibilities specified
herein shall not be subcontracted or subgranted by the Grantee without prior written approval
of the Department, unless such subcontracts or subgrants are provided for elsewhere in this
Agreement. Any subcontracts or subgrants shall be subject to, and conform with, all
applicable State and Federal laws, and shall specifically provide that subcontractors or
subgrantees are subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
The Grantee makes the following certifications as a condition of this Agreement. These
certifications are required by State statute and are in addition to any certifications required
by any Federal funding source as set forth in this Agreement. Grantee's execution of this
Agreement shall serve as its attestation that the certifications made herein are true and
6.1 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW. The Grantee certifies that it shall comply with all
applicable provisions of Federal, State and local law in the performance of its obligations
pursuant to this Agreement.
6.2 CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The Grantee certifies that it has no public or private interest,
direct or indirect, and shall not acquire directly or indirectly any such interest which does or
may conflict in any manner with the performance of Grantee's services and obligations under
this Agreement.
6.3 BID- RIGGING /BID- ROTATING. The Grantee certifies that it has not been barred from
contracting with a unit of State or local government as a result of a violation of Section 33E -3
or 33E -4 of the Criminal Code of 1961 (720 ILCS 5/33 E -3 and 5/33 E -4).
6.4 DEFAULT ON EDUCATIONAL LOAN. The Grantee certifies that this Agreement is not in
violation of the Educational Loan Default Act (5 ILCS 385/3) prohibiting certain contracts to
individuals who are in default on an educational loan.
6.5 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (42
U.S.C. 12101 et. seq.) and the regulations thereunder (28 CFR 35.130) prohibit
discrimination against persons with disabilities by the State. whether directly or through
contractual arrangements, in the provision of any aid. benefit or service. As a condition of
receiving this grant, the Grantee certifies that services, programs and activities provided
under this Agreement are, and will continue to be, in compliance with the ADA.
6.6 DRUGFREE WORKPLACE ACT. The Grantee certifies that:
A) It is a Corporation, Partnership, or other entity (other than an individual) with 24
or fewer employees at the time of execution of this Agreement.
B) That the purpose of this grant is to fund solid waste reduction.
C) X It is a Corporation, Partnership, or other entity (other than an individual) with 25
or more employees at the time of execution of this Agreement, or
D) That it is an individual.
if Option "A" or "B" is checked this Agreement is not subject to the requirements of the Act.
If Option "C" or "D" is checked and the amount of this grant is five thousand dollars
($5,000.00) or more, the Grantee is notified that the Drugfree Workplace Act (30 ILCS 580/1
et seq.) is applicable to this Agreement, and the Grantee must comply with the terms of said
Act, as set forth below:
Grantee will provide a drugfree workplace by:
(a) Publishing a statement:
(i) Notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing,
possession or use of a controlled substance, including cannabis, is prohibited in the
Grantee's workplace.
(ii) Specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such
(iii)Notifying the employee that, as a condition of employment on such grant, the
employee will:
(A) abide by the terms of the statement: and
(B) notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation
occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction.
(b) Establishing a drug free awareness program to inform employees about:
(i) the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace:
(H) the Grantee's policy of maintaining a drug free workplace:
(iii)any available drug counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs; and
(iv)the penalties that may be imposed upon an employee for drug violations.
(c) Providing a copy of the statement required by subparagraph (a) to each employee
engaged in the performance of the grant and to post the statement in a prominent place
in the workplace.
(d) Notifying the granting agency within ten (10) days after receiving notice, under part (B) of
paragraph (iii) of subsection (a) above. from an employee or otherwise receiving actual
notice of such conviction.
(e) Imposing a sanction on, or requiring the satisfactory participation in, a drug abuse
assistance or rehabilitation program by any employee who is so convicted, as required by
Section 5 of the Drugfree Workplace Act, 30 ILLS 580/5.
Assisting employees in selecting a course of action in the event drug counseling.
treatment and rehabilitation are required and indicating that a trained referral team is it
Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drugfree workplace through
implementation of the Drugfree Workplace Act, 30 ILLS 580/5.
If Grantee is an individual, it certifies that it will not engage in the unlawful manufacture.
distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance in the performance of
this Agreement.
6.7 ANTI - BRIBERY. The Grantee certifies that neither it nor its employees have been
convicted of bribing or attempting to bribe an officer or employee of the State of Illinois, nor
has Grantee or any of its employees made an admission of guilt of such conduct which is a
matter of record as defined in the Illinois Procurement Code (30 ILLS 500/50 -5).
6.8 DISCRIMINATION /ILLINOIS HUMAN RIGHTS ACT. The Grantee certifies (i) that it will
not commit unlawful discrimination in employment in Illinois as that term is defined in Article
2 of said Act; (ii) that it will comply with the provisions of Article 5 of the Act regarding equal
employment opportunities and affirmative action; and. (iii) that it will comply with policies and
procedures established by the Department of Human Rights under Article 7 of the Act
regarding equal employment opportunities and affirmative action.
The Grantee further certifies that. if applicable, it will comply with "An Act to prohibit
discrimination and intimidation on account of race, creed, color, sex, religion, physical or
mental handicap unrelated to ability or national origin in employment under contracts for
public buildings or public works." (775 ILLS 10/0.01 et. seq.)
6.9 SEXUAL HARASSMENT. The Grantee certifies that it has written sexual harassment
policies that shall include, at a minimum, the following information: (i) the illegality of sexual
harassment; (ii) the definition of sexual harassment under State law: (iii) a description of
sexual harassment, utilizing examples; (iv) the Grantee's internal complaint process including
penalties; (v) the legal recourse, investigative and complaint process available through the
Department of Human Rights and the Human Rights Commission; (vi) directions on how to
contact the Department and Commission: and (vii) protection against retaliation as provided
by Section 6-101 of the Illinois Human Rights Act (775 ILCS 5/2-105 (B)(5). A copy of the
policies shall be provided to the Department upon request.
6.10 INTERNATIONAL ANTI- BOYCOTT CERTIFICATION. The Grantee hereby certifies that
neither the Grantee nor any substantially owned affiliate company of the Grantee is
participating or will participate in an international boycott. as defined by the provisions of the
U.S. Export Administration Act of 1979, or as defined by the regulations of the U.S.
Department of Commerce, promulgated pursuant to that Act (30 ILCS 582/1 et seq.).