R-66-08 10/27/2008Doc#: 0830403046 Fee: $144,00 Eugene "Gene" Moore Cook Co Date: 10/30/2008 01 e 03 PM P� 9 1 of 0 VILLAGE OF LEMONT ,,�� RESOLUTION NO. ' l� V r c)( - A RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR AN APPROXIMATELY 1.17 -ACRE SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT 3 MIRTA CIRCLE. (Shoup Resubdivision) ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT THIS 27TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2008 PUBLISHED IN PAMPHLET FORM BY AUTHORITY OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT, COOK, WILL AND DUPAGE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, THIS 27TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2008 1 VILLAGE OF LEMONT RESOLUTION NO. '690 a A RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR AN APPROXIMATELY 1.17 -ACRE SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT 3 MIRTA CIRCLE. (Shoup Resubdivision) ADOPTED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT THIS 27TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2008 PUBLISHED IN PAMPHLET FORM BY AUTHORITY OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT, COOK, WILL AND DUPAGE COUNTIES, ILLINOIS, THIS 27TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2008 1 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION GRANTING FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR AN APPROXIMATELY 1.17 -ACRE SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT 3 MIRTA CIRCLE. (Shoup Resubdivision) WHEREAS, Keith and Kelli Shoup are the owners of the subject property covering approximately 1.17 acres located at 3 Mirta Circle (P1N #22- 28- 403005) and legally described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein, and shown on the Final Plat of Subdivision, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the Petitioner made application under the provisions of the Lemont Zoning Ordinance for final plat approval for a two lot residential subdivision; and WHEREAS, the petitioner has submitted the following: 1. Final Plat, prepared by Associated Surveying Group, LLC; and 2. Tree Preservation Plan, prepared by Bud Wheeler, BW Consulting, six pages, dated July 28, 2008 and drawn by Associated Surveying Group, LLC, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit C. WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission of the Village of Lemont, Illinois, in accordance with Lemont Zoning Ordinance, voted to recommend approval of the petitioner's request at a public meeting on August 12, 2008; and WHEREAS, the Village Board of Trustees, having reviewed the petitioner's application, Village staff recommendations, and the record of the Planning and Zoning Commission review, finds that: 1. The proposed subdivision meets all applicable requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance, including the R -4 zoning district minimum lot width and minimum lot size. 2. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the land use and density recommendations of the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lemont that the final plat of subdivision is approved. 2 PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LEMONT, COUNTIES OF COOK, WILL, AND DuPAGE, ILLINOIS, on this 27th day of October, 2008. AYES NAYS ABSENT ABSTAIN DEBBY BLATZER PETER COULES ✓ CLIFFORD MIKLOS BRIAN REAVES ✓ RON STAPLETON ✓ JEANNETTE VIRGILIO Attest: / /�/ _it/ Ai/ „A HARLENE M. OLL N, Village Clerk Approved by me this 27th day of October, 2008 JOHN F. ' IAZZA, Villa a Pre ' nt 3 Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 5 IN MIRA SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHEAST Y. OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 11 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. m 1- E 3AIba QO0M311SV7 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN Lot 2 of the Shoup Resubdivision. Lemont, Illinois Attachments: Tree survey and recommendations from Bud Wehler, Arborist, BW Consulting Tree Preservation Plan excerpt from Lemont Unified Development Ordinance Plat of Survey including Tree Survey and Preservation markers SUMMARY: Lot 2 affords plenty of room for building given required setbacks and conservation envelopes to protect trees of significance. Outlined below is the basic framework of preserving and protecting trees of significance on Lot 2, assuming future development with a house and associated structures. This tree preservation plan is created without any current plans for construction on this site. Future buyers will be responsible for any possible future development. DETAILS: The following shows how each area of Paragraph E of the Tree Preservation Plan section of the Lemont Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) are to be satisfied in reference to Lof 2 of the Shoup Resubdivision. 1.) Attached to this plan is the survey listing the trees according to. the Lemont UDO. 2.) The lot contains a large number of trees; however, only one tree of significance (tag number 1980) will need to be considered for removal/replacement in the case of future construction. Removal of other trees not noted for preservation in part 3 below will be determined by future. builders. 3.) "Conservation envelopes" of 20 -foot radius were noted around each tree that should be preserved and protected based on Mr. Wehler's ratings. Future builders will be responsible for placing appropriate protection fencing according to the Lemont UDO. 4.) Future builders will be responsible for outlining their specific pre- construction measures. 5.) Future builders will be responsible for indicating their location of storage of spoils or materials. 6. & 7.) The survey of trees on Lot 2 was completed July 28 by arborist Bud Wehler of BW Consulting. Mr. Wehler was recommended by the Lemont Village Arborist. The trees were located and plotted by Associated Surveying Group, LLC, immediately following the survey. Completed by Keith & Kelli Shoup, owners of 3 Mirta Circle, Lemont, IL EXHIBIT C SHOOP REDEVELOPMENT — EXISTING TREE SURVEY The existing trees on this property are primarily of the following varieties: Burr Oak, White Oak, Slippery Elm and a small number of Mulberry, Silver Maple and Buckthorn. The valuable trees are the Oaks. The trees have been qualified for health, form, and desirability, by a rating schedule of 0 to 5: 0 - Dead or nearly so 1 - Poor in one or more of the qualities 2 - Below Average in one or more of the qualities 3 - Average in most of the qualities 4 - Above Average in most of the qualities 5 - Specimen with all of the qualities of the criteria Trees rated 0 through 2 may be removed. Trees rated 3 & 4 should be considered to be saved provided that they fit with a building pad and are not affected by necessary grading. Trees rated 5 should be saved. If a 5 tree impacts the placement of the house or necessary grading, it should be reviewed in relation to the other trees with the same rating. The following list of trees have been tagged with the numbered tag on the north side of the tree at the site. Comment *1 — The Burr Oak is a double trunk tree. The V created by the two trunks may be a weak joint in the future. This tree should not be near the house. It could be removed since there are better Oaks on the site. Comment *2 — The Austrian Pine has a very low rating because only the very top has any foliage. Shade has killed all the lower branches. BW Consulting Bud Wehler 7 -28 -08 Tag # 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Common Name Buckthorn Burr Oak Mulberry Slippery Elm Buckthorn Silver Maple Silver Maple Burr Oak Burr Oak White Oak White Oak Slippery Elm White Oak White Oak Slippery Elm Scarlet Oak Slippery Elm Slippery Elm Austrian Pine Slippery Elm Slippery Elm Botanical Name Rhamnus cathartica Quercus macrocarpa Morus alba Ulmus fulva Rhamnus cathartica Acer saccharinum Acer saccharinum Quercus macrocarpa Quercus macrocarpa Quercus alba Quercus alba Ulmus fluva Quercus alba Quercus alba Ulmus fulva Quercus coccinea Ulmus fulva Ulmus fulva Pinus Nigra Uhnus fulva Ulmus fulva Size Condition Comment 12" 1 13" 5 9" 2 11" 2 7" 7" 2 7" 2 19" & 24" 3 22" 5 21" 4 17" 4 10" 2 22" 5 18" 5 6" 1 25" 5 6" 1 10" 1 13" 0 11" 1 6" 1 1 *1 Tag Common Name Botanical Name Size Condition Comment 1993 Mulberry Morus alba 8" 1 1994 Slippery Elm Ulmus fulva 6" 1 1995 Slippery Elm Ulmus fulva 7" 1 1996 Slippery Elm Ulmus fulva 6" 1 1997 Slippery Elm Ulmus fulva 7" 1 1998 Slippery Elm Ulmus fulva 6" 1 1999 Austrian Pine Pinus nigra 16" 1 *2 108 White Oak Quercus alba 35" 5 109 Slippery Elm Ulmus fulva 6" 1 217 Slippery Elm Ulmus fulva 11" 2 221 Slippery Elm Ulmus fulva 9" 1 232 Slippery Elm Ulmus fulva 6" 1 233 Common Apple Malus pumila 6" 2 239 Slippery Elm Ulmus fulva 9" 0 Lemont Unified Development Ordinance this survey. The tree preservation plan shall include the following information: 1. For each tree six inches in diameter breast height (DBH) or larger, the plan shall show: a. Location b. Species c. DBH at 4.5 ft above ground level d. Condition (e.g. grades 1 thru 5 indicating overall quality of tree) 2. The plan shall distinguish between trees that are proposed to be: a. Preserved at their present location b. Removed c. Relocated d. Replaced 3. Tile plan shall identify locations ofthe required tree protection) construction envelope and erosion control fencing. 4. The plan shall indicate specific pre - construction measures, including —but not limited to— auguring, root pruning, crown reduction and mulching that are to be taken to minimize construction impact on those trees remaining on site. 5. The plan shall indicate the locations of the storage of spoils or materials. 6. Name, profession and/or licensing of the person preparing the plan. 7. Date the tree survey was conducted, scale, and north arrow. 20 -16 Associated Surveying Group, LLC Illinois Prot Design Fin No. 184-004973 P.O. Box 810 Bolingbrook, IL 60440 PH: 630-759-0205 FAX: 630 - 759-9291 PLAT OF SURVEY r LOT 5 IN MIRTA SUBDIVISION, BEING A SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 28, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 11, EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. seALa 1"= 30' IS' RUA EASEMENT IS' SIDE YARD SETBACK ID On -, 9 Tara 0 15! '' ❑ T 2 ®g Area = 23614.7610 SF (0542 ACRES) AREA = 27534.9332 SF (0.632 ACRES) State of Minds County ofWII SS 1, Michael G. Hervey, an Minds Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that 'This professional service conforms to the current Illinois minimum standards for aboundary survey", and that the Plat hereon drawn is a cannot repr is .hon ofesil survey. Dated, this 31 a day of JULY , A.D N 1 . „.. - 1: F ORK DATE: JULY 28, 2008 Illinois Professional Loud Surveyor o. 35-002900/ License Expires: November 30, 2008 (6".3.6". +e" CLIENT: SHOUP w be ns ;.+,,.._ NDIU 4 57:10 JOB NO.: 87498-08 TREE 1. Ce1pMahIt LEnL 05S TfNGI TNSFIAT WIN YOUROFP.AMIRCCT. OR - OETNE: Alan rd►ARALL REM ISAS% mLOT C010.11111114 011111300 MiVTNT1a MT WOW CONSIIWmpNANO REPORT ANY 919.9LBICE AT OHM 2 MOM LolaANDPJ9A91Ta PRE MOWN ONLY WNW TIILWAS 00 DEPICTED ON THERECOROd) 919RW9NMT. REFER TO YOLT MO. AMIIRACT, CR CSI1WICATE DE TITLE MR AsomONK ENeIIr»NCEE. 1. REARMED LOT 13•1011810110 /41115100W11 CIOIWNM TINYOMAR PROMRR01DtseP91WEEY 0.HPRtORM99. I, WNW 1.01E8 0EN0T9)VA111 ARC IBaon9 InS OTMRM1M1Nm®. MO. ALL ARCl APE TAN091TMAa!SOI1CRW NmEO. 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